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Is degree a "strict -transform" birational invariant for surfaces in the complex projective 3-space?

(Edit) My question is as follows: My previous question was about a kind of "strict-transform birational" invariant not birational invariants as usual. So I just delete the question since it ...
ask1question's user avatar
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smooth algebras and triviality of de Rham complex

Hi, Let $R$ be a $\mathbb Q$-algebra and let $A$ be a smooth $R$-algebra. If $A$ is a polynomial algebra $A = R[T_1,\dots,T_n]$, then it is easy to see that the natural map $R \to \Omega^\bullet_{A/R}...
Nicolás's user avatar
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Self-intersections of trigonometric polynomials

Suppose that $p(t) = a_0 + a_1 \cos(t)+ b_1 \sin(t) + a_2 \cos(2t) + b_2 \sin(2t)$ is a quadratic trig polynomial with complex coefficients. Assume that $a_2$ and $b_2$ are not real multiples of the ...
Brian Lins's user avatar
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Singular fibers of Kodaira dimension

I will be pleased if someone could give me some good reference to understand Singular fibers of Kodaira type. In fact I_6, I_3 and A_1. Thanks
user13559's user avatar
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Why projective flat with connected and reduced fibers are Stein morphisms?

Let $f:X\to S$ be a projective flat morphism with connected and reduced geometric fibers. Why do one have that $O_S\to f_* O_X$ is an isomorphism?
Workitout's user avatar
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Why is multiplication with a scalar no global morphism?

Given a smooth projective surface $S$ over an algebraically closed field, a sheaf rings or algebras $R$ on $S$ and a simple left $R$-module $M$, i.e. $Hom_R(M,M)=k$.Then we have $Hom_R(M,M(-i))=H^{0}(...
TonyS's user avatar
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Constructing invertible sheaves out of actions of finite groups

Let $X$ be a quasiprojective algebraic variety over $\mathbb{C}$ with structure sheaf $\mathcal{O}_X$ and let $G$ be a finite group which acts freely on $X$. The quotient $Y = X/G$ is thus a ...
R McOwen's user avatar
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Dieudonne functor on truncated Barsotti-Tate groups

Let X/k be a smooth scheme over a perfect field of characteristic p. Is the Dieudonne functor inducing an equivalence of categories between truncated Barsotti-Tate groups and truncated Dieudonne ...
user12770's user avatar
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Universally open morphism with reduced fibers.

Hi. I asked in the last post if, for a flat morphism $f:X\rightarrow S$ of complex spaces with reduced fibers and $S$ reduced, $X$ is reduced or not. In the algebraic setting, Liu said that the ...
kaddar's user avatar
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Non-regular (Non-coherent) subdivisions of a polygon.

There are many papers and books which study about the regular subdivision of a convex lattice polytope. My question is about "Non"-regular subdivisions of a 2-dimensional convex lattice polygon. I ...
Jessie's user avatar
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multiplicity under specialization

Let $C$ be a projective non-singular curve defined over a field $K$ with the characteristic zero. Let $y,z$ be non-constant rational functions defined $K$ such that $y$ is defined at all poles and ...
vu viet's user avatar
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surjectivity of reduction for schemes smooth over Henselian base?

If $S$ is a Henselian local scheme with closed point $v$ and $X$ a smooth $S$-scheme, then it is well known that the canonical map $X(S) \rightarrow X(v)$ is surjective. Suppose now that $Y$ is ...
David Holmes's user avatar
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cohomological dimension for coarser/finer topologies

Given a sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ with respect to some Grothendieck topology, is the cohomological dimension for this sheaf less than or equal to the cohomological dimension of a finer topology? Example: $...
user12832's user avatar
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Do infinitesimal neighbourhoods help to compute the inverse images of coherent sheaves?

Let $i:Z\to X$ be a closed embedding of (projective) varieties; $S$ is a coherent sheaf on $X$. How could one compute $H^*(Z,i^\ast S)$ (I don't know whether I should write $H^\ast (Z,i^{-1}S)$ ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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The hypergeometric pullback conjecture

Here arXiv:math/0510287, Golishev proposed the following conjecture: The hypergeometric pullback conjecture. Let $X$ be a Fano variety. Then,for any constituent $C$ of the quantum D-module $Q$ there ...
Alexander Cruz's user avatar
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Is there a notion of "fibered category with boxproducts"?

Is there a notion of fibered category with box products? By this I roughly mean a fibration $C\rightarrow B$ where $B$ has finite products, along with functors $$\boxtimes: C(X)\times C(Y)\rightarrow ...
Jan Weidner's user avatar
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Action of SL(V) on P(V) and on vector bundles

Hi, i have some questions: how $SL(V)$ acts on the projective line $\mathbb{P}(V)$ where $V$ is a k - vector spaces of dimension 2. And the same question for action of $SL(V)$ on structure sheaf $O, ...
Thang's user avatar
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Equalizers for morphisms of connected varieties with marked points

I recently began to study some aspects of varieties with marked points, and I tried to understand their categorical collective behaviors. Here is one issue that I was not quite able to see ...
Jinhyun Park's user avatar
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Question about $\Delta(n)_{U}$ notaion in illusie's cotangent compelexe et deformations

In illusie's book cotangent complexe et deformations, 38page, the notation $\Delta(n)_{U}$ appears, and I cannot find the direct explanation or hint about meaning of this notation in this book. I ...
keaton's user avatar
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A simple(possibly trivial) question about Grothendieck Topologies

Let $C$ be the category of sets. Define coverings {$U_i\to U$} to be jointly surjective maps, i.e. $U$ is the union of the images of $U_i$. Then if $F$ is a sheaf of sets on $C$, is it clear that $F(\...
Rex's user avatar
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signature of $Pic(X)$

Let $X$ be a $K3$ surface and $\sigma$ an antisymplectic involution on $X$ and so $X$ is algebraic. 1.Why the signature of $Pic(X)$ is $(1,\rho -1)$? (This is well known but I cant find any direct ...
user13559's user avatar
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Closure of Petri locus

Let $X$ be an stable genus four curve obtained by gluing a hyprelliptic genus three curve at two points which are not hyperelliptic involution of each other. This curve corresponds to a point on the ...
marker's user avatar
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How can one compute the cohomology of $i'^*C$, for $i':\mathbb{A}^{N-1}\setminus \{0\}\to \mathbb{A}^{N}\setminus \{0\} $?

For an (etale or 'topological', constructible bounded) complex of sheaves $C$ on $X'=\mathbb{A}^{N}\setminus \{0\} $, $i'$ being the embedding $\mathbb{A}^{N-1}\setminus \{0\}\to \mathbb{A}^{N}\...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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negative even coefficients of virtual Poincare polynomials, with odd coefficients vanishing

Let $X$ be any complex projective (not necessarily smooth) variety. Let $P(X)$ be the virtual Poincare polynomial of $X$ defined by Deligne's mixed Hodge theory, that is, $$P(X)=\sum_{i,j} (-1)^{i+j} \...
Kyungyong Lee's user avatar
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Homogeneity degree one functions of a matrix argument

I am interested in homogeneity degree one (scalar-valued) functions of a matrix argument. The simplest setup is as follows. Let $X$ be a symmetric $3\times 3$ matrix with real entries. Let $f$ be a ...
Kirill Krasnov's user avatar
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Quasi-projective orbifolds and algebraic line bundles

The notion of quasi-projective orbifold is generally accepted to contain at least the following: let $X$ be a (simply-connected) complex manifold, $G$ a group acting on $X$ by biholomorphisms, and ...
Oscar Randal-Williams's user avatar
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Fibers of the secant map

Let $X\subset CP^N$ be a homogeneous (or perhaps just smooth) complex subvariety and let $S^r(X)$ denote its abstract $r$-th secant variety (the incidence variety in $X\times \cdots \times X\times CP^...
JM Landsberg's user avatar
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Orbits of semi-algebraic actions

Hello all, I recently came across the following Theorem in Gibson (Singular points of smooth mappings, 1979). Since I haven't seen this result somewhere else and this reference is not so widespread, ...
Bart's user avatar
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weakly defective variety

Could anyone give us some references on weakly defective varieties? Could anyone explain some good methods to show one variety is not weakly defective? Thank you!
mingming's user avatar
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subspace topology for functors

let $X : Ring \to Set$ be a functor (a Z-functor in the language of demazure, gabriel) and $V \subseteq X$ a locally closed subfunctor. assume that $U \subseteq V$ is an open subfunctor. does then ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Existence of smoothing of Calabi-Yau cones over $dP_{1}$ and $dP_{2}$

The blowdown of the zero section of the canonical bundle of the first del Pezzo surface $dP_{1}$, the blowup of $CP^{2}$ at one point, is a Calabi-Yau cone. I was just wondering if this cone admitted ...
user3566's user avatar
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Geometric effects of removing elements of D2n generalizable?

So, if I start with a full Dihedral group D2n to represent a regular, ideal polygon in the hyperbolic plane, then I remove an element (and any subsequently necessary elements so that it is still a ...
Taylor Matyasz's user avatar
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How looks the "land of Tamagawa numbers"?

Jonah Sinick's question here, other interesting ideas he mentioned, and Franz Lemmermeyer's remark make one think at Bloch and Kato's drawing + question. What's known or guessed about that "land" by ...
Thomas Riepe's user avatar
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Closed Model Category Structure on Chain Complexes Related to A Left-exact Functor

Let $F:A \to B$ be an additive left-exact functor of abelian categories (Do not assume that they have enough injectives / projectives.) Suppose we are given a class of objects $R$ adapted to $F$ (see ...
Mikhail Gudim's user avatar
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Can one calculate Ext's between microlocalized perverse sheaves/D-modules using topology?

So, I know one really good technique for calculating Ext's between perverse sheaves/D-modules using topology: the convolution algebra formalism, worked out in great detail in the book of Chriss and ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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What does the term "3-fold vertex" mean in enumerative geometry?

I read about enumerative geometry recently, namely something about the Gromov-Witten, Donaldson-Thomas and Pandharipande-Thomas invariants, and I was trying to see the picture. It seems like the term ...
36min's user avatar
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criteria for reduced fibres

I was wondering if it is foolish to ask if there is a criteria on a morphism $f: X \to Y$ between separated schemes of finite type over a perfect field which will assure that all the scheme theoretic ...
name's user avatar
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Another fibration with a given singular fiber class.

Let $f:X\rightarrow C$ be a fibration of complex manifold over a smooth curve $C$. Let $D$ be an irreducible component of singular fibers. How can one prove that $X$ does not admit any fibration with ...
Kim's user avatar
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Holomorphic vector fields with growth conditions on $X_\mathrm{reg}$

Let $M$ be a complex manifold with a hermitian metric (volumes and distances will be wrt this metric). Let $X\subset M$ be a complex analytic subspace of $M$ and $Y\subset X$ an analytic set ...
Samuele's user avatar
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Subtleties in the construction of base change morphisms

Given a flat and projective morphism of noetherian schemes, $f: X \rightarrow Y$ and $F$, $G$ two coherent $O_X$-modules, flat over $Y$. Furthermore given a morphism $u: Y' \rightarrow Y$ of ...
TonyS's user avatar
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Prime-ness checking for polynomial ideals over ACFs( algebraically closed fields).

Let $f_1,\ldots f_m \in k[X]$ have degrees bounded by $l$. and $I(\bar{f})$ be the ideal generated by $\bar{f}$. If $I(\bar{f})$ is not a prime ideal then its non-primeness is witnessed by polynomials ...
Uri Andrews's user avatar
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equality of intersection numbers

Consider the following situation: $X/k$ is a smooth projective geometrically connected curve with Albanese $A$ and Abel-Jacobi map $AJ: X \to A$, and $B/k$ an abelian variety. Let $\alpha \in \mathrm{...
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Literature Request: Genus Two Partition Functions

Apologies in advance for what will surely sound like a, "well why can't you just Google it" question, but I'm struggling to find good literature that presents the basic construction of genus two ...
sckavassalis's user avatar
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Are there any criteria for a presheaf which is an etale sheaf to be a sheaf in the fppf topology?

I am happy to hear answers to variants too. For instance, my situation I actually have a sheaf in the smooth topology.
David Zureick-Brown's user avatar
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Zeros of modular forms in higher dimensional cases

I have seen some results about the distribution and in particular number of zeros (in a fundamental domain) of a modular form on the upper half plane. Are there similar results about modular forms ...
Cyrus's user avatar
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Quadratic Solutions

There are quadratic solutions to $x^4+y^4 = z^4$ in $\mathbb{Q} (\sqrt{-7})$. But for equations such as $x^4+y^4 = nz^4$ where $n \in \mathbb{N}, \ n \neq 1$ do there still exist extension fields of $\...
Steven's user avatar
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Prime Fano manifolds of coindex 4 or 5.

Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}^N$ be a non-degenerate smooth complex projective variety (manifold for short). Recall that $X$ is called prime Fano if $Pic(X)=\mathbb{Z}\langle \mathcal{O}(1)\rangle$ and if ...
gio's user avatar
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Dense section of sheaves of modules

Here is something that isn't yet very clear to me. Say, I've got a commutative ring A. I consider the affine scheme from A, so it's a sheaf of rings over Spec A. EDIT: And additionally let's say ...
Jose Capco's user avatar
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Abel-Jacobi map for regular fibered surfaces.

Let $f:C\to S$ be a regular fibered surface where $S=Spec(R)$, $R=dvr$. Assume $C$ has smooth geometrically integral generic fibre $C_K$. We also assume the existence of a section $x\in C(S)$. Let $...
Fede's user avatar
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Properties of special Cayley-Bacharach bundles on a K3-surface

Assume we have a $K3$-surface $X$ over $\mathbb{C}$ and two rational curves $C_1$ and $C_2$ on $X$ with $C_1.C_2=1$ and $C_i^2=-2$. Let $x$ be a closed point on the reducible curve $C_1\cup C_2$. We ...
TonyS's user avatar
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