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Lower semi-continuity of the Hellinger-Fisher-Rao distance

I am currently working on unbalanced optimal transport, where the Hellinger (or sometimes Fisher-Rao) distance $$ H^2(\rho,\mu)=\int_{\Omega}\left|\sqrt{\frac{d\rho}{d\lambda}}-\sqrt{\frac{d\mu}{d\...
leo monsaingeon's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Can we recover a topological space from the collection of Borel probability measures living on it?

Let $(X, \tau)$ be a topological space, and $\mathcal{P}(X, \tau)$ be the Borel probability measures living on $X$. Can we recover $(X, \tau)$ from $\mathcal{P}(X, \tau)$?
user avatar
-1 votes
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Continuity of function mapping $\mathcal{P}(\mathcal{P}(X))$ to $\mathcal{P}(X)$ [closed]

Given a topological space $Y$, let $\mathcal{P}(Y)$ be the set of all probability measures on $Y$, endowed with the weak* topology. Let $X$ be a topological space (for convenience, it might be Polish ...
user66910's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

A measure on the space of probability measures

This question was originaly posted in the stackexchange but since it only got a comment I decided to ...
Bruce Wayne's user avatar
5 votes
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Support of a Measure with Characteristic Functional Continuous in $L_p$, $1\leq p <2$?

Let $\mathcal{S}(\mathbb{R})$ be the space of smooth and rapidly decaying functions and $\mathcal{S}'(\mathbb{R})$ its dual, the space of tempered distributions. Let $\mathscr{P}$ be a probability ...
Goulifet's user avatar
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Generating the sigma algebras on the set of probability measures

I was wondering if somebody could help me see/provide a reference to the following fact: Let $X$ be a metrizable set, $\mathcal{F}$ the corresponding Borel sigma-algebra on $X$, and $\triangle\left(X,\...
Mark's user avatar
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Defining density of a random function using Radon-Nikodym Theorem

Let $(\Omega,\mathbb{F},P)$ be a probability space and $E$ be an infinite dimensional Banach space and $\mathbb{B}$ be the $\sigma$-algebra of Borel subset of $E$. Let $X$ be random function defined ...
Janak's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Reference for a strong intermediate value theorem for measures

Let $\mu$ be a finite nonatomic measure on a measurable space $(X,\Sigma)$, and for simplicity assume that $\mu(X) = 1$. There is a well-known "intermediate value theorem" of Sierpiński that states ...
Manny Reyes's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is an infinite-dimensional "Lebesgue measure" uniquely determined by a set of positive finite measure?

Let $\mu$ be a probability measure on a subset $C \subset \mathbb{R}^\infty$ of the space of sequences, and assume, for simplicity, that $C$ is closed and convex. We say that $\mu$ admits shifts if ...
Alexander Shamov's user avatar
4 votes
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For what nonnegative measures $\mu$ does $\mu*e^{-|\cdot|}\in L^{\infty}$?

I am trying to characterize all measures on $\mathbb{R}$ such that $$ \sup_{x\in\mathbb{R}} \: (\mu*f)(x)<+\infty, $$ where $f(x)$ is some specific integrable functions, such as $f(x)=e^{-|x|}$, ...
Anand's user avatar
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Reference request: density of $C_c^{\infty}(\mathbb R^d)$ in $L^2(\mathbb R^d,d\rho)$

My question is motivated by an optimal transportation approach to PDE's and gradient flows in metric spaces (see e.g Otto's geometry of dissipative evolution equations: the porous media equation and ...
leo monsaingeon's user avatar
4 votes
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PDE-Based Triangle Inequality for Optimal Transportation

Suppose $\Omega$ is a suitably regular domain in $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $\rho_0,\rho_1\in\textrm{Prob}(\Omega)$. Benamou and Brenier showed that the $L_2$ transportation distance between $\rho_0$ and $\...
Justin's user avatar
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Question about uniform continuity under Skorokhod Metric

Let $D=D([0,1], \mathbb{R})$ be the space of cadlag functions $x$ with $x(0)=0$ and $x$ is continuous on $1$. If we endow $D$ with Skorokhod Metric, see: ...
CodeGolf's user avatar
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Conditional expectation with respect to random closed sets

Short question If $X$ is a random closed set, and $Y$ is an integrable random variable, I would like a definition of the "conditional expectation" $$\mathbf{E}[Y \mid X\ni x].$$ Has this been worked ...
Jason Rute's user avatar
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Cameron-Martin theorem for non-Gaussian measures

Let $X$ be a locally convex topological linear space, and $\mathbb P$ be a probability measure on $X$. Denote the mean vector $m \in X$ and covariance operator $k : X^* \to X$. Let $\tau_u : X \to X$ ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Density of linear functionals in $L^2$

Let $X$ be a locally convex topological linear space, and let $\mathbb P$ be a probability measure on $X$. Suppose that $\operatorname{var}(\varphi) < \infty$ for all continuous linear functionals $...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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equivalence of topologies defined on $M_1$(a subspace of bounded measures on $\mathbb{R}$)

Let $\mathcal{C}:=\mathcal{C}(\mathbb{R})$ be the space of continuous functions on $\mathbb{R}$ and $\mathcal{C}_b$ its subspace consisting of bounded elements. Define for $\phi(x):=1+|x|$, $$ \...
CodeGolf's user avatar
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Probability measures on $L^p$

Let $(X,\mathcal X,\mu)$ be a fixed measure space, and suppose that $\mu$ is stationary and ergodic with respect to the (left) action of a topological group $G$. Stationarity means that $\mu = g_* \mu ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

measure with given push-forwards

Let $X,Y$ be locally compact spaces (in my specific case, they are locally compact groups). Suppose that we are given a measure $\mu$ on $X$ and a finite number of quotient maps $p_1,\ldots,p_n:Y\...
steven deprez's user avatar
12 votes
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Measure theory in nuclear spaces

Much of the literature on measure theory in linear spaces focuses on the case of normed linear spaces (e.g., the outstanding book by Vakhania, or its sequel). However, nuclear linear spaces "as far ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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What are some characterizations of the strong and total variation convergence topologies on measures?

I asked this question on StackExchange a few days ago but didn't get any response, so I thought I would try here. The Wikipedia article on convergence of measures defines three kinds of convergence: ...
user39080's user avatar
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Does this metric have an official name? Lévy metric? Ky Fan metric?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be random variables taking values in a separable metric space $(S,d)$. The metric I have in mind is $$\rho(X,Y) = \mathbb{E}[\min\{d(X,Y),1\}]$$ if $X$ and $Y$ take values in the a ...
Jason Rute's user avatar
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6 votes
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Prohorov's theorem for random elements of Hilbert space: weak convergence

Let $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},P)$ be a probability space and let $(E,\mathcal{E})$ be a separable Hilbert space ($E$) with Borel $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal{E}$. For concreteness let us set $E=L^{2}[a,b]$ ...
Nigel's user avatar
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Absolute continuity of probabilities on Polish spaces and open sets. [closed]

On a polish space $\mathcal{X}$ i consider two Borel probabilities $P$ and $Q$ such that for any open set $E$ of $\mathcal{X}$ we have : $P(E) =0$ implies $Q(E)=0$. Does this imply that $Q$ is ...
Polite's user avatar
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Is the set of the absolutely continuous functions a Borel set of the space of the continuous functions?

Does anyone knows whether the set of the absolutely continous functions $F :[0,1]\to \mathbb{R}^d$ of the form $$F(t)= a + \int_0^tf(s) ds$$ where $f$ is an integrable function is a Borel set of the ...
Theluze's user avatar
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Weak convergence in measure for negligible sets.

Let $X$ be a Polish space and $(P_n)$ a sequence of Borel probabilities which converges weakly in measure to a Borel probability $P$. By this i mean that for any $f\in C_b(X)$ which is continuous and ...
Theluze's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Convergence of probability measure and the *-weak convergence ?

Given a Polish space $X$, I note $C_b(X)$ the set of the continuous bounded functions with the norm of the uniform convergence, and $(C_b(X))^\star$ its topological dual with the $*-$weak convergence $...
Theluze's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

What is a Gaussian measure?

Let $X$ be a topological affine space. A Gaussian measure on $X$ is characterized by the property that its finite-dimensional projections are multivariate Gaussian distributions. Is there a direct ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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10 votes
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When is a space of measures a measurable space?

Let $X$ denote a measurable space, that is, a set equipped with a $\sigma$-algebra $\Sigma(X)$. Let $M(X)$ denote the space of real-valued measures over $X$. This is a vector space over the real ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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1 vote
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Linear Maps between $L^1$-spaces of singular measures

I posted the following question also here, but thought that I can get more answers in MO. Let $(\Omega,\Sigma)$ be a measurable space and $\nu_1$, $\nu_2$ two probability measures on it. For $i=1,2$, ...
Andy Teich's user avatar
2 votes
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If two probability distributions have the same weak limit and one of them satisfies Large Deviation Principle, what can we say about the other?

If the probability distribution function of two sequences of random variables have the same weak limit and one of the sequences satisfies a Large deviation principle, then does it imply that the other ...
Ritwik's user avatar
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Choice of predictable (or jointly measurable) eigenvalues and eigenvectors of nuclear-operator-valued stochastic process

Let $q^{ij}$, $i,j\in\mathbb{N}$, be predictable real-valued stochastic processes. Let $(e^i)$, $i\in\mathbb{N}$ be an ONB of a separable Hilbert space $H$. Assume that $Q=\sum_{i,j=1}^\infty q^{ij}...
user2048's user avatar
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Diffusion processes in wide generality

It is common knowledge among schoolchildren that one may define jump diffusion processes in wide generality. Hard question: What are the most general structures on which one may define something ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Is the Hausdorff metric on sub-$\sigma$-fields separable?

Let $(X,\mu,\mathcal{F})$ be a probability space. The paper Equiconvergence of Martingales by Edward Boylan introduced a pseudometric on sub-$\sigma$-fields (sub-$\sigma$-algebras) of $\mathcal{F}$ ...
Jason Rute's user avatar
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Is there a corresponding Hahn decomposition theorem for the real-valued Radon measures?

Hello, As we know that a signed measure $\mu$ on $R$ can be decomposed to the positive part $\mu_+$ and negative one $\mu_-$ by the Hahn decomposition theorem. My question is whether each real-...
Anand's user avatar
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Can singular measures be viewed as vanishing distributions? (Answer No!)

Hello, Here is my original question: let $\mu$ be a singular measure with respect to the Lebesgue's measure on $R$. Is it true that $\int \psi \mu(d x)=0$ for any test function $\psi\in C_c^\infty(R)$...
Anand's user avatar
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Borel-Cantelli lemma for general measure spaces (those with infinite measure)

The Borel-Cantelli lemma is often stated for a probability space or spaces with finite measure. But it seems to me that it still holds if the space $X$ is of infinite measure. I seem to be able to ...
nootnoot1's user avatar
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If $H$ is a separable Hilbert space, is its dual dense in $L^2(H)$?

Let $H$ be an infinite-dimensional, separable Hilbert space, and let $\gamma$ be a Radon probability measure on $H$ with mean zero and covariance operator the identity $I$. Let $H^*$ denote the space ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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7 votes
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If $H$ is a separable Hilbert space, is $L^2(H)$ separable?

Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space, and let $\gamma$ be a Radon probability measure on $H$ with mean zero and covariance operator the identity $I$. Is the Hilbert space $L^2(H,\gamma)$ separable?
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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13 votes
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What is known about the Gaussian measure of the unit ball in a Hilbert Space?

Let $X$ be an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert Space with norm $||\cdot||$ and let $\mu$ be a Gaussian measure on $X$ such that $\mu(X) = 1$. What do we know about $\mu(B(0,1))$, where $B(0,1)$ ...
RadonNikodym's user avatar
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Cyl(E) = Borel(E) for E non-reflexive Grothendieck Banach space

This is sort of a follow-up to Borel(X) = \sigma(X') for X non-separable PROBLEM: Given a Banach space $E$ over $\mathbb{K} \in \{\mathbb{C}, \mathbb{R}\}$ that has the Grothendieck property. ...
santker heboln's user avatar
9 votes
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Small crown probabilities (and infinite dimensional margin assumption)

My question is: How do I find sharp upper bounds on $P(|q|\leq \epsilon)$ uniformly over a set of gaussian polynomes $q$ of degree two. Notations and definitions (to make the question rigorous) Let ...
26 votes
3 answers

L1 distance between gaussian measures

L1 distance between gaussian measures: Definition Let $P_1$ and $P_0$ be two gaussian measures on $\mathbb{R}^p$ with respective "mean,Variance" $m_1,C_1$ and $m_0,C_0$ (I assume matrices have full ...
robin girard's user avatar
15 votes
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Disintegrations are measurable measures - when are they continuous?

This is a sequel to another question I have asked. The notion of disintegration is a refinement of conditional probability to spaces which have more structure than abstract probability spaces; ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Conditional probabilities in Banach spaces

This is the infinite-dimensional sequel to my question, Conditional probabilities are measurable functions - when are they continuous?. Let $\Omega = \Omega_1 \times \Omega_2$ be a probability space ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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17 votes
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Conditional probabilities are measurable functions - when are they continuous?

Let $\Omega$ be a Banach space; for the sake of this post, we will take $\Omega = {\mathbb R}^2$, but I am more interested in the infinite dimensional setting. Take $\mathcal F$ to be the Borel $\...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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