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Jets of sections of vector bundles expressed by symmetrized iterated covariant derivatives - who did it first?

The (non-unique) bundle isomorphism between the bundle $J^r E$ of $r$-th order jets of sections of a vector bundle $\pi:E\rightarrow M$ and the direct sum $$\bigoplus^r_{k=0}\vee^kT^*M\otimes E\...
Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro's user avatar
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Holonomic sections $C^\infty(M)$-generate jet bundle

Given a vector bundle $E \to M$ with a corresponding $k$-th jet bundle $J^kE \to M$, denote by $j^k : \Gamma(E) \to \Gamma(J^kE)$ the $k$-th jet prolongation $(k \in \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\})$ and recall ...
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How to visualize the dual objects of jets of functions?

I work with a smooth $f: M \to \Bbb C$ and I would like to have an object mimicking the concept of "$k$-th order differential" from multivariate calculus. For various reasons that are not important ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Physical intuition for curvature on higher order frame bundles?

$\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}$A priori: I apologize if this isn't up to Mathoverflow standards, I've had very little luck getting questions on this subject answered elsewhere. I'm looking for a physics ...
R. Rankin's user avatar
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Surface terms in the calculus of variations on jet bundles

Let $\pi:N\rightarrow M$ be a fibered manifold with $m=\dim M$ and $m+n=\dim N$. The variational bicomplex on the infinite jet space $J^\infty(\pi)$ is denoted $(\Omega^{k,l}(\pi),\delta,\mathbf d)$ ...
Bence Racskó's user avatar
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How is differentiation defined on the Green-Griffiths jet bundles?

In their original paper Green and Griffiths remark that there is a differentiation operation on their jet bundles: $$ (-)' : \mathcal{J}_{k,m} \to \mathcal{J}_{k+1,m+1} $$ Which they define on p.47 ...
Ben C's user avatar
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$N$th-order approximation of point stabilizing diffeomorphisms by $N$th-order jet group?

NOTE: migrated from math SE. I was wondering if ever higher jet groups of frames on a (possibly pseudo) Riemannian manifold $M$ approximate the point stabilizing subgroup of diffeomorphisms on $M$ as ...
R. Rankin's user avatar
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Differential ideals of Pfaffian forms on jet bundles (Integrability)

(I asked this question on math.stackexchange, but got no reaction in several weeks. So, my conclusion is, that it is harder to answer than I thought, and maybe admissible for the attribute 'research ...
cknoll's user avatar
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Multivalued solution of PDE ${v_{xx}v_{yy}-v_{xy}^{2}}={(1+v_{x}^{2}+v_{y}^{2})^2}$

Let's start with a definition: Definition: A scalar k-th order differential equation on a smooth manifold $M$, is $F(x,v,\frac{\partial {^\left | \sigma \right |}v}{\partial x^\sigma })=0 $ for $\...
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Are affine maps (wrt to a connection), which preserve a tensor field, given by a PDE?

Let $(M, \nabla)$ be a manifold together with a connection on $TM$ and let $T$ be a tensor field on $M$. Suppose the pseudogroup $\Gamma$ of locally defined smooth maps, that simultanously preserve ...
hase_olaf's user avatar
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Torsion free connection $\implies$ Jet coordinates $=$ Taylor expansion coefficients?

Suppose we have some smooth n-dimensional manifold $M$ endowed with basis 1-forms $\theta^a$ with $a=1\cdots n$. Then $\theta^a$ are sections of the coframe bundle $F^* M$. In local coordinates ($x^a$ ...
R. Rankin's user avatar
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Codimension of cusp singularities in the space of 2-jets

In trying to prove Cerf's theorem about homotopies between Morse-functions I ended up thinking about the following problem. For $n>2$, $a= (a_{i,j})\in GL(n-2)$, we define the polynomial map $C_a:\...
Overflowian's user avatar
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Notation for jet bundles of mixed order?

This question is motivated by the consideration of linear control systems in Brunovsky normal form. The idea is that you have $m$ smooth functions with unconstrained dynamics, and the control input ...
Jeanne Clelland's user avatar
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Negatively curved jet pseudometrics from jet differentials: understanding a proposition by Green-Griffiths

In the paper by Green and Griffiths Two applications of algebraic geometry to entire holomorphic mappings (Proposition 2.5) it is proved that a jet pseudometric can be constructed on a projective ...
Francesco Genovese's user avatar
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Jet spaces for maps with constraints

Lets be in the category $\mathbf{M}$ of smooth finite dimensional manifolds with smooth maps: Suppose we have the set of all smooth maps $Hom_\mathbf{M}(R^n,M)$ from $R^n$ to a smooth manifold $M$. ...
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