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Why is this a local constant sheaf

If a group $G$ acts on a topological space $M$, and a representation of $G$ on a vector space $V$, why $M \times_G V$ is a local constant sheaf over $M/G$?
HYYY's user avatar
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Cohomology of a space with coefficients in a Lie group?

The following is a very naive construction, and I am almost embarrassed to ask questions about it. Suppose I have a connected simple graph $\Gamma = (\Gamma_0,\Gamma_1)$ (i.e., vertex set, edge set) ...
John Klein's user avatar
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computing homotopy type

I'm trying to construct a computer algorithm that decides, whethear a map is homotopically trivial and came to the following question: Let U by a connected closed hypersurface of dimension n-1 that is ...
Peter Franek's user avatar
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Connecting two hypersurfaces in R^{n+1} by embedded curves

Let $M^n$ be a smooth closed embedded hupersurface in $\mathbb R^{n+1}$. Denote by $D$ the bounded connected component of $\mathbb R^{n+1}\backslash M$. We assume that $\mathbb R^{n+1}\backslash D$ is ...
Entaou's user avatar
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Weight filtration for smooth analytic manifolds

In his ICM 2002 talk (Topology of singular algebraic varieties, available also on arXiv) B. Totaro says on p. 3 (of the arXiv version): "Using the method of Guillen and Navarro Aznar I was able to ...
algori's user avatar
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PL or projective PL map on the links of a PL manifold

Let $M$ be a PL manifold and $f: M\rightarrow M$ be a PL homeomorphism. Suppose that $f(x)=x$ for some vertex $x$. Is the restriction map of $f$ on the links of $x$ also PL? Someone claims that this ...
yeshengkui's user avatar
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disagreement between two definitions of the singular boundary map

Hi everyone, I have a little problem with the definition of singular boundary map in singular homology theory. It appears to be some disagreement between two authors. The first one is Hatcher in his '...
Dan's user avatar
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Extensions of discrete groups by spectra

If $G$ is a discrete group, recall that a (naive) $G$-spectrum consists of based $G$-spaces $E_n$ together with based $G$-maps $\Sigma E_n \to E_{n+1}$, where we give the suspension coordinate the ...
John Klein's user avatar
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Alternative approaches to the universal coefficient theorem

Let $A$ be a chain complex of free $R$-modules over a PID $R$, and let's assume $A$ has finite cohomological type, by which I mean $H^\ast(A)$ is finitely generated in each dimension and $0$ for large ...
Greg Friedman's user avatar
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d-refining covering of normal space

If $X$ is normal, it is well known that for any open-covering $(U_i)$ of $X$, there exist closed subspaces $F_i$ and $G_i$ and an open subspaces $O_i$ such that $$F_i\subset O_i\subset G_i\subset U_i\...
MyIsmail's user avatar
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Some questions on the intersection theory on a Hilbert scheme of points of a surface.

If $\Sigma$ is a smooth complex curve in a smooth projective surface $X$, then we can consider the homology class represented by $\Sigma^{[n]} \subset X^{[n]}$. $\ \ $ Where, $X^{[n]}, \Sigma^{[n]}$ ...
James O's user avatar
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good covers and simplicial maps

Let $X$ be a paracompact topological space and choose a good cover $U_i$ of $X$. Remember that a good cover is one that consists of open subsets, such that each set $U_i$ is contractible and all ...
Ulrich Pennig's user avatar
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Question on coverings and and their classifying spaces [closed]

Hello. I have a question on covering spaces. Please let each space be paracompact, path-connected, locally path-connected and semi-locally simply connected. Let $E\to B$ denote a normal covering ...
user13624's user avatar
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Krull dimension in equivariant cohomology

Let a compact Lie group $G$ act on a manifold $X$. Let $\mathbb Q$ be the field of rational numbers and assume that cohomology $H^{\ast} (X)$ with $\mathbb Q$-coeffiecients is finite-dimensional. ...
Alexander Lytchak's user avatar
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bounded cohomology of subgroups of groups

Let $G$ be a discrete group and K a subgroup of G . denote by $(\hat{H_K})^i$ the bounded cohomology groups of $K$ , and by $(\hat{H_G})^i$ the bounded cohomology groups of G. then $(\hat{H_K})^i$ ...
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symbol map in algebraic K theory

I have a smooth projective morphism $X \to S$ or relative dimension 1 (i.e. a family of smooth curves over base $S$). There should be a map $H^2(X, K_2) \to H^1(S, K_1) = Pic(S)$ given by integration ...
Vladimir Baranovsky's user avatar
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on variable and primitive cohomology of a hypersurface in a projective space

I have a smooth hypersurface D in $\mathbb{P}^n$: in many books about Hodge theory (as the ones of Voisin and Carlson) they take for granted that the primitive cohomology of D is equal the variable ...
rick's user avatar
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Geometric interpretation of higher simpicial homotopy groupoids.

As a geometric interpretation of the simplicial fundamental groupoid, resp. its equivalent relation I thought about something like arcwise differentiable (or arcwise linear) paths modulo "we can go ...
Tim's user avatar
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Characterising singular homology among a more general class of cosimplicial spaces

Is there a way to characterise (up to isomorphism) the cosimplicial spaces $F: \Delta \to \underline{\text{Top}}$ with $F( \underline{n}) \subset \mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ compact and $F(\underline{0})$ a ...
Joshua Seaton's user avatar
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Truncated exact sequence of homotopy groups

This is a question about a name of a very useful lemma, that permits one in particular to show that smooth birational complex projective varieties have isomorphic fundamental groups. If this lemma ...
Dmitri Panov's user avatar
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Decomposition of simplicial G-set?

Let $G$ be a simplicial group. Let $X$ be a simplicial $G$-set,i.e. for each level, $X_n$ is a $G_n$-set. Can $X$ be written as a union of finite (or finite type) simplicial $G$-subsets? Here "finit ...
Gao 2Man's user avatar
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Changing the orientation of a Landweber exact cohomology theory

Let the ring R be a MU*-module via a ring homomorphism φ and suppose it satisfies the condition of the Landweber exact functor theorem such that we obtain a ...
Johan's user avatar
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The topological realization functor reflect coequalizers ?

Reading the book of Goess-Jardine or of Gabriel-Zisman on the simplicial homotopy there are coker presentation of the boundary $\partial\Delta^n $ of the elementary simplex $\Delta^n $ or the horn $\...
Buschi Sergio's user avatar
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Fixed point indices of simplicial maps

Let $K$ be a simplicial complex and let $f:K \to K$ be a simplicial map. Assume the existence of an embedding $\iota: K \hookrightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$ of this complex into Euclidean space and note ...
user24459's user avatar
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What is the current knowledge of equivariant cohomology operations?

In Caruso's paper, "Operations in equivariant $Z/p$-cohomology,", he shows that the integer-graded stable cohomology operations in $RO(\mathbb{Z}/p)$-...
Bill Kronholm's user avatar
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Reference request: splittings in rational homotopy theory

It is well known that for simply-connected rational spaces, every suspension splits as a wedge of rational spheres and every loop space splits as a product of rational Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces. ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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Homeomorphism between base of conifolds and spheres

Hello Call $Y^4$ a conifold which satisfies the following condition: $\mathfrak{Y}(z):=\sum_{\alpha=1}^{3}(z_{\alpha})^{2}=0,$ where $z_\alpha \in \mathbb{C}$. Now intersect $Y^4$ with $S^5$ to ...
Alireza's user avatar
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Homotopy injection between the unit ball in the Euclidean n space and an n-dimensional metric AR

Let $D^n$ be the closed unit ball in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Given a compact, $n$-dimensional, AR(Absolute Retract) metric space $X$, must it happen that either $X$ embeds in $D^n$ or $D^n$ embeds in $X$? ...
Pedro Perez's user avatar
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Fundamental group of the complement of a conic-line arrangement

This is a problem concerning a lemma in Oka's paper "On the fundamental group of the complement of a reduced curve in $\mathbb{P}^2$". Let $C$ be a curve in $\mathbb{P}^2$ and $L$ be a general line ...
Fei YE's user avatar
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Number of generators of the fundamental group of a Riemannian manifold with Ricci curvature bounded below

Is there a constant $C(n,D)$ such that for any closed Riemannian manifold $M$ with $Ric \ge -(n - 1)$ and $\mathrm{diam} \le D$, the fundamental group $\pi_1(M)$ is generated by at most $C(n,D)$ ...
jiangsaiyin's user avatar
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Smooth manifold with non-trivial inertia group? (wrt homotopy spheres)

Let $\Theta_n$ be the set of orientation-preserving diffeomorphism classes of homotopy spheres, with abelian group structure given by #. Then for any smooth manifold $M^n$ one defines the "inertia ...
William's user avatar
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Is the total space of Fiber bundle bordant to 0 if the fiber is null bordant?

Assume F is null bordant. Does it imply that the total space of fiber bundle $F\hookrightarrow E\to M$ is null bordant? in particular what if $F$ is sphere?
J. GE's user avatar
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Topology of Asymmetric Symmetric Products

Let $X_1,...,X_m$ be connected, simply-connected CW sub-complexes of a CW complex $X$. Let the symmetric group on $m$ letters, $S_m$, act on $P:=X_1\times\cdots\times X_m$ in $X^m$ by permuting ...
Sean Lawton's user avatar
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Ignore this question [closed]

This question is a hacky way to create some tags for you to use. Move along.
Anton Geraschenko's user avatar
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Only finitely many fundamental groups in $M(n,k,v,D)$?

Let $M(n,k,v,D)$ denote the class of compact manifolds with $Ric \ge \left( {n - 1} \right)k,vol \ge v,diam \le D$.In 1990,M.Anderson proved that "There are only finitely many fundamental groups among ...
jiangsaiyin's user avatar
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equivariant singular homology

Let $M$ be a smooth $G-$manifold, where $G$ is a compact Lie group. From the result of S.Illman that $M$ admits an equivariant triangulation. Moreover, we can construct the equivariant singular ...
yang xiang-dong's user avatar
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Again about Bing's house with two rooms [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to show that the “bing’s house with two rooms” is contractible? I don't know why my question is closed? here, I make my question clearly, when "hollowing ...
gylns's user avatar
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Homology of abelian groups and their finite-index subgroups

Fix some $1 \leq k \leq n$. I'm looking for finite-dimensional vector spaces $M_{n,k}$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ on which $\mathbb{Z}^n$ acts such that the natural map $H_k(\ell \mathbb{Z}^n,M_{n,k}) \...
Ron's user avatar
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pairs of matrices up to similiarity and vector bundles over punctured torus

I would like to construct 2D vector bundles over the punctured torus, but I don't know a lot of K-theory. Over the square, there can only be the trivial bundle, but now since $\pi_1(\mathbb{T}^2\...
john mangual's user avatar
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Is function from topological group to metric space Borel?

Let $G$ be a pseudometrizable compact abelian topological group, $X$ a compact metric space and $f:X\rightarrow G$ a continuous bijective function. Suppose there exists $g\in G$ such that if $d_{G}(...
FelipeG's user avatar
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Invariant Ideals in Split Hopf Algebroids

Given a split Hopf algebroid $(S,\Sigma)=(S,S\otimes B)$ over $K$, Ravenel leaves as an exercise the proof of the following: An ideal $J\subset S$ is invariant under the action of the group $\mathrm{...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
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Topological self-maps of smooth complex hypersufaces in complex projective spaces

This questions if related to a cute article of Beauville where he proves in particular the following theorem: Theorem.− A smooth complex projective ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Increased connectiviry of cross-effect functors on simplicial modules

I'm trying to write an expository manuscript on Bousfield-Kan's Fiber lemma and the relevant constructions. The proof of one needed theorem in the way seems to claim the following: if $F$ is a functor ...
Or Hershkovits's user avatar
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Does the group completion theorem apply to the James construction?

In other words, is the natural map $M \to \Omega B M$, for $M=JX$ the James construction on a space, a group completion? (By "group completion" I mean at the level of homology, I am aware of the space ...
Justin Young's user avatar
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Are evaluation maps for sections of a fiber bundle weak homotopy equivalences?

Given a fiber bundle $p:E\to B$ and a point $x\in B$, is the evaluation map $\varepsilon:\Gamma^0(E)\to p^{-1}(x)$ defined by $\varepsilon(\sigma):=\sigma(x)$ a weak homotopy equivalence when $\Gamma^...
Martin Worsek's user avatar
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When a quasifibration is a Hurewicz fibration?

In studying quasifibration I have a question. When a quasifibration $F\to E\to B$ is a Hurewicz fibration? If $F,E$ and $B$ are CW-complex, it is right?
Jino's user avatar
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k-theory of $\mathbb{Z}$

I have a doubt. Borel computed the rank of the higher algebraic k-theory of $\mathbb{Z}$: $rank(K_n)(\mathbb{Z})= 1$ if $n\equiv1 mod4$, otherwise this rank is equal to 0. On the other hand Bjorn ...
Luis Jorge's user avatar
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ball in universal cover belongs to the union of actions on a section?

M is an n-dim manifold. $\pi :\tilde M \to M$ the universal cover of M. $\tilde p \in \tilde M$ a lift of p. We choose a measurable section $j:{B_1}\left( p \right) \to {B_1}\left( {\tilde p} \right)$,...
jiangsaiyin's user avatar
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Leray-Hirsch for HOMOLOGY?

Let $E\to B$ be a fibre bundle. The Leray-Hirsch theorem states under suitable assumptions, the cohomology of $E$ is an $H^*(B)$-module generated by suitable cohomology classes in $E$. Is there any ...
Guangbo Xu's user avatar
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Posets of finite sequences are highly connected

I need the following result for an example in a paper I'm writing. It's easy enough to prove, but I'd prefer to just give a reference. Does anyone know one? Fix $1 \leq k \leq n$. Define $X_{n,k}$ ...
Andy Putman's user avatar
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