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A question on the Chow group on stacks

Let $X$ be a separated Deligne-Mumford stack finite type over the ground field. Then there is a Chow group $A_*(X)$ of $X$ which is well-behaved under flat pull-back, defined as follows. Let $\...
Kim's user avatar
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Intersection cycle in a product of Grassmannians

Let $G(k,n)$ denote the Grassmiannian of $k$-planes in $\mathbb C^n$. Let's define $$ I_j =\{ (\Lambda_1,\Lambda_2 ) \in G(k,n) \times G(l,n) \, | \, \dim(\Lambda_1 \cap \Lambda_2) \geq j \}. $$ These ...
Blazej's user avatar
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How to calculate the divisor given by closure of subscheme

Let $X \subset \mathbb{P}^N$ be a nonsingular projective variety over algebraically closed field which is embedded by very ample line bundle $\mathcal{L}$. Let $Y = \mathbb{P}(\mathcal{L}^{\oplus 3})$...
Doyoung Choi's user avatar
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Extending effective Cartier divisors

Let $X$ be a non-singular, quasi-projective variety (over $\mathbb{C}$) of dimension at least $3$, $D_1, D_2$ are integral effective divisors in $X$ with $D_1 \cap D_2$ of codimension $2$ in $X$. Let $...
user45397's user avatar
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A "boundary map" for the algebraic equivalence relation of cycles

In what follows by projective variety I will mean the zero locus of homegeneous polynomials in some projective space. Anyway, feel free to deal with a sufficiently good scheme if you want. Let $X$ be ...
Vincenzo Zaccaro's user avatar
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Comparison between residual intersection in Fulton's intersection theory and Aluffi's result on Milnor class

$\textbf{Question}$ I deduced that $m(A \cup B, V) = 0 $ for nonsingular variety $V$ and nonsingular hyper surfaces $A$ and $B$ whose intersection is also nonsingular. But I do not think it is true ...
Doyoung Choi's user avatar
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Are "transverse" hyperplane sections of nondegenerate irreducible projectice varieties always nondegenerate

Let $X \subseteq \mathbb{P}^n$ be a irreducible complex projective variety. It is called nondegenerate if it is not contained in a hyperplane in $\mathbb{P}^n$. Assuming $X$ is nondegenerate and ...
Carlos Esparza's user avatar
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Irreducible components: associativity for intersections?

Let $A$, $B$, $C$ be closed irreducible subvarieties of $\mathbb{A}^n$. Let $V_1$ be an irreducible component of $B\cap C$, and $V$ an irreducible component of $A\cap V_1$. Must there necessarily be ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Intersection theory in analytic geometry

This might be a weird/stupid question, but it came to me a couple of times, and I would like to get an answer for that. In some papers I read, constantly the authors define some analytic subspaces, ...
Winnie_XP's user avatar
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Intersection of curves in non-singular projective algebraic surfaces

Bezout thereom that says that two irreducible algebraic curves $C$ and $D$ in $\mathbb{P}^2_\mathbb{C}$ intersect at $nm$ points (counted with multiplicity), where $n$ and $m$ are the degrees of $C$ ...
BMS's user avatar
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On intersections of exceptional divisors

Let $X$ be a smooth, projective variety of dimension $n \ge 2$, $L$ a very ample line bundle on $X$ and $\pi: \widetilde{X} \to X$ be the blow-up along a closed subvariety of codimension at least $2$. ...
Jana's user avatar
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Intersection of plane with Segre

$\newcommand{\complex}{\mathbb{C}}$ Let $Seg \subseteq \complex^M \otimes \complex^N$ be the set of elements of the form $v \otimes w$. It is well-known that a general linear subspace of dimension $(M-...
Ben's user avatar
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What does taking the graded algebra do to the Grothendieck group, and its relation to the Chow ring?

Let $X$ be a nonsingular variety. (Perhaps some/all of this works over more general smooth schemes, but let's stick to the simple case.) In, e.g., Fulton's Intersection Theory chapter 15, and Soule's ...
peterx's user avatar
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Pinch points and dual surfaces

I am currently reading Fulton's expository lectures "Introduction to intersection theory in algebraic geometry". On pg. 4, Fulton sketches an argument of George Salmon which I don't ...
Crystallineperiodic's user avatar
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Interpretation of "27" lines for cubic surface with rational double points

It is well known that a smooth cubic surface has $27$ distinct lines. Explicitly, if we choose a planar representation, i.e., blowup $\mathbb P^2$ at $6$ general points $p_1,...,p_6$, the $27$ lines ...
AG learner's user avatar
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Intersection theory on singular varieties by embedding to smooth ones

Let $X$ be a normal complex projective variety over $\mathbb C$. In order to define the intersection product of the Chow ring, one usually requires $X$ to be smooth. How to weak the smoooth assumption ...
p-adic worker's user avatar
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Integrality of primary genus $0$ Gromov-Witten invariants of a Fano manifold

Suppose $(X,\omega)$ is a positively monotone compact symplectic manifold, i.e., after a positive scaling of the symplectic form, we have $c_1(T_X) = [\omega]$ in de Rham cohomology ($T_X$ has well-...
Mohan Swaminathan's user avatar
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Singling out irreducible components

Let $V\subset \mathbb{A}^n$ be a variety defined by equations of degree $\leq D$, or, what is the same, an intersection of hypersurfaces of degree $\leq D$. Let $V^+_0$ be an irreducible component of $...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Push-forward of divisors and intersections

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a surjective finite morphism of varieties, with $X$ normal and $Y$ smooth. Let $D\subset X$ be a divisor and $C\subset Y$ a curve. Does the equality $$C\cdot f_{*}D = f^{*}C\...
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Genus of a curve given by self intersection of a very ample line bundle

Let $X$ be a smooth, integral and projective $d$-dimensional variety over a field $k$ of characteristic 0. Let $H$ be a very ample line bundle over $X$. Assume that there exists a smooth and ...
Pickle Liobe's user avatar
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Looking for examples of not injective maps and not surjective maps of the form $ A_{k} (X) \to H_{2k} ( X , \mathbb{Z} ) $

Here:, on pages: $ 1 $ and $ 2 $, we find the following paragraph: For any scheme of finite type over a ground field ...
YoYo's user avatar
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algebraic vs rational equivalence

Are there classes of algebraic varieties for which algebraic and rational equivalence for algebraic cycles coincide? (references also appreciated)
IMeasy's user avatar
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A proper morphism restricts to a closure of a point on the generic fiber

Let $\pi:X^{e}\rightarrow Y^{d}(e\geq d)$ be a proper and dominant morphism of projective varieties over field $k$. Moreover, $Y$ is assumed to be smooth. Denote $\eta$ the generic point of $Y$, $X_\...
Makimura's user avatar
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A nontrivial surface on which any two curves intersect

One interesting property of the projective plane is that any two plane curves intersect. (More generally, if $V$ and $W$ are subvarieties of any projective space, and codim $V$ + codim $W \geq 0$, ...
Charles Staats's user avatar
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Relative canonical class of blowing-up a flag ideal

Let $X$ be a smooth complex projective variety of dimension $n$. Consider a flag ideal $I$ on $X\times \mathbb{P}^1$, namely, $$ I=I_0+I_1t+I_2t^2+\cdots+I_{N-1}t^{N-1}+(t^N)\,, $$ where $t$ is the ...
Mingchen Xia's user avatar
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Singling out lower-dimensional components

Let $V\subset \mathbb{A}^n$ be defined by equations of degree $\leq D$. (That is, $V$ is an intersection of hypersurfaces of degree $\leq D$.) Assume $V$ is not pure-dimensional. Let $V^-$ be the ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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How to compute the class defined by intersection with a square?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Gr{Gr}$Let $\Gr(k,n+k)$ (of course, one can do also for $\Gr(k,\infty)$) be the complex Grassmannian of $k$-planes in $n+k$-dimensional linear space. It is well-known that ...
Cubic Bear's user avatar
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Transversal intersection with linear subspaces

Let us work over an algebraically closed field $K$. If $X\subset \mathbb{P}^n$ is a closed subset of dimension $r$, then there should exist a linear subspace $L\subset \mathbb{P}^n$ of dimension $n-r$ ...
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
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Intersection product when one factor is contained in the exceptional divisor

I am trying to calculate some intersection numbers and would appreciate help on the following problem: Consider two divisors $D_1$ and $D_2$. Blowing up their intersection yields $\varphi^{*}(D_i) = \...
Galathea's user avatar
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How to compute the genus of the (singular) intersection of three quadratics in $\mathbb{C}P^4$?

Consider three quadratics in $\mathbb{C}P^4$: $$ x_0^2+4x_1^2+\frac{x^2_2}{4}=0,~ x_1x_4+x_2x_3=0, ~ x_0^2+x_3^2+x_4^2=0. $$ If there intersection was non-singular, then the intersection should be a ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Rank of the top Chow group

Let $X$ be a regular integal scheme of finite type over $\mathbb Z$ and assume that $X$ has dimension $d$. In general it is not known if the Chow groups $CH^q(X)$ ($q$ is the codimension) are finitely ...
Dubious's user avatar
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Upper semi-continuity of intersection numbers

Consider a smooth projective morphism of schemes $X \rightarrow S$ with relative dimension $n$ (the application I have in mind is with $S$ = an open subset of $\text{Spec } \mathbb{Z}$) and assume ...
user158892's user avatar
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Question on Kähler/ample cone, cone of curves....

Assume $X$ is smooth "simply connected" complex projective variety and $Y\subset X$ a smooth hyperplane section. ( $Y= X\cap H$, $H\subset \mathbb{P}^n$). Let's $NE(X)$ be the cone of effective 1-...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
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Polarization of an abelian variety made by the sum of two divisors

Let $X$ be an abelian variety of dimension $n$, and let $L$ be a polarization, that is, an ample line bundle on $X$, with $\chi(L)=3$. In my specific case, I have that $L=\mathcal{O}_X(\Theta + D)$, ...
TartagliaTriangle's user avatar
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Intersection numbers via residue formula

$\newcommand{\sslash}{\mathbin{/\mkern-7mu/}}$With a friend we are trying to understand residue formulas in the article "Cohomology pairings on singular quotients in geometric invariant theory&...
Nicolas Hemelsoet's user avatar
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Chow ring of Hilbert scheme of 4 points in $\mathbb{P}^2$

What is known about the Chow ring of the Hilbert scheme of length 4 subschemes of $\mathbb{P}^2$? I know there is work on cycles on Hilbert schemes in the literature, but I don't know what can be ...
DCT's user avatar
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Linear system on singular plane curve

Let $C \subset \mathbb{P}^2_k$ an irreducible plane curve of degree $d >1$ over algebraically closed field $k$. That is $C=V(f(x,y,z))$ where $f \in k[x,y,z]$ homogeneous of degree $d$. Let $\{...
user267839's user avatar
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Functoriality of Chern-Fulton's class

Let $X$ be a, possibly singular, algebraic variety embedded as a closed subvariety of a manifold $M$ with map $i : X \rightarrow M$, and $\pi : \tilde{M} \rightarrow M$ be a proper birational map with ...
Student85's user avatar
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Analytic and algebraic definitions of intersection multiplicity of two complex algebraic curves coincide

There are two definitions of intersection multiplicity of two complex algebraic plane curves. One of them is given in An introduction to algebraic curves by Griffiths. Let $t \mapsto (t^k, y(t) )$ be ...
XT Chen's user avatar
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Join of two intersecting varieties

Suppose I have two smooth projective varieties $X$ and $Y$ in $\mathbb{P}^n$, that intersect along a smooth subvariety $Z$. Is there a formula to compute the degree of the join variety $J(X,Y)$ of $X$ ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Equivalence relations among algebraic cycles

In the book 3264 and All That by Eisenbud & Harris, the authors claim that for smooth projective varieties admitting an affine stratification, the algebraic equivalence relation and the rational ...
Vincenzo Zaccaro's user avatar
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Localization of Chow groups and flat base change

For any flat morphism $f:X\rightarrow Y$, we have a flat pullback of Chow groups $$Ch^i(Y)\rightarrow Ch^i(X).$$ A particular example of this is of course an open immersion $U\rightarrow X$. In that ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Comparing the Segre classes of a cone with its abelian hull

Let $X$ be a smooth scheme, with a sheaf of graded quasi-coherent algebras $\mathcal{A}^*$, that yields a cone $C$ (in the sense of Fulton's intersection theory). Suppose that $\mathcal{A}^1$ is a ...
Maxime Cazaux's user avatar
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Schubert cycles that intersect generically transversely

Let $\mathcal{V}= 0 \subset V_1 \subset \cdots \subset V_{n-1}\subset V_n=V$, $\mathcal{W}=0 \subset W_1 \subset \cdots \subset W_{n-1} \subset W_n=W$ be two flags. We say that $\mathcal{V}$ and $\...
klerk's user avatar
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The morphisms induced by two Cartier divisors

Let X be a projective variety. We consider two Cartier divisors $D,E$ such that $E\geq D$ and the relative morphisms $\phi_D: X - - -> \mathbb{P}(H^0(X, O_X(D))^*)$ and $\phi_E: X- - -> \mathbb{...
Federico Fallucca's user avatar
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The virtual fundamental class as derived intersection

Say $X$ is a smooth projective variety and $\beta\in H_2(X)$ is a class. Then there is a finite-type proper scheme (or in general, stack) $SM : = \overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(X,\beta)$ of stable maps ...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
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Hard Lefschetz for cycles

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over a field $k$. It is known by work of Deligne, that the Lefschetz operator: $$ L^k:H^{2n-2k}\left(X_{\overline{k}},\mathbf{Q}_{\ell}\right)\to H^{2n+2k}\left(...
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What do higher Chow groups mean?

Let $z^i(X, m)$ be the free abelian group generated by all codimension $i$ subvarieties on $X \times \Delta^m$ which intersect all faces $X \times \Delta^j$ properly for all j < m. Then, for each i,...
Peter Arndt's user avatar
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How to define the intersection multiplicity of a projective variety and a complete intersection?

In the appendix of Algebaric Geometry by Hartshorne, he shows us that how Serre defines the intersection number in a more general case:$$i(X,Y;Z)=\sum(-1)^i\cdot\bigl(\operatorname{length} \...
Kai's user avatar
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Locus of linear spaces with prescribed contact order

Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}^{n}$ be a smooth projective variety of pure dimension $d$. Let $Z\subset \mathbb{G}(n-d,n)\times\mathbb{P}^{n}$ be the space of pairs $(P,x)$ of a linear space $P\cong\mathbb{P}...
Hans Sachs's user avatar

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