Let $M=\{1^{a_1},\dots,m^{a_m}\}$ be a multiset of numbers of cardinality $n$. Call a permutation of $M$ an $M$-word. We say that an $M$-word $w$ is entangled it cannot be written as a concatenation of two nonempty words $u,v$ such that $w=u.v$ and the sets of numbers/characters used in $u$ and $v$ are disjoint.
Examples: let $M=\{1^2,2^3,3^4\}$.
The words 122123333, 112323332 are not entagled:
- 122123333 = 12212.3333
- 112323332 = 11.2323332
The words 123213332, 311322233 are entangled.
Question: given a multiset $M$, how many entangled $M$-words are there?
Of course, it is possible to find a horrible-looking formula. But I feel that this problem should have a nice answer, maybe in a form of a generating function of some sort.
Another way how one can view entangled $M$-words: as lattice paths from $s=(0,\dots,0)$ to $e=(a_1,\dots,a_m)$ that avoid all extremal points of the box except for $s$ and $e$.