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9 votes
3 answers

Examples of combinatorial problems where the only known solutions, or most "natural" solutions, use representation theory?

In Solution of two difficult combinatorial problems with linear algebra, Robert Proctor presents two simply stated combinatorial problems, and gives solutions to them using a linear algebraic approach ...
9 votes
1 answer

Current state of the art in geometric complexity theory

I came across this interesting question from almost 7 years ago: What are the current breakthroughs of Geometric Complexity Theory? My question is quite simple: Have there been any breakthroughs in ...
Bobby-John Wilson's user avatar
24 votes
0 answers

Revising the proof of CFSG

This is an oft-quoted excerpt from John Thompson's article "Finite Non-Solvable Groups": “... the classification of finite simple groups is an exercise in taxonomy. This is obvious to the ...
semisimpleton's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

What are immediate applications of the classification of connected reductive groups?

After years of putting it off, I finally sat down, read, and understood the classification of connected reductive groups via root data. That's a non-trivial theory! I'm hoping that now that I am done ...
Tim Phalange's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Prominent examples of $q$-analogs without known cyclic sieving

The cyclic sieving phenomenon is nicely summarized in the following AMS Notices "What is...?" article: In that article, Reiner, Stanton, and White ...
14 votes
8 answers

Applications of the idea of deformation in algebraic geometry and other areas?

The idea of proving something by deforming the general case to some special cases is very powerful. For example, one can prove certain equalities by regarding both sides as functions/sheaves, and show ...
40 votes
6 answers

What motivations for automorphic forms?

Automorphic forms are ubiquitous in modern number theory and stands as a mysterious Graal lying at the intersection of many fields, if not building valuable bridges between them. However, since this ...
8 votes
1 answer

Steps in Geometric Complexity Theory

GCT purports to provide a program to show that $NP \not \subset P/poly$. At the high level what are the steps involved in the program and what stage is each step in? What difficulties currently are ...
Turbo's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

What are the current breakthroughs of Geometric Complexity Theory?

I've read from Wikipedia about Geometric Complexity Theory (GCT) which (if I understood correctly) is a program for coping with the $ P=NP $ problem using algebraic methods. That program seems ...
21 votes
14 answers

Applications of Representation Theory in Combinatorics

What are the examples of interesting combinatorial identities (e.g. bijection between two sets of combinatorial objects) that can be proved using representation theory, or has some representation ...
46 votes
2 answers

Open problems/questions in representation theory and around?

What are open problems in representation theory? What are the sources (books/papers/sites) discussing this? Any kinds of problems/questions are welcome - big/small, vague/concrete. Some estimation ...
23 votes
4 answers

What information is contained in the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials?

The Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials contain all kinds of representation theoretic (and other kinds of) informations. For example the character of a simple module over a Lie algebra with Weyl group $W$ ...
20 votes
7 answers

Things that should be positive integers...really?

Kronecker. Nuff said. Even the numbers themselves historically started as positive integers and were subsequently generalized to hell and back. Here are some other well known concepts that "should" ...
38 votes
7 answers

Lie group examples

I'm looking for interesting applications of Lie groups for an introductory Lie groups graduate course. In particular I'd like to hear of non-standard examples that at first sight do not seem to be ...
7 votes
5 answers

applications of Plancherel formulae

I've learned a few things about harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups recently and the amount of effort that goes into the proof of the Plancherel formula seems overwhelming. Of course it has led ...
Vít Tuček's user avatar
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69 votes
20 answers

Fun applications of representations of finite groups

Are there some fun applications of the theory of representations of finite groups? I would like to have some examples that could be explained to a student who knows what is a finite group but does not ...