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red_trumpet's user avatar
red_trumpet's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Germany
6 votes

J.-P. Serre: Duality of regular differentials on singular curves

5 votes

Why is the scheme of isomorphisms of sheaves affine over the base?

4 votes

About "strict" short exact sequences in quasi-abelian subcategory of a derived category

3 votes

Jordan–Hölder sequence for $\mu$-semi stable sheaves

2 votes

Why is the normalization of a general fiber the general fiber of the normalization?

2 votes

Map of coherent sheaves inducing isomorphism on the stalks at the generic point

2 votes

Where are the critical points of a proper faithfully flat morphism

2 votes

Does miracle flatness always fail for a non-regular base?

2 votes

Intersection pairing and birational morphisms

2 votes

A question on curves on effective divisors

2 votes

Factorization of an analytic function in $\mathbb{C}^n$

2 votes

Is the inequality $\sum_{i} p_i \frac{a_i}{b_i} \leq \frac{\sum_{i} p_i a_i}{\sum_{i} p_i b_i}$ true?

1 vote

How to determine the type of a divisor on a product of elliptic curves?

1 vote

Divided power algebra is artinian as a module over the polynomial ring

1 vote

Chern class of roots of the canonical bundle

0 votes

What is the polarization type of the push-forward of the Poincaré-bundle to the Jacobian of a curve?

0 votes

Describing the compactified Jacobian of a nodal curve

0 votes

Stable reduction for maps