Linked Questions

8 votes
3 answers

Is there a specific named function that is the inverse of $x+x^a$ for $x$ real?

This seems such a simple question that I fear I must have missed some elementary maths. I am looking for a way to solve $x+x^a = y$ by reference to an already defined function, $a,x,y > 0$ are real....
J.Ham's user avatar
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3 answers

Series solution for general trinomial

Consider the equation $x^5-2x^2+z=0$ How do you derive the Lagrange inversion theorem series solution for it? I know it exists because the answer is here for any trinomial
CarP24's user avatar
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Transcendental formulas for roots of polynomials

It is well known that there is no general formula for the roots of a polynomial of degree $\geq$ 5 solely in terms of arithmetical operations and radicals. Are there formulas using other kinds of ...
Gbj's user avatar
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What's the summation of formal series $\sum_{n\geq0}\binom{n\delta}{n}x^n$?

$\delta$ is a positive number. Is this Taylor expansion of some function?
zhouch2012's user avatar
1 vote
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Bounds on the smallest real positive root of a polynomial

I'm trying to find upper and lower bounds of the smallest positive root of a polynomial, stated in terms of its coefficients. As I appreciate it might be a very general problem, My specific interest ...
Amir Sagiv's user avatar
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How to show continuity and monotonicity of solutions to this parametrized equation?

Let $1 \le p <2$ be a parameter. Consider the equation $$ \frac{2^{p/2} (1-\sqrt{s})^p-1}{\sqrt{s}}=-2^{p/2-1}p(1-\sqrt{s})^{p-1}. \tag{1} $$ I am rather certain that for each $1 \le p <2$, ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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Showing that the inverse of a function is approximately equivalent to $\frac{1}{n^{1/\alpha}}$

I'm currently working with someone on my PhD, and last week they asked me to check that a certain approximation holds as an exercise. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to do it, and we've since ...
Andrew Larkin's user avatar
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Solutions or bounds for $x^{(1-\epsilon)/2}=1-x$

Is there a known expression for the solution of the following simple equation, or at least good bounds on the solution? Assume $\epsilon \in [0,1)$ is a given parameter and $x \in (0,1)$. $$x^{(1-\...
MCH's user avatar
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Implicit inequality

Let $A,B,d\ge 1$ and suppose that $x\ge0$ satisfies $$ x^{\frac{d+1}{d}} \le Ax+B. \qquad(*) $$ I can show that $(*)$ implies the bound $$ x< d(A^d+B). \qquad(**) $$ Questions: (1) Can a ...
Aryeh Kontorovich's user avatar
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Functional inverse of $z=1+w+\cdots+w^{n-1}$

Migrated from the MSE. I am interested in the functional inverse of $$ z=1+w+\cdots+w^{n-1},\quad w\geq0,\ n>1. $$ This function is strictly increasing on $w\geq0$ and thus admits an inverse. By ...
Aaron Hendrickson's user avatar