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Dan Piponi's user avatar
Dan Piponi
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
300 votes

Why is a topology made up of 'open' sets?

232 votes

Computer algebra errors

163 votes

Your favorite surprising connections in mathematics

98 votes

Papers that debunk common myths in the history of mathematics

92 votes

Relating category theory to programming language theory

90 votes

What is the exterior derivative intuitively?

78 votes

What's a groupoid? What's a good example of a groupoid?

78 votes

Short exact sequences every mathematician should know

62 votes

Cool problems to impress students with group theory

48 votes

Which mathematicians have influenced you the most?

46 votes

What are the most overloaded words in mathematics?

45 votes

Mathematics as a hobby

42 votes

Why are modular forms interesting?

41 votes

Structures that turn out to exhibit a symmetry even though their definition doesn't

40 votes

Rediscovery of lost mathematics

40 votes

What's your favorite equation, formula, identity or inequality?

38 votes

Mathematical applications of quantum field theory

35 votes

What are the most attractive Turing undecidable problems in mathematics?

33 votes

A book you would like to write

31 votes

What should be offered in undergraduate mathematics that's currently not (or isn't usually)?

27 votes

Fields of mathematics that were dormant for a long time until someone revitalized them

24 votes

Are 0 and 1, respectively, the least and most used digits among primes?

21 votes

What practical applications does set theory have?

20 votes

Theorems for nothing (and the proofs for free)

19 votes

"Philosophical" meaning of the Yoneda Lemma

19 votes

cut elimination

19 votes

In what ways is physical intuition about mathematical objects non-rigorous?

19 votes

Books on music theory intended for mathematicians

18 votes

Different ways of thinking about the derivative

18 votes

Does every ODE comes from something in physics?