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15 votes
2 answers

Is there a category of representations of a simple Lie algebra on which its Weyl group naturally acts?

For any simple Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, is there a category $C$ of (possibly infinite-dimensional) representations of $\mathfrak{g}$ such the Weyl group $W$ of the corresponding root system acts in ...
John Baez's user avatar
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10 votes
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Fake degrees: why coinvariant algebra and classical groups over finite fields?

Apologies if this is not research level math (in that it concerns well-known stuff), but I am having trouble tracking down sources that explain the following. References would be very appreciated. ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Fixed space of maximal torus and Weyl group

Let $G$ be a compact connected Lie group and $T\subset G$ a maximal torus. Let $V$ be a representation of $G$ and $U=\{v\in V: tv=v\textrm{ for all }t\in T\}$. For any $g\in N(T)$ we have for all $t\...
Hans's user avatar
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4 votes
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Calculation with weights of $E_6$

Question: Consider the complex simple Lie group $E_6$. Let $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_6$ be the fundamental weights defining the $27$-dimensional representation $V$ and $V^*$, resp. Consider the complex ...
Claudio Gorodski's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Questions about the quotient of extended Weyl group and the isomorphism of extended Weyl group

When I am reading a paper An Algebraic Characterization of the Affine Canonical Basis by Beck, Chari, and Pressley, and I have some questions about some notations. In the paper, we assume that $\...
fusheng's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Particular reduced expression of the longest element of Weyl group

Let $I$ be the Dynkin diagram vertex set and $K$ be a proper nonempty subset of it. Let $w_0^K$ be the longest word of the Dynkin subdiagram $K$, which might be a disjoint union of connected Dynkin ...
F.H.A's user avatar
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1 answer

The orbit $(G\cdot X) \cap \mathfrak{t}$ for $X\in \mathfrak{t}$ singular

This question may be a simple problem for experts. Let $G$ be a connected compact Lie group and $T$ be its maximal torus. Let $\mathfrak{g}$ and $\mathfrak{t}$ be the corresponding Lie algebras. We ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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A combinatoric identity for characters of reductive groups

Let $G$ be a reductive group over an algebraic closed field (of char 0 if necessary). Let $T\subset G$ be a maximal torus and $S=\mathrm{Sym}^*(X(T))$ be the symmetric algebra of characters of $T$. ...
Fyy's user avatar
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Weyl group action on the Lie algebra [duplicate]

Let $W$ be the Weyl group of a complex semisimple Lie algebra $\frak{g}$. Certainly $W$ acts on the root system $R$ of $\frak{g}$ but can it be made to act on $\frak{g}$ or on the universal enveloping ...
Lorenzo Del Vecchiopontopolos's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Sum of weights of an irreducible representation of $U(N)$

Let $R$ be a finite-dimensional irreducible representation of $U(N)$, with the set of weights $W_R$. Each element of $W_R$ is a vector of length $N$ with integer entries. Firstly, I would like to know ...
Blind Miner's user avatar