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Algebras of operators on Hilbert space, $C^*-$algebras, von Neumann algebras, non-commutative geometry

33 votes
0 answers

Subalgebras of von Neumann algebras

In the late 70s, Cuntz and Behncke had a paper H. Behncke and J. Cuntz, Local Completeness of Operator Algebras, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 62, No. 1 (Jan., 1977), pp. 95 …
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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28 votes
0 answers

Finite-dimensional subalgebras of $C^\star$-algebras

Let $A$ be a unital $C^\star$-algebra and let $a_1,\dots,a_n$ be a finite list of normal elements in $A$ which (together with their adjoints) generate a norm-dense $\star$-subalgebra $B \subset A$. Cl …
Andreas Thom's user avatar
  • 25.5k
26 votes
2 answers

Finite subgroups of unitary groups

Let $n$ be an integer. Camille Jordan showed that there exists some $m \in {\mathbb N}$ (depending on $n$), such that for any pair of $n \times n$-unitaries $u,v \in U(n)$ which generate a finite grou …
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Amenability of groups in terms of a perturbation condition

Let $G$ be a countable group and $\lambda \colon G \to U(\ell^2 G)$ its left-regular representation. Suppose that there exists a constant $C>0$ such that for all $T \in B(\ell^2 G)$ $$\inf \lbrace\|T …
Andreas Thom's user avatar
  • 25.5k
14 votes

Is the group von Neumann algebra construction functorial?

Let $f : G \to H$ be a homomorphism of discrete groups. The homomorphism $f$ extends to a homomorphism of reduced group $C^{\ast}$-algebras if and only of $\ker(f)$ is amenable, and extends to a h …
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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14 votes

Is $SU(\infty)$ amenable?

The answer is that $G=SU(\infty)$ (with the direct limit topology of the usual Hilbert-Schmidt topologies) is extremely amenable. This means (by definition) that every continuous action of $G$ on a co …
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Self map of unitary group

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space and let $u_1 \in U(H)$ be a unitary operator on $H$. Consider the self-map $w: U(H) \to U(H)$ which is given by $$w(v) := v^2 u_1 v^{-1}.$$ Since $U(H)$ is connected, there …
Andreas Thom's user avatar
  • 25.5k
12 votes

Non commutative topological manifolds

Theorem Let $A$ be a unital ring and $I_1,\dots,I_n \subset A$ be 2-sided commutative ideals such that $A=I_1+\dots + I_n$. Then, $A$ is commutative. Proof: If $A=I_1+\dots+I_n$, then $1 = x_1+\dots+ …
Andreas Thom's user avatar
  • 25.5k
12 votes

Are almost commuting hermitian matrices close to commuting matrices (in the 2-norm)?

The answer is yes, and much more is true. Any hyperfinite von Neumann algebra (with separable predual) has a unique embedding (up to conjugacy) into the ultra-product of the hyperfinite $II_1$-factor. …
Andreas Thom's user avatar
  • 25.5k
12 votes

Relative Bicommutant

In the theory of subfactors, it frequently happens that a subfactor of finite index $N \subset M$ satisfies $N' \cap M = {\mathbb C}$. Those subfactors are called irreducible. In this case the relativ …
Andreas Thom's user avatar
  • 25.5k
11 votes

Zero divisor conjecture and idempotent conjecture

Passman showed that whenever there are zero-divisors in a group ring one also has (non-zero) nilpotent elements. He shows that for any field $k$ and any torsionfree group $G$, the ring $kG$ is a prime …
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Transfinite induction, a theorem of Pedersen, and chains of subalgebras of $B(H)$

This post is closely related to this one. (In fact I copied some of its content.) Let $H$ be an infinite dimensional separable complex Hilbert space. All $C^{\star}$-subalgebras of $B(H)$ are assumed …
Andreas Thom's user avatar
  • 25.5k
10 votes

Regarding Cayley Graphs of Property (T) Groups

If Kazhdan's property (T) is reflected in the structure of the Cayley graph, then not in a very geometric way. Steve Gersten (that is what I read in the book by B. Bekka, P. de la Harpe and A. Valet …
Andreas Thom's user avatar
  • 25.5k
9 votes
3 answers

Conjugacy classes and reduced group $C^*$-algebra of an amenable group

The reduced $C^*$-algebra of a non-abelian free group $G$ has a unique trace. Hence, there is no chance to separate conjugacy classes of group elements using traces on $C^\star_{red} G$. On the other …
Andreas Thom's user avatar
  • 25.5k
9 votes
0 answers

Residual finite dimensionality of surface groups

Alex Lubotzky and Yehuda Shalom have shown in Finite representations in the unitary dual and Ramanujan groups., (Discrete geometric analysis, 173–189, Contemp. Math., 347, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence …
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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