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Questions tagged [subgraph]

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Maximum subgraph of a strongly regular graph satisfying cohomology constraints

Consider the following strongly regular graph $G=(V,E)$ (constructed as the symplectic graph over $\mathbb F_2^{2r}$) with $r>1$ with parameters $$ (n,k,a,c)=\left( 2^{2r}-1,2^{2r-1},2^{2r-2},2^{2r-...
Cameron's user avatar
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Some questions about induced subgraphs of the directed hypercube graph

Let $Q^n$ be the hypercube graph in $n$ dimensions. Hao Huang famously showed that any induced subgraph on more than $2^{n-1}$ must have maximum degree $ \geq \sqrt{n}$. It is also known that this ...
Agile_Eagle's user avatar
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Number of eulerian subgraphs of complete graph [closed]

I need an advice on how to approach this problem. It's a part of a project in Graph theory. How to determine a number of eulerian subgraphs of $K_n$ (complete graph with $n$ vertices)? It's part of a ...
MatEZ's user avatar
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Simple graphs with prescribed degrees as disjoint union of simple subgraphs with prescribed degrees

Consider a set $V$ of $n$ vertices, and three degree sequences $a_i$, $b_i$ and $c_i$ such that $c_i = a_i+b_i$, $i=1..n$. Assume these degree sequences are graphical: there exist simple graphs (no ...
Matthieu Latapy's user avatar
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Counting number of special subset of vertices in a tree

As defined in this article, an ordered pair $ (X,Y) $ of disjoint subsets of the vertices of a graph $ G $ with $ \vert X \vert = \vert Y \vert =2 $, is called an odd pair if the number of edges with ...
A. Mpi's user avatar
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maximal k-partite subgraph in a complete multipartite graph

What is the maximum number of edges a $k$-partite subgraph of a complete $s$-partite graph can have? Bests, Josefran
Ajob's user avatar
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About a generalization of complete graphs

Does anyone know what are called (if there is any nomenclature for this class of graphs in the literature) the connected graphs such that each of their edge belongs to some triangle? For example, ...
cl4y70n____'s user avatar
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Number of occurrences of subgraphs as a unique identifier

Given $q \in \mathbb{N}$, let $B_q$ be a sequence of all (non isomorphic) connected graphs with at most $q$ vertices. Now for a given connected graph $G$, lets define signature of $G$ ($sig_q(G)$) as ...
user158860's user avatar
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Quotient graph of a tree

We know that every graph is isomorphic to a subgraph of a complete graph. Similarly, can we say that every graph is isomorphic to a quotient graph of a tree?
cl4y70n____'s user avatar
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Symmetric subgraph configurations

Let $G,H$ be two simple graphs. Let's call a subgraph of $H$ that is isomorphic to $G$ a $G$-subgraph. Consider the following construction: Construction: Let $\mathcal G=\mathcal G(G,H)$ be a graph ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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When are the cardinalities of 2-factors in a graph equal?

Given a graph $G$, if we can partition the edges into pairwise disjoint subsets of $G$, such that the union of all the subsets is equal to the edgeset of G, then this is a decomposition. If such a ...
Juan Sebastian Lozano's user avatar
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Maximum subgraph edge distance greater than given number

I have a weighted graph G with approximately 75000 nodes. I would like to find subgraph G' induced on a subset of nodes, such that all edge weights in G' are greater than a given constant C and the ...
user1747134's user avatar
8 votes
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A matching that covers vertices with maximum degree

We have a graph G with maximum degree $\Delta$. The induced subgraph on vertices with degree equal to $\Delta$ is a bipartite graph (while the original graph is not). Prove that G has a matching that ...
Mohemnist's user avatar
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Subgraph isomorphism problem on 2d triangular lattices.

Is there an efficient (possibly probabilistic/approximate) algorithm for determining whether a particular graph is the subgraph of an infinite two dimensional triangular lattice? How about three ...
Frank Hellmann's user avatar
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Minimum spanning subgraph with at least one incoming and one outgoing edge

Given a single-component, directed acyclic graph with one source (vertex with only outgoing edges) and one sink (vertex with only incoming edges), I'd like to find a minimum spanning subgraph which ...
Alec Jacobson's user avatar
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almost-bipartite nearly-isolated subgraphs

I am looking for examples/families of graphs with the following (maybe vague-sounding at first) property: the graph $G$ has a relatively large subgraph $B$ such that $B$ is bipartite-plus-a-few-edges ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar