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An abstract zero-sum problem

I would like to know whether the problem described below has appeared in the literature and/or whether similar questions have been studied. I would be very happy to find some references or, if none ...
monkeymaths's user avatar
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Subgroups and quotients of an abelian pro-finite group

It is well known that every subgroup $H$ of a finite abelian group $G$ is isomorphic to a quotient of $G$. I'm wondering whether there is a counterpart for profinite groups. For example is it true ...
user106317's user avatar
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Abelian characters and odd perfect numbers?

This question is about applications of abelian characters to odd perfect numbers: Context and Definitions: Let $n$ be a natural number and $D_n$ be the set of divisors. We can make this set to a ring ...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
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Commuting real elements in finite groups

Let $p$, $q$, $r$ be three distinct odd primes, and $G$ a finite group with $|G|$ divisible by $p$, $q$, $r$ to the first power only. Let $x,y,z \in G$ be of order $p,q,r$ respectively. Assume (a.) $[...
Nick's user avatar
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Decomposition of finite abelian groups of even order if there is an involution

Let $G$ be a finite abelian group and $\sigma :G\rightarrow G$ an automorphism of order two ($\sigma\circ \sigma =id_G$). Denote by $F$ and $A$ the subgroups of fixed and anti-fixed points of $\sigma$ ...
Andrea Antinucci's user avatar
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Conceptual proof of fundamental theorem of finite abelian groups

I'm looking for a conceptual proof of the following statement: Lemma: Let $G$ be a finite abelian $p$-group. Let $a$ be an element of maximal order. Then $G=\langle a \rangle \times H$ for some ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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Alternating bihomomorphism is skew of 2-cocycle - relative situation

Let $G$ be a finite abelian group. It is well-known that every alternating bihomomorphism $\Omega:G\times G \to \mathbb{C}^\times$ (i.e. $\Omega(g,g)=1$) arises as the skew $\kappa/\kappa^T$ of a 2-...
Bipolar Minds's user avatar
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Is the commutator of the holomorph of generalized quaternion group abelian?

Let $Q_{2^{n}} = \langle x, y \mathrel\vert x^{2^{n-1}}=y^4 = 1, x^{2^{n-2}}=y^2, y^{-1}xy = x^{-1} \rangle$ be the generalized quaternion group of order $2^{n}$. Let $\operatorname{Hol}(Q_{2^{n+1}})$ ...
bidermeyer's user avatar
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Symmetric analogue of "alternating bihomomorphism is skew of 2-cocycle" theorem

Let $G$ be a finite abelian group. It is well-known that every alternating bihomomorphism $\Omega:G\times G \to \mathbb{C}^\times$ arises as the skew $\kappa/\kappa^T$ of a 2-cocycle $\kappa \in Z^2(G,...
Bipolar Minds's user avatar
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How many subgroups of order $\prod_{1}^{n} p_{i}^{n_{i}}$ are there in the finite product of cyclic groups?

All of the following ${p_{i},q_{i}}$are prime numbers, ${n,m,k}$ are pre-assigned integers. Consider the product of cyclic groups $\prod_{1}^{n} \mathbb Z_{p_{i}^{n_{i}}}$ then we asked the question: ...
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