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Monroe Eskew's user avatar
Monroe Eskew
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen this week
5 votes

large ccc forcing that preserves CH

5 votes

Reference request: $\kappa^+$-saturated ideal from iterated Cohen forcing on measurable $\kappa$

5 votes

$\aleph_1$-complete fine measures on $P_\kappa(\lambda)$

4 votes

Iterating Neeman's forcing

4 votes

Existence of trees with height $\omega$, size $\aleph_1$ and $\aleph_2$ maximal branches

4 votes

Approximation of infinite set in generic extension

4 votes

Boolean completion (of a forcing notion) isomorphic to each of its cones

4 votes

Examples of research on how people perceive mathematical objects

4 votes

Antichains and the Knaster Property

4 votes

'stationary' almost disjoint families

4 votes

Defining the standard model of PA so that a space alien could understand

4 votes

Strong Total Failures vs. Weak Instances of the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis

4 votes

Differences between the reduced Borel field and the category algebra of a space

4 votes

Details for Woodin's forcing argument for a saturated ideal from the Levy collapse

4 votes

Disjoint refinements in $P(\kappa)/J$

4 votes

$\kappa$-dense ideals on successor $\kappa$

4 votes

Do the real numbers "know" that they are countable in a larger model?

4 votes

Elementary embeddings with the same critical point

3 votes

counterexample regarding quotient algebras in forcing

3 votes

Can we recover an inner model of CH after forgetting some generic information?

3 votes

Saturation of non-stationary ideal on $\omega_2$?

3 votes

A conjecture about certain relations

3 votes

almost huge embeddings and stationary correctness

3 votes

An example of a beautiful proof that would be accessible at the high school level?

3 votes

Preservation of measurable cardinals in mild extensions

3 votes

Given an elementary embedding $j: M\to N$ and a strong master condition $q\in N$, how are we able to construct a generic over $M$ from $M$?

3 votes

Is discriminative choice provable in ZFC?

3 votes

Can a generic ultrafilter over $\mathrm{NS}^+_{\omega_1}$ witness $\omega_1$ is Ramsey-like?

2 votes

Suslin algebras

2 votes

On the independence of the Kurepa Hypothesis