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Questions tagged [local-rings]

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Examples of stretched artinian local ring

In Sally's Paper stretched artinian local ring is defined as : Let $(R, \mathfrak{m})$ be an Artin local ring of length $\lambda.$ If $\nu$ is the embedding dimension of $R$, that is, $\nu$ is the ...
SKS's user avatar
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initial and terminal objects in local rings [closed]

in a class gave me the concept of initial and terminal object. I started to look for this objects in different categories. I already proved that $\mathbb{Z}$ is initial and the zero-ring is terminal ...
Luis's user avatar
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if $R$ is Noetherian local with a finite module of finite injective dimension and if "?" , then $R$ is "Gorenstein"

I know that if $R$ is Noetherian local with a finite module of finite injective dimension, then $R$ is Cohen-Macaulay. Can one add assumptions on $M$, so that $R$ be Gorenstein or Complete ...
user 1's user avatar
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Open idempotents in modules over a local ring

Let $R$ be a local ring. By an open idempotent I mean an $R$-module $F$ equipped with a homomorphism $e : F \to R$ such that $e \otimes F = F \otimes e$ is an isomorphism $F \otimes F \cong F$ (this ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Is $\mathrm{Hom}_R(M,R)\neq \mathfrak m \mathrm{Hom}_R(M,R)$ if $M \neq \mathfrak m M$ and $\mathrm{Hom}_R(M,R)\neq 0$?

Let $(R,\mathfrak m)$ be a commutative Noetherian local ring and $M$ be an $R$-module such that $M \neq \mathfrak m M$ and $\mathrm{Hom}_R(M,R)\neq 0$. Then, is it true that $\mathrm{Hom}_R(M,R)\neq \...
Snake Eyes's user avatar
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Example of non injective module over Noetherian local ring with trivial vanishing against residue field?

Is there an example of a module $M$ over a commutative Noetherian local ring $(R,\mathfrak m, k)$ such that $\text{Ext}_R^{>0}(k, M)=0$ but $M$ is not an injective $R$-module? I know that for such ...
Alex's user avatar
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Can you suggest a good name for a local homomorphism φ:(R,m)->(S,n) of local rings with the property that φ(m)S is n-primary?

Can you suggest a good name for a local homomorphism $(R,\mathfrak{m})\stackrel{\varphi}{\rightarrow}(S,\mathfrak{n})$ of local rings with the property that $\varphi(m)S$ is $\mathfrak{n}$-primary? ...
Mahdi Majidi-Zolbanin's user avatar
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Local rings whose the endomorphism rings of E(R/J) is division ring

Let $R$ be a local ring with maximal ideal $J$. Assume that ${\rm End}_{R}({\rm E}(R/J))$ is a division ring (${\rm E}(R/J)$ means the injective envelope of $R/J$). Does $R/J$ is injective?
Najmeh Dehghani's user avatar
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Why is $M$ torsion-free?

I am studying the following article The main theorem is the Theorem 3.3. Howewer, I have the following questions about the proof: How does it help ...
Danimenru's user avatar
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Length of a module and Frobenius map

Let $(R,m)$ be a regular local ring of dimension $d$ and char $p>0.$ Let $F^e:R\longrightarrow R$ defined by $r\longrightarrow r^{p^e}$be the Frobenius map. How to compute $l(R/m^{[p^e]})?.$ I ...
Cusp's user avatar
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Are the fibers of this morphism geometrically regular?

Let $A\rightarrow B$ be a local morphism of complete noetherian rings making $B$ a formally smooth $A$-algebra. Does the induced morphism $\textrm{Spec}(B)\to\textrm{Spec}(A)$ have geometrically ...
Olórin's user avatar
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Does the normalization morphism induce isomorphism on residue fields?

The question is basically coming from the following situation: Let $C$ be an integral curve over a field $k$ (EDIT and assume that $k$ is not algebraically closed) and let $\phi\colon C^N\to C$ be the ...
FedeB's user avatar
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Modules with small support have big depth - reference wanted

Hello, I would appreciate an exact reference / proof of the following fact, which I am almost able to prove, but not really: Let $A$ be a regular Noetherian comm. ring, of finite Krull dimension. ...
Sasha's user avatar
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On the comparison of linear topologies on a local ring

Let $R$ be a local ring, $a_{\lambda}$ be a decreasing net of ideals, indexed by a directed set, such that each $a_{\lambda}$ is contained in the nilradical ideal and $\bigcap a_{\lambda}=(0)$. Then ...
Zhengyu Hu's user avatar
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Hilbert–Samuel multiplicity under hypersurface sections

Let $\newcommand{\frakm}{\mathfrak{m}}(R,\frakm)$ be a reduced Noetherian local ring of dimension $d$ and $f\in\frakm^\alpha\setminus\frakm^{\alpha+1}$ a parameter of $R$, i.e. $\dim R/(f)=d-1$. Let $...
mbert's user avatar
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Strict henselianization and branches of explicit curve at singularity

Let $A$ be a local ring, which we can assume is reduced. Let $k$ be the residue field of $A$. In the Stacks project (, I have learned some notion of the ...
babu_babu's user avatar
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Good prime ideals in tensor products of local rings

Let $L/K$ be a field extension. Let $R,S$ be two local commutative $K$-algebras and let $\varphi : R \to S$ be a homomorphism of $K$-algebras, not assumed to be local. Let's call a prime ideal $\...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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When can we decompose a multivariable p-adic power series into product of single variable power series?

Is there any known result of decomposing multivariable power series over $p$-adic field into product of single variable power series ? For example, consider the following power series in $n$ variables:...
MAS's user avatar
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Is there a characterization of r(M) by local cohomology instead of Ext

For a Noetherian local ring $(R,m)$, and a finite $R$-module $M$ with $\operatorname{depth} M=t,$ type of $M$ is defined to be $r(M):=dim_{R/m}Ext^t \ (R/m, M).$ Is there a characterization of $...
user 1's user avatar
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when there is an injection $0 \to R \to K_R$?

Let $(R,m)$ be a Cohen-Macaulay local ring which possesses the canonical module $K_R$. Then $R$ is said to be an almost Gorenstein local ring, if there is an exact sequence $0 \to R \to K_R \to C \to ...
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finiteness dimension

$R$ is a local Noetherian ring. $f_I(M)$, the finiteness dimension of a module $M$ relative to $I$, is defined in ...
user 1's user avatar
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Hochschild cohomology of commutative quotients

Notation: Let $k$ be a commutative local ring and let $HH^{i}(A,N)$ denote the $i^{th}$ Hochschild cohomology $k$-module of a $k$-algebra A with coefficients in an $(A,A)$-bi-module $N$. If $x:=\{...
ABIM's user avatar
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Rings in which every J-matrix is non-singular

Let $R$ be a ring with identity. A matrix $A=[a_{ij}] \in M_n(R)$ is called a J-matrix if for any $i$, $a_{ii} \not \in J(R)$ but for any $i \not = j$, $a_{ij} \in J(R)$. Now suppose that every J-...
Lisa K's user avatar
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The presentations of finite complete local rings

Suppose that $R$ is a commutative ring such that there is a surjection $ \pi:\mathbf{Z}_p[[T_1,\cdots,T_n]]\to R$ of rings where $\mathbf{Z}_p[[T_1,\cdots,T_n]]$ is the ring of formal power series ...
stupid boy's user avatar
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Example of a locally complete intersection ideal

Let $(R,\mathfrak m)$ be a Noetherian local ring. Definition: $I$ is called locally complete intersection ideal if $I_p$ is a complete intersection for all $p\in V(I)$. I want an example of an ideal ...
tessellation's user avatar
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Structure theorem for non-Noetherian local rings

Is there a structure theorem (like Cohen 's structure theorem) for non-Noetherian local rings? I am adding what I am looking for as someone asked in the comment. If $R$ is a local domain (not ...
mukhujje's user avatar
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what are the possible approximations for ideals

(Fix some local ring $(R,\mathfrak{m})$ over a field of zero characteristic.) Suppose an ideal $J$ is defined by some complicated formula/procedure. And there is no hope of computing it/or writing ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
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Projecting solutions of Hermitian forms over local rings

Let $R$ be a local ring (commutative and with $1$) with maximal ideal $M$, with an involution $\theta$. Let $h$ be a Hermitian form on $R^n$, i.e. $h:R^n\times R^n\rightarrow R$ such that $h$ is $R$-...
Erik Rijcken's user avatar
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Projective cover (minimal) for (derived)complete modules over Noetherian local rings exist?

Let $(R,\mathfrak m)$ be a commutative Noetherian local ring. Let $M$ be an $R$-module which is $\mathfrak m$-adically derived complete. Then, does there exist a free $R$-module $F$ and a surjective $...
uno's user avatar
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Can the completion of a local domain which is not a field be a field?

I would like to prove/disprove the following claim: Let $A$ be an equicharacteristic local domain, and denote by $\widehat{A}$ its completion with respect to its maximal ideal. If $\widehat{A}$ is ...
Don's user avatar
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When does a local Cohen–Macaulay ring admit a non-zero finitely generated maximal Cohen–Macaulay module of finite injective dimension?

Let $(R,\mathfrak m)$ be a local Cohen–Macaulay ring. Then, it is well- nown that there exists a non-zero finitely generated $R$-module of finite injective dimension; for instance $\operatorname{Hom}...
strat's user avatar
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When is Hilbert-Samuel multiplicity of a local ring non-increasing along localization at prime ideals?

For Noetherian local ring $(R,\mathfrak m)$, let $e(R)$ denote the Hilbert-Samuel multiplicity of $R$ with respect to $\mathfrak m$ (
Alex's user avatar
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Order of the symplectic group over $\mathbb{Z}/4\mathbb{Z}$ [duplicate]

Let $p$ be a prime number and $q$ some power of it. It is well-known that the order of the symplectic group $\text{Sp}_{2g}(\mathbb{F}_q)$ over the finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ equals $q^{g^2}\prod_{i=...
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Local weak factorization

This is a follow-up to question Locally toric resolutions of compactifications, answered by Jason Starr. In a series of papers (see, Jaroslaw Wlodarczyk proves ...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
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Analytic spread of an ideal after reduction

Let $(R,m)$ be a local ring and $I$ an ideal in $R.$ Let $l(I):=\dim \bigoplus_{n\geq 0}(I^n/mI^n)$ and $x\in R\setminus I.$ My question is what is the relation between $l(I)$ anf $l(I+(x)/(x))?$
tessellation's user avatar
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Meaning of the statement "$a\in I$ is a general element of $I$"

Suppose $I$ is an ideal in a Noetherian local ring $(R,m)$. In some papers I have seen the following statement: "$a\in I$ is a general element of $I$". What is the definition of general element ...
Cusp's user avatar
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Uniform Artin-Rees bound for annihilators in Noetherian local rings

Let $(A,\mathfrak{m})$ be a Noetherian local ring. If $I$ is an ideal of $A$, then by (a weak version of) the Artin-Rees lemma, there exists $j \geq 0$ such that for all $i \geq j$, $$\mathfrak{m}^i \...
Arkandias's user avatar
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Modern dictionary for "old" homological terms

I'm trying to build a little dictionary between old Homological algebra for local rings and the slightly more modern approach via derived functors. Let $X = SpecA$ be a spectrum of a local ring $(A,...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Question about Ext$^1$ in local commutative algebras

Given a local commutative (commutative only if needed...) selfinjective (non-semisimple) finite dimensional algebra $A$ over a field $K$ with enveloping algebra $A^e = A \otimes_K A^{op}$. Then $Ext_{...
Mare's user avatar
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When does $R [x]/I $ have infinitely many idempotents in special case?

At < When does $R [x]/I $ has infinitely many idempotents? >, Er_Ro asked the following question. Let $R $ be a commutative ring with identity and $R[x] $ its polynomial ring. I am looking for ...
Anderia's user avatar
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PAC field : Algebraically closed field :: ? : Henselian local ring

I'm wondering if the following exists in the world as a definition. I'll use the word "pseudo-Henselian." I'll restrict to DVRs for simplicity. I'd want to call a DVR $(R,\mathfrak{m})$ pseudo-...
Bobby Grizzard's user avatar
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How much can we say about the number of nilpotents in a finite local commutative ring?

A commutative ring is local if it has a single maximal ideal. If the ring is finite, this implies that all elements are either units or nilpotents. Further, all finite local rings have prime power ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Krull-dimension of local domain

Let $(R,{\frak m}_R)$ be a local domain (not necessarily Noetherian). That is, $R$ is integral and ${\frak m}_R$ is the unique maximal ideal of $R$. Suppose that ${\frak m}_R$ is finitely generated. ...
Pierre MATSUMI's user avatar
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maximal ideal in local subrings

Let $A,B$ be two local rings and put $\mathfrak{m}_A, \mathfrak{m}_B$ their maximal ideals. Now suppose that we have an injection $0 \to A \to B$ and put $\mathfrak{n} := A \cap \mathfrak{m}_B $. It ...
Srks's user avatar
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Local rings $R \subsetneq S$ with $R$ regular and $S$ Cohen-Macaulay, non-regular

Let $R \subseteq S$ be local rings with maximal ideals $m_R$ and $m_S$. Assume that: (1) $R$ and $S$ are (Noetherian) integral domains. (2) $\dim(R)=\dim(S) < \infty$, where $\dim$ is the Krull ...
user237522's user avatar
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Norm map and units in local rings

Let $$ L=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-1})\otimes_\mathbb{Q} \mathbb{Q}_3 $$ where $\mathbb{Q}_3$ denotes de $3$-adic rational numbers. Then $L$ is a quadratic extension of the local field $\mathbb{Q}_3$. ...
emiliocba's user avatar
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On the Completion of a complete local ring

Let $(R,\mathfrak{m})$ be a complete local ring, $a_{\lambda}$ be a decreasing net of ideals in $R$, indexed by a directed set. Consider the completion under $a_{\lambda}$-topology $A=\underleftarrow{\...
Zhengyu Hu's user avatar
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A Question About Free Resolutions

I would warmly appreciate it if someone could tell me whether the following question has an affirmative answer. I am new to the field of commutative algebra, so I am simply trying to fill in some (...
Leonard's user avatar
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Localization of a maximal Cohen-Macaulay module

Let $(R,m)$ be a Cohen-Macaulay local ring of dimension $d\geq 2$ and $M$ an module with depth$M=d.$ Is there any example of $M$ such that $(1)$ $M_p$ is not free for some $p\in Ass(R)$ and $(2)$...
tessellation's user avatar
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Properties of d-sequence

Let $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ is a sequence in a Noetherian local ring $R$. We say $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ is a $d$-sequence if 1) $x_i\notin (x_1,\ldots,\hat{x_i},\ldots,x_n),$ 2) for all $k\geq i+1$ and all $i\...
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