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Noah Schweber's user avatar
Noah Schweber's user avatar
Noah Schweber
  • Member for 14 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

How to define compatible topology for first-order structures?

3 votes

Isomorphism of a chain of structures

3 votes

Proper classes subnumerous to $V$ in a model of a Morse-Kelley related theory

3 votes

Analogue break down between complexity theory and computability theory

3 votes

Intuition behind the non-Borel Lusin example

3 votes

Can a Boolean Set Algebra be Restricted in the Analytical hierarchy?

3 votes

Wondering if the following set-theoretic assertion is known to be consistent w/ ZFC

3 votes

Relationship between computational undecidability and axiomatic undecidability

3 votes

Axiom of countable choice need for the cantor-bernstein theorem

3 votes

Comparing the sizes of uncountable sets of reals under AD

3 votes

What are the minimal requirements for the definable hyperreal field plus transfer?

3 votes

Vopěnka cardinals

3 votes

Reduction of the predicate calculus to the propositional calculus in the case of one sigle object in the universe?

3 votes

Spinozistic partitionings [sic]

3 votes

Is Replacement motivated by ranked iterative conception of sets?

3 votes

Is the notion of measurable cardinal definable from the perspective of set-theoretical potentialism?

3 votes

Uncountable ordinals and graphs of functions

2 votes

How much can complexities of bases of a "simple" space vary?

2 votes

What Turing degree would allow you to "compute" the axioms of ZFC in some countable model of ZFC?

2 votes

The smallest initial ordinal which is not defined using first-order formulas with parameters of smaller ordinals?

2 votes

Strong limit cardinals in AD

2 votes

Large cardinals and elementary embeddings for infinitary languages

2 votes

Can there be such an elementary embedding?

2 votes

Is every c.c.c. non-atomic partial order of size $\omega_1$ a union of countable complete suborders?

2 votes

Forcing the consistency of $ZF$ from a fragment of $ZF$

2 votes

what ordinals were used in proving unique factorization over $\mathbb{Z}$

2 votes

Is every formula of LΩ equivalent to a formula of L1 modulo T1?

2 votes

How are Koepke's ordinal computability and E-recursion related?

2 votes

The existence of the Mostowski collapses for a non-set-like well-founded relation from which there is a homomorphism to $Ord$

2 votes

What is the role of absoluteness in existence of a non-trivial self elementary embedding on an inner model?