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Large deviation principle for product of iid bounded symmetric random variables

Let $n$ and $k$ be positive integers. Let $X$ be the empirical mean of $n$ iid Rademacher random variables. Note that the distribution of $X$ is symmetric about 0, and also $|X| \le 1$ w.p 1. Let $X_1,...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Sudakov's lower bound type inequality for supremum of Chi-squared random variables

Let $\varepsilon$ be $n$-dimensional standard Gaussian veector, i.e., $\varepsilon \sim N_n(0, I_n)$. Let $\mathcal{P}$ be a subset of symmetric projection matrices in $\mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ with $|...
De vinci's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of Witten Laplacian induced by log-concave probability measure on manifold

Let $M$ be a closed $n$-dimensional Riemannian manifold and let $\mu=e^{-V}d\mathrm{vol}_M$ be a log-concave probability measure on $M$, such that the pair $(M,\mu)$ verifies the so-called Bakry-Emery ...
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Concentration of sample covariance for dependent data

Let $X_1, \ldots, X_T$ are sub-Gaussian random vectors in $\mathbb{R}^d$ coming from a common distribution with population covariance $\Sigma$. If they are independent, it is known that the sample ...
De vinci's user avatar
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Spectral approximation of $(XX^\top/d)\circ(X\Sigma_dX^\top/d)$ where $X$ is an $n \times d$ random matrix with iid rows from $N(0,\Sigma_d)$

Let $X \in \mathbb R^{n \times d}$ be a random matrix with iid rows from $N(0,\Sigma_d)$ where $\Sigma_d$ is a $d \times d$ psd matrix verifying w.h.p, $\mbox{trace}(\Sigma_d/d)= 1$. $\|\Sigma_d\|_{...
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Asymptotic lower and upper bounds for the eigenvalues of hadamard product $W \circ W$, where $W$ is a large Wishart matrix

Let $n$ and $d$ be large positive integers with $n,d \to \infty$ such that $n/d \to \gamma \in (0,\infty)$. Let $X$ be a random $n \times d$ random matrix with iid copies of log-concave isotropic ...
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High-probability lower bound for norm of least squares solution when both design matrix $X$ and response vector $y$ are random (and independent)

Let $n,d \to \infty$ with $n/d \to \gamma \in (0,\infty)$. Let $X$ be a random $n \times d$ matrix independent rows uniformly distributed on the the unit-sphere in $\mathbb R^d$ and let $y$ be a ...
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Concentration inequalities for sets

Assume that we have a random set $B$ which is constructed by selecting elements from $U = \{ X_1, \dots, X_n \}$ where $X_i$ are independent samples from Gaussians with means $\mu_i$ and variances $\...
bolzano's user avatar
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Approximate any point of the interval $[-1/2,1/2]$ by the sum of $n$ iid uniform random variables from $[-1,1]$

Let $x \in [-1/2,1/2]$ and $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ be drawn iid from the uniform distribution on $[-1,1]$. Question. Given $\varepsilon \ge 0$ an integer $k \in [1,n]$, what is a good lower-bound on the ...
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An upper bound on $\mathbb{E}\bigg[\bigg(\sum_{i=1}^{k}(X^{\top}A_{i}X)^{2}\bigg)^{q}\bigg]$

Let $X\in\mathbb{R}^{d}$ have independent, mean zero subgaussian entries, and $A_{1},\ldots,A_{k}$ be fixed $d\times d$ matrices that have zeros on the diagonal. I would like to upper bound the ...
nemo's user avatar
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Concentration inequalities for beta random variables

Let $X$ be a random variable having a beta distribution $$f(x)=\frac{\Gamma(\alpha)\Gamma(\beta)}{\Gamma(\alpha+\beta)}x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}$$with mean $\mu=\frac{\alpha}{\alpha+\beta}$, and ...
Juan Jacobs's user avatar
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McDiarmid's Inequality bounding deviation with multiplicative error?

Fix $m$ arbitrary values $x_1, x_2, ..., x_m$ in $[0,1]$, and an integer $n$. Obtain $n$-set $S$ by drawing $n \le m$ times randomly without replacement from $\{1,2,..,m\}$. Define r.v. $X = \sum_{i ...
Neal Young's user avatar
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Mean width of intersection of two elipsoid

My question is regarding mean widths. For a set $\mathcal{T}$ define the mean width \begin{align*} \omega(T)=\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{g}\sim\mathcal{N}(0,\mathbf{I})}\bigg[\underset{\mathbf{u}\in\mathcal{...
Anahita's user avatar
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Matrices with i.i.d. Heavy tail Columns

I'm wondering if there are any known results about minimum eigenvalue of matrices with i.i.d. heavy tailed columns. In particular, Theorem 5.62 of Roman Vershynin's notes (http://www-personal.umich....
mohi's user avatar
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Intuitive (?) inequality extremal inequality

Consider $N$ pairs of random variables $(X_i, Y_i)$. $X_i$ are iid, with $EX_i=0$ and $EX_i^2=1$. The same conditions hold for $Y_i$. Moreover all $X_i$ are independent of all $Y_j$. It seems very ...
gappy3000's user avatar
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Convergence rate of Pearson correlation matrix

I am interested in (rather sharp if not the finest) tail/concentration bounds for the Pearson correlation matrix: let $X_1,\ldots,X_N \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)$ be correlated random variables; let $\rho(...
mic's user avatar
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Tail bounds for suprema of random processes

Classical results concerning concentration of Gaussian random variables due to Cirelson, Ibragimov and Sudakov say that if $V_1,\cdots,V_n$ are jointly Gaussian with variance bounded by $1$, then (...
Roy Han's user avatar
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What is the concentration of measure for Gaussian random variables which are independent, but are transformed?

This might be a too easy question for Mathoverflow, but Googling led to similar questions and answers here (though not the one I was looking for). The question is split into two: I have a matrix $X \...
kloop's user avatar
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Concentration bound in high min entropy distribution

Let $(X_{1},\dots,X_{m})$ be joint distribution on $\{0,1\}^{m}$ with that $H_{\infty}(X_{1},\cdots,X_{m})\geq m-r$, where $H_{\infty}$ means min-entropy. Let $P_{1},...,P_{n}\subseteq [m]$ be sets ...
Jiapeng's user avatar
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Sub-Gaussian analysis via bounded decomposition?

Let $\psi_\alpha(x) := \exp(x^\alpha)-1$. The Sub-Gaussian Norm $\lVert X \rVert_{\psi_2}$ of a random variable $X$ is defined as $$ \lVert X\rVert_{\psi_2} = \inf\{c>0\mid \mathbb{E}[\varphi_2(|X|/...
Mark Schultz-Wu's user avatar
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Discrepancy between probability measures, tested against bounded functions of bounded variance

When studying some concentration inequalities, it became relevant to consider the following discrepancy between two probability measures $\pi$ and $\nu$ (treating $\sigma \in \left( 0, \frac{1}{2} \...
πr8's user avatar
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Limiting value of expectation of trace of truncated Gram matrix

Let $n$ and $d$ be large positive integers such that $d/n = a \in (0,1)$, fixed. Let $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ be iid random vectors from $N(0,I_d)$. Fix $b \in (0,1]$ and a unit-vector $v \in \mathbb R^d$, ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Large-deviation inequalities for a class of simple random multivariate polynomials

Let $N$ be a large positive integer and let $[N] := \{1,2,\ldots,N\}$. For any $k$, let $K_{N,k}$ denote the collection of $k$-element subsets of $[N]$. Let $x=(x_1,\ldots,x_N)$ be a uniformly random ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Rate of convergence to uniform distribution

Let $p=(p(1),\ldots,p(N))$ be a discrete distribution on $[N]:=\{1,2,\ldots,N\}$ with full support (i.e all the $p(i)$'s are strictly positive and sum to $1$). Let $i_1,i_2,\ldots,i_T$ be an iid ...
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Composing an Orlicz norm related to Bernstein's inequality?

This is related to my previous question, but is hopefully more precise. I would like to reason about tail-bounds for polynomial products of concentrated random variables in $R:=\mathbb{R}[x]/(x^n-1)$. ...
Mark Schultz-Wu's user avatar
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Concentration of a combinatorial sum

Let $X=(x_1,\ldots,x_p)$ be an $p \times n$ random matrix with iid entries from $\{\pm 1\}$, distributed so that $\mathbb P(x_{ij} = 1) \equiv 1/2$, where $x_i=(x_{i1},\ldots,x_{in})$. Let $y$ be a ...
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Minimax estimation rate of sparse vector $w_\star$, w.r.t to mixed norm $\|\hat w_n-w_\star\| := \|\hat w_n - w_\star\|_2 + \|\hat w_n-w_\star\|_q$

Let $n,d,s$ be positive integers with $s \le d$, and let $B_0(d,s)$ be the set of all (real) $d$-dimensional vectors with at most $s$ nonzero components. Given an $n \times d$ matrix $X$ with rows $...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Lower bound on the sum of the product of random variables

Let $X_i$ be the $i$-th element of the vector $X=(X_1, ..., X_m)$ of i.i.d. random variables. I am looking for a lower bound for the expression $\mathbb{P}((\sum^n_{i=1}\prod^{m_i}_{j=1}(X_j))^2 \geq ...
Scriddie's user avatar
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VC dimension of a certain derived class of binary functions

Let $X$ be a measurable space and let $P$ be a probability distribution on $X \times \{\pm 1\}$. Let $F$ be a function class on $X$, i.e., a collection of (measurable) functions from $X$ to $\mathbb R$...
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$\newcommand\v{\operatorname{vol}_d(C}$Compact subsets of $ℝ^d$ which maximize $\inf_{|v|\le1}\dfrac{\v\cap(𝜀v+C))}{\v)}$ for fixed $\v)$ and $𝜀>0$

Let $\operatorname{vol}_d$ be the volume measure on $\mathbb R^d$ and let $B_d$ be the unit-ball. For $\varepsilon \ge 0$ and a compact subset $C$ of $\mathbb R^d$ with $\operatorname{vol}_d(C)>0$, ...
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Given iid $w_1,\dotsc,w_N \sim N(0,1/d)$ iid, find a simple matrix $A$ s.t $\|aa^T-A\|_\text{op}\to0$, where $a_i := E_{G \sim N(0,1)}[f(\|w_i\| G)]$

Let $d$ and $N$ be two large comparable integers, for example assume $$ N,d \to \infty, \quad d/N \to \gamma \in (0,\infty). $$ Let $w_1,\dotsc,w_N$ be iid from $N(0,(1/d)I_d)$ and let $f:\mathbb R \...
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Tail bounds for random Gaussian chaos?

Let $g = (g_1, \dots, g_d)$ be a sequence of independent standard Normal random variables, and suppose $\Sigma$ is a $d \times d$ (deterministic), real, symmetric, positive definite matrix. The Hanson-...
Drew Brady's user avatar
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Approximate the singular values of a certain random dot-product kernel matrix (in the sense of El Karoui, Cheng-Singer, etc.)

Let $g:\mathbb R \to \mathbb R $ be a continuous function which is "sufficiently smooth" (e.g $\mathcal C^3$) around $0$, and "sufficiently integrable" (e.g integrable w.r.t $N(0,...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Concentration inequality for matrix martingale with dynamic upper bounds

Consider a sequence of stochastic PSD matrices $X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n \in \mathbb{R}^{d\times d}$. Let $\mathcal{F}_k = \sigma(X_1, X_2, \dots, X_{k-1})$ be the natural filtration and $Y_k = \mathbb{E}[...
Y Zhou's user avatar
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Relation between the class $\mathcal{M}(m,\sigma)$ and subgaussianity

In this paper, Adamczak defines, for $m>0$ and $\sigma\geq 0$, the class of probability distributions $\mathcal{M}(m,\sigma)$ over $\mathbb{R}$ as those $\mu$ satisfying the tail conditions $$\nu^+(...
Clement C.'s user avatar
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Concentration for $\sum_{i=1}^n y_i \psi(x_i^\top u)$, for $y_1,\ldots,y_n \sim \{\pm 1\}$ and $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ uniform iid on hypersphere

Let $y_1,\ldots,y_n$ be drawn iid uniformly from $\{\pm 1\}$ and let $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ be drawn iid uniformly from the unit-sphere $(d-1)$-dimensional sphere $\mathbb S_{d-1}$, and independently from ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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(Anti-)concentration of gap between largest and second largest component of multivariate random gaussian vector

Let $n$ be a large positive integer and let $Y=(Y_1,\ldots,Y_n)$ be a zero-centered random $n$-dmensional real vector with covariance matrix $\Sigma$, an $n$-by-$n$ positive definite matrix with ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Good lower-bound for $\inf_{x \in \Delta_n} \|Gx\|$ where $G$ is an $N \times n$ random matrix with iid entries from $\mathcal N(0,1/\sqrt{N})$

Let $G$ be an $N \times n$ random matrix with independent entries distributed according to a centered Gaussian with variance $1/\sqrt{N}$ and let $n/N = \lambda \in (0, 1)$. Let $\Delta_n$ be the $(n-...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Strong data-processing inequality ? Upper bound on a certain modified total-variation metric

Let $\mathcal X=(\mathcal X,d)$ be a Polish space equipped with the Borel sigma-algebra. Let $p\ge 1$ and $P_1,P_2$ be probability distributions on $\mathcal X$ such that $\max_{k=1,2}\int d(x,x_0)^...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Rate of convergence of empirical distribution with respect to Wasserstein distance induced by binary cost function

Let $\mathcal X=(\mathcal X, d)$ be a Polish space (i.e complete metric space), and let $\Omega$ be a non-empty subset. Consider the binary cost function $c_\Omega$ on $\mathcal X^2$ defined by $c_\...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Linearly independent functions evaluated at random points create full rank matrices

Assume $f_1, f_2,...,f_n: \mathbb{R}^d\mapsto\mathbb{R}^d$ are linearly independent functions. Now let $w_1,w_2,..,w_k\in\mathbb{R}^d$ be i.i.d. Gaussian random vectors distributed as $\mathcal{N}(0,\...
mohi's user avatar
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Showing that additive Gaussian noise never increases sparsity

Let $\mathbf{1}\in\mathbb{R}^d$ be the $d$-dimensional all-ones vector and let $n\sim\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2 I_{d\times d})$, show that $$ \frac{\| \mathbf{1} + n \|_1}{\|\mathbf{1} + n \|_2} \ge c \...
Yair Carmon's user avatar
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Concentration inequality for Lipschitz functions with orthogonal gradients

Let $f_j:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$ be a set of 1-Lipschitz functions for $1\leq j\leq M$. From Gaussian isoperimetry or a log-Sobolev inequality, it can be shown that $$ \mathbf{Pr}(|f_j(X)-\mathbf{...
felipeh's user avatar
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Sanov-type finite-sample bound on $KL(P\|\hat{P}_n)$

Let $P$ be a distribution on an alphabet of size $k$ and let $\hat{P}_n$ be an empirical version of $P$ via $n$ i.i.d samples $a_1,\ldots,a_n \sim P$, i.e $\hat{P}_n := (1/n)\sum_{i=1}^n\delta_{a_i}$. ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Gaussian isoperimetry for $\ell_p$ norms

Let $\gamma_n$ be the standard Gaussian measure on $\mathbb R^n$. It is well-known (e.g see Proposition 1) that for a given Gaussian volume content, half-spaces $H=\{x \in \mathbb R^n | a^Tx \le b\}$ ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Matrix Bernstein for spherical random variables

Theorem 4.1 in Tropp's Matrix Concentration Inequalities provides an exponential concentration inequality for the spectral norm of a matrix $Z = \sum_i \gamma_i B_i $, where $\gamma_i$ are an i.i.d. ...
VHarisop's user avatar
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Limiting law of quadratic functions of sample averages

Let $X_1,\cdots,X_n$ be independent centered univariate random variables. Let also $\{w_{ij}\}_{i,j=1}^{k,n}$ be a set of deterministic scalar weights, where $k\ll n$. Define sample averages $$ \...
Yining Wang's user avatar
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Are Outer Products of Sub-Gaussian Vectors Sub-Exponential?

Conner DiPaolo's user avatar
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Anti-concentration bounds for folded normal and inverse of gaussian variables

Are there any easy to use bounds on sums of the following kind : $$ \sum_{i = 1}^{i = N} |a_i| \geq P \\ a_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1) \\ $$ and also for sums of the form : $$ \sum_{i = 1}^{i = M} \...
Govind Gopakumar's user avatar
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Tail bound without independence

Suppose $X_i , X_j\in \mathbb{R}^d$ are gaussian vectors and $A$ is an $n\times n$ symmetric PSD matrix where $A_{ij} = f(\|X_i-X_j\|_2), \quad i,j\in 1,\ldots,n\;$ for some non-negative Lipschitz ...
ie86's user avatar
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