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Linear representations of algebras and groups, Lie theory, associative algebras, multilinear algebra.

34 votes

Which groups have only real and quaternionic irreducible representations?

An irreducible representation is real or quaternionic precisely when its character is real-valued. By the Peter-Weyl theorem all characters are real-valued precisely when every element in the group is …
Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar
30 votes

Is there a machinery describing all the irreducible representations ?

The problem of classifying irreducible $sl_2(\mathbb C)$-representations is essentially untractable as it contains a wild subproblem. Indeed, the action of the Casimir element $C$ on any irreducible r …
Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar
21 votes

Orbit structures of conjugacy class set and irreducible representation set under automorphis...

I think that an example of non-equivalent permutation sets is given by $G=(\mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z)^n$ for $n>2$ (and $p$ a prime). Then the automorphism group is $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z)$, t …
Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar
19 votes

Hilbert 90 for algebras

It's actually easier to go the other way around. Finite dimensional modules over an algebra $A$ fulfils the Krull-Remak-Schmidt theorem of being isomorphic to a direct sum of indecomposable modules wi …
Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar
17 votes

Uniqueness of splitting field for linear representations of finite groups

You need two conditions for a field to be a splitting field for a specific irreducible representation (in characteristic zero to begin with): It must contain the character values of the representation …
Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar
14 votes

What is a "block" in an abelian category?

It seems clear to me that blocks should have something to do with the decomposition of the category as a direct product of subcategories. A decomposition into a product of two factors corresponds exac …
Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar
7 votes

Determinant and symmetric power

We have that $\det T_k$ is a fixed (depending on $n=\dim V$ and $k$ only) power of $\det T$. To see this, as well as getting the power, one can for instance note that $\mathrm{SL}(V)$ is the commutato …
Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar
6 votes

If Spec(A) has a G-fixed point and a dense G-orbit, is Spec(A) a cone?

If you by "cone" mean exactly that $A$ should be isomorpic to $\mathrm{gr}_{\mathfrak m}A$ it seems that the following is counterexample: Let $G=\mathbb G_m$, $A=k[x,y,z]/(x^2+y^3+z^5)$ with $tx=t^{15 …
Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar
6 votes

Have people successfully worked with the full ring of differential operators in characterist...

Certainly the fact that the ring of differential operators is non-Noetherian is an inconvenience but it is not clear if it is more than that. For instance one can define the notion of holonomic module …
Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar
5 votes

Tensor products of Weyl modules in positive characteristic

Yes, it is true in general. I found it as Thm 3.1.2 of Brion, Michel(F-GREN-IF); Kumar, Shrawan(1-NC) Frobenius splitting methods in geometry and representation theory. Progress in Mathematics, 231. B …
Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar
3 votes

Proof of Steinberg's tensor product theorem

[This was intended to be comment to Ben's reply but I exceeded the allowable limit for comments.] Actually it doesn't work over any ring. Just take any ring $R$ for which $GL(V)(R) \to PGL(V)(R)$ is …
Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar
3 votes

Is there an analog of Clifford Theorem in the setting of Lie algebras?

The positive results seem at most to be tied to finite dimensional representations in positive characteristic: Let $\frak H$ be the Heisenberg algebra with basis $x,y,$ where $c$ is central and $[y,x …
Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar
3 votes

The Jacobson radical of an infinite dimensional algebra

As there seem to be some differing opinions in the comments as to whether all irreducible representations are finite-dimensional let me give the argument I had in mind. A module over the path algebra …
Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar
2 votes

What is an obviously coordinate-independent description of the Chevellay-Eilenberg complex f...

I think that the relation is that if $\psi\colon A \to TM$ is the action of the algebroid, then we have that $df(a)=\psi(a)(f)$ for $f$ in degree zero of the CE complex and $a\in\Gamma(A)$ and $d\omeg …
Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar
2 votes

Non-vanishing cohomology of line bundles on projective varieties in prime characteristic?

I am not sure to which extent your questions are really related to positive characteristic. The obvious difference between positive characteristic and characteristic zero related to the question is o …
Torsten Ekedahl's user avatar

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