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Algebraic varieties, stacks, sheaves, schemes, moduli spaces, complex geometry, quantum cohomology.

1 vote

Model structures on simplicial presheaves of piecewise-linear manifolds

The original reference for such results is Proposition 3.3.3 on page 120 in Fabien Morel, Vladimir Voevodsky, A^1-homotopy theory of schemes, Publications mathématiques de l’I.H.É.S., tome 90 (1999), …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
10 votes

Localic or topos-theoretic definition of $\operatorname{Spec}$

Is there a construction of the spectrum of a ring, where it is defined as a locale or Grothendieck site generated by the D(f), and where the relation that D(fk)=D(f) is definitional? Yes, the Zarisk …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
3 votes

What is the space of maps between superplane $\mathbb{R}^{0|2}$ and a smooth manifold $M$?

The manifold $\def\Hom{\mathop{\rm Hom}}\def\R{{\bf R}}\Hom(\R^{0|2},M)$ is isomorphic to the pullback of the parity-reversed bundle vector bundle $TM⊕TM$ along the projection map $TM→M$. This is Lemm …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
6 votes

Is there a Čech-like way of computing $H^\bullet(X,M^\bullet)$ or even $\mathsf{R}f_* M^\bul...

Is there a Cech-like way of describing the (hyper)cohomology H∙(X,M∙) or, even better, the complex Rf∗M∙ for some map f? Yes, the Verdier hypercovering theorem allows one to compute sheaf cohomology …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
6 votes

Where can I find a definition of $\underline{H}^p(X, \mathscr{F})$?

As indicated in the comments, the notation $\def\HH{\underline{\rm H}}\def\H{{\rm H}}\HH^p(X,F)$ is defined (for example) by Milne in Étale Cohomology as the $p$th right derived functor of the inclusi …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
5 votes

Non-trivial automorphisms and descent

Roughly speaking, a topos in the sense of Grothendieck is the category of sheaves on a kind of generalised space whose “points” may have non-trivial automorphisms. Question 1: What does that mean? …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
2 votes

Sheaf of Kähler differentials for complex manifold

Question: does the vector bundle generated by this sheaf on X∖Sing is isomorphic to the cotangent bundle on X∖Sing is ? If not what is the sheaf we should define on X to get the cotangent bundle on X …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
14 votes

De Rham via topoi

One can define an analogue of the crystalline topos for smooth manifolds. This is known as the de Rham stack of $M$. One of the easiest constructions of the de Rham stack embeds smooth manifolds fully …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
16 votes

Is there a relation between Gelfand duality and the spectrum of a ring (with its Zariski top...

Yes, both Theorem A and Theorem B are special cases of a more general construction. Denote by $R$ the category of commutative unital C*-algebras or the category of commutative rings. Denote by $R'$ th …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
5 votes

Local extension of holomorphic vector fields

By Theorem II.9.5 in Bredon's Sheaf Theory, for any closed subset $K$ of a paracompact space $X$ and for any sheaf of abelian groups $F$ on $X$, the canonical map $$\mathop{\rm colim} F(U) \to F(K)$$ …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
3 votes

Functorial isomorphisms

Since Čech cohomology is mentioned, I presume that $C$ is the category of open subsets of a topological space. More generally, we can assume $C$ to be an arbitrary site. In this case, the answer to bo …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
13 votes

Making sense of "every non-commutative algebra has its own internal time evolution (aka a on...

Given any von Neumann algebra $M$, we can define its noncommutative $\def\L{{\cal L}} \L^p$-spaces $\L^p(M)$ for any $\def\C{{\bf C}} p∈\C$ such that $\Re p≥0$. Here I use the notation $\L^p:={\rm L}^ …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
11 votes

Putting sheaves to work for algebraic topology?

For sufficiently nice topological spaces $X$ (e.g., locally connected for the last two categories to be equivalent, and semilocally simply connected and locally path-connected for all three to be equi …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
3 votes

stacks that are not necessarily fibered in groupoids appearing in algebraic geometry and dif...

Virtually any kind of algebraic structure (e.g., group, ring, module, vector space, affine space, etc.) leads to a stack in categories whose objects are bundles of such structures and morphisms are fi …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
6 votes

Are cohomology functors sheaves?

Is the functor H^n_dR:Man→Set a sheaf with respect to open cover topology on Man? As already pointed out in the comments, the answer is no for n>0, yes for n=0. "in what way is cohomology a sheaf" …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar

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