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Tom De Medts's user avatar
Tom De Medts
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

Actions of $Z_n$ and actions of $Z_{n-1}$

2 votes

Orthogonal transformations fixing a subspace (setwise)

2 votes

Quadratic forms question

2 votes

polarization/linearization as in jordan forms

2 votes

Let G be an affine connected algebraic group. When a subvariety of G with codimension one is a subgroup.

2 votes

Using permutation matrix to convert a matrix into tridiagonal matrix

2 votes

P-group with abelian centralzer

2 votes

Tits-Kantor-Koecher construction for Jordan algebra of symmetric bilinear form

2 votes

Algebraic Groups, Modules, and Comodules

2 votes

Proof involving retractions onto apartments

1 vote

The most unexpected and/or the least natural category theory theorem?

1 vote

Jordan algebra and quaternionic projective space

1 vote

Double coset isomorphism

1 vote

Non-trivial alternating sums of binomial coefficients

1 vote

Generators of the orthogonal group of a quadratic form in odd dimension in characteristic 2

1 vote

Twisted root subgroups in twisted Chevalley groups (reference request)

1 vote

affine and projective schemes over $\mathbf{F}_1$?

1 vote

A problem in Finite Group Theory

1 2