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Tony Huynh's user avatar
Tony Huynh
  • Member for 15 years
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

Number of non-intersecting non-homotopic simple closed curve

1 vote

How does this algorithmic proof of Edmonds-Gallai work?

1 vote

Inequality involving size of nodes & min degree of graph

1 vote

Entangled permutations of a multiset

1 vote

What is the easiest way to classify all possible smooth orientable closed 2-manifolds?

1 vote

Risk dice roll probabilities

1 vote

Terminology for relation on sets

1 vote

Transitive closure of multigraphs

1 vote

How to compare finite point sets in normed spaces?

1 vote

Deciding whether a given graph has an f-factor or not!

1 vote

Maximum number of hyperedges on a hypergraph without a spanning tree

1 vote

Graph transformation related to graph isomorphism

1 vote

Turan's theorem for connected graphs?

1 vote

Do you have examples of such "transitive" elements?

1 vote

the length of cycles in a $2$-connected simple gragh

1 vote

Generalisations of Petersen's 2-factor theorem?

1 vote

Graphs in which every spanning tree is an independency tree

1 vote

Gallai's lemma from Tutte's theorem?

1 vote

Would a graph with such maximum weighted matchings exist?

1 vote

Testing whether two vertices are neighbours

1 vote

How to do a clockwise ordering of a planar graph in order to define its faces?

1 vote

Number of facets of a polyhedron when a vertex is removed

1 vote

Name for the set of vertices with the same neighborhood as another vertex

1 vote

Maximal Minimum Weight DAGs

1 vote

Maximum subgraph edge distance greater than given number

1 vote

how to reduce 3-colorable graph to this?

1 vote

Sets of points containing permutations - a Ramsey-type question

1 vote

How to prove the local search algorithm can find the maximum weight independent set in a matroid with cardinality constraint?

1 vote

On the number of disjoint subsets of a large set families

1 vote

Terminology for a subtree of a rooted tree with a path boundedness property