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What are the possible $L^{\infty}$ closures of an integration-invariant linear subspace of $C([0,1],\mathbb{R})$?

Let $S \subset C([0,1],\mathbb{R})$ be an $\mathbb{R}$-linear subspace that is invariant under the $T := \int_0^x$ integration operation: if $g \in S$ then the function $f = Tg$ defined pointwise by $...
Vesselin Dimitrov's user avatar
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The curse of dimensionality of the Kolmogorov–Arnold neural network

The Kolmogorov–Arnold neural networks (KAN), Ziming Liu et al., KAN: Kolmogorov–Arnold Networks is inspired by the Kolmogorov–Arnold representation theorem (KA theorem). Though it is not proved in the ...
Hans's user avatar
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Rate of uniform approximation by piecewise constant functions

Definitions and Notation: Fix a positive constant $M>0$ with positive integers $m,n$ and the standard orthonormal basis $e_1,\dots,e_n$ of $\mathbb{R}^n$. For every positive integer $N$, define the ...
ABIM's user avatar
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On mollifiers acting between $L^2$ and Sobolev spaces

(I'm reposting here this question from MSE as it didn't receive any answer for two weeks.) Consider a sequence of finite lattices in $\mathbb{R}^n$ defined by $$L_k= [-k,k]^n \cap 2^{-k}\cdot \mathbb{...
S.Z.'s user avatar
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Approximation of functions in $L^p(R^d;L^\infty)$

Assume that the function $f(x,y)\in L^p(R^d;L^\infty(B_R))$ with $1<p<\infty$, where $B_R:=\{y\in R^d: |y|\le R\}$. Can we find a class of functions $f_n\in C_b^2(R^d;L^\infty(B_R))$ such that $$...
Wenguang Zhao's user avatar
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approximating differentiable functions with double trigonometric polynomials

Let $Q = [0,1]^2$. For sake of notation, let $$ f^{(i,j)}(x,\xi) = \frac{\partial^{i+j}}{\partial x^i \partial \xi^j}f(x,\xi). $$ Fix some non-negative integer $k$. Moreover let $f\in C^k(Q)$ if $$ \|...
Doofenshmert's user avatar
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On different norms of the interpolating operator

Let $[a,b]$ be an interval in real line . Given any function $f:[a,b]\to \mathbb R$ and set $A \subseteq [a,b]$ of size $n+1$, there exists a unique polynomial $p_{f,A,n}(x)$ of degree $n$ such that $...
user521337's user avatar
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Hilbert spaces that include algebraic polynomials

This question is motivated by a phrase I found in several books/papers about approximation theory, for example, M.J.D.Powell's Approximation Theory and Methods: ''Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a Hilbert space ...
FDK's user avatar
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Metric entropy of mixed norm spaces with exponent-free bounds

Suppose $\mathcal{F}\subset L^p([0,1]^d)$ is a subset with the following property: The $L^q$-covering number of $\mathcal{F}$ is independent of $q$, for all $1\le q\le\infty$. An example of $\mathcal{...
chrisv's user avatar
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Feller semigroups and fractional operators

Have Feller semigroups been used to investigate the properties of the Cauchy problem associated with the fractional Laplacian (just like they have been used to study local degenerate second order ...
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