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Looking for a citation for this simple generalization of the Markov bound to non-negative super-martingales

Does anybody know a reference for the following theorem? Theorem 1. Let $(X_t)_{t=0}^\infty$ be a non-negative supermartingale. Then, for any constant $c > 0$, the event $(\exists > t)\, X_t \...
Neal Young's user avatar
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Lower bounding an alternating series with signs from a martingale difference sequence

Let $\epsilon_n \in \{-1, 1\}$ be a martingale difference sequence, in the sense that $$M_n := \sum_{i = 0}^n \epsilon_i$$ is a martingale. We assume $\epsilon_0 = \pm 1$ with probability $\frac{1}{2}$...
Nate River's user avatar
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On the martingale betting scheme

For a fixed probability $0 < p < 1$, let $X^p$ be the martingale that goes up by $1$ with probability $p$, and goes down by $\frac{p}{q}$ with probability $q := 1-p$. Write $X$ for the ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Reverse Doob’s maximal inequality for bounded martingales

Consider the set of discrete or continuous time $L^\infty$-bounded martingales $X$ with $X_0 = 0$ almost surely. Here $L^\infty$-bounded means $\|X\|_{\infty} := \sup_t \mathbb \|X_t\|_{L^\infty(\...
Nate River's user avatar
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A nice terminal inequality for martingales

Let $X_t$ be a continuous time martingale taking with $\sup_t \mathbb E[X_t^-] < \infty$, and $X_0 = 0$ almost surely. Assume further that $X_1$ admits a probability density function. Is it true ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Sharpening Doob’s upcrossing inequality for Brownian motion

Note: This question is heavily related to a series of posts ([1], [2]) by user GJC20. Provided a martingale $X$ in continuous-time, Doob's upcrosssing inequality states: If $U(a,b)$ denotes the number ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Do continuous martingales satisfy this nice terminal inequality?

Let $X$ be a continuous, non negative martingale on $[0, 1]$ with $X_0 = x_0$ a.s. for some $x_0 \in \mathbb R$. Assume further that $X_1$ admits a probability density function. Is it true that the ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Assumptions Wald's second equation?

Let $(X_n)_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$ be an i.i.d. sequence of random variables and $N$ an $\mathbb{N}_0$ valued random variable. Let $X_1 \in \mathcal{L}^2$ and $N \in \mathcal{L}^1$. Let $S_n := \sum_{i=1}^...
psl2Z's user avatar
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Sum of $X_k$ with $\mathbb{P}(X_k=\pm 1) = 1/2\pm 1/(2\sqrt{k})$

Let $\{X_k\}$ be a sequence of mutually independent random variables with \begin{align} \mathbb{P}(X_k = 1) & = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2\sqrt{k}}, \\ \mathbb{P}(X_k = -1) & = \frac{1}{2} - \...
Nuno's user avatar
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All stationary martingales are constant?

Suppose $(X_{n})_{n\geq{1}}$ is a stationary process that is a martingale with respect to some filtration. Suppose also that $\mathbb{E}X_{0}^{2}<\infty$ so that $\mathbb{E}X_{n}^{2}<\infty$ for ...
David Pechersky's user avatar
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Characterisation of Bessel process

Let $\delta \in (0, 2)$; $(X_t)_{t \ge 0}$ a nonnegative continuous Markov process. Suppose that For each $T \ge 0$, if we write $\tau \overset{\mathrm{def}}= \inf\{t \ge T : X_t = 0\}$, then $(X_{T +...
Focus's user avatar
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When does a local supermartingale become a proper supermartingale?

This is a cross-post of my question on MSE. Abstract: When a local supermartingale is bounded from below, is it a proper supermartingale? Question: In remark 4.2 (p.16) of the lecture notes by Martin ...
Hirofumi Shiba's user avatar
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Does this filtration have a name?

In the context of Ethier&Kurtz Markov Processes: Characterization and Convergence (Chapter 4, equation (3.2)) as well as the two papers Martingale problems for conditional distributions of Markov ...
Mushu Nrek's user avatar
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Can we construct close discrete martingales if their terminal marginal laws are close?

As no answer or comment to Can we construct close martingales if their terminal marginal laws are close? we consider a simplified version (discrete-time) as below: Let $M=(M_k)_{0\le k\le n}$ be a ...
Fawen90's user avatar
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Is a martingale conditioned to be large a submartingale?

Let $X$ be a continuous time martingale such that $X_\infty := \lim_{t \to \infty} X_t$ exists almost surely. Let $x \in \mathbb R$ be such that $\mathbb P(X_\infty \geq x) > 0$, and define the ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Can we construct close martingales if their terminal marginal laws are close?

Let $M=(M_t)_{0\le t\le 1}$ be a real-valued continuous martingale. Let $\mu := {\rm Law}(M_1)$ and $\varepsilon \in (0,1)$. For any $\nu$ satisfying $W_2(\mu,\nu)\le \varepsilon$, can we construct ...
Fawen90's user avatar
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On martingale convergence

Let $(X_t)_{t\ge0}$ be a martingale with continuous paths. It was previously shown here and here that then it is impossible that $X_t\to\infty$ almost surely as $t\to\infty$. Is it possible that there ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Another curious martingale

This is a natural follow up question to A curious martingale. Does there exist an almost surely continuous martingale that converges in probability to $+\infty$? Note: We say a process $X_t$ converges ...
Nate River's user avatar
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A curious martingale

Does there exist an almost surely continuous martingale $X$ with $X_t \to +\infty$ almost surely? Remark: Note that such a martingale exists in discrete time, or equivalently in continuous time if the ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Request for article in Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. (1981)

I am looking for the following article: Al-Hussaini, A. N. A projective limit view of $L_1$-bounded martingales. Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl.26 (1981), no.1, 51–54, but I can't find it anywhere. Do ...
mathex's user avatar
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Martingale regularization

Consider a submartingale $X,$ then for almost every $\omega \in \Omega,$ for every $v \in \mathbb{R},\lim_{u \in \mathbb{{Q},u \uparrow v}}X_u(\omega)$ exist in $\mathbb{R}.$ I was wondering if there ...
mathex's user avatar
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Identify two continuous martingales in law as time-changed Brownian motions

Let $W$ be a Brownian motion and $\alpha$ be a progressively measurable process taking values in $\mathbb R_+$. Set $\beta_t:=\max(\alpha_t, 1)$ for all $t\ge 0$. Define respectively $X$, $Y$ by $$X_t:...
Fawen90's user avatar
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Hardy's inequality proof using Doob's inequalities

Consider a probability space $([0,1],\mathcal{B}([0,1],\lambda),p>1$ and $f \in L^p(]0,\infty[).$ We want to prove Hardy's inequality using martingale theory and Doob's maximal inequalities. Let $\...
mathex's user avatar
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Enlargement of filtration

Let $M_t$ be a continuous time real valued martingale, and $\mathcal F_t$ its natural filtration. Suppose that $\mathcal F_t \setminus \mathcal F_s$ is nonempty for all $t > s$. Let $\mathcal G$ be ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Mean of log-normal variable when exponent is replaced by runnung maximum of Ito-integral

Let $W=\{W_t\}_{t\in[0;1]}$ be a real-valued Brownian motion, $\{F_t\}_{t\in [0;1]}$ the filtration generated by $W$, augmented with the nullsets. Let $\{\sigma_t\}_{t\in[0;1]}$ be a continuous and ...
Kolodez's user avatar
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Characterization of Brownian motion: processes with right-continuous paths

I am looking for a reference with a proof for the following fact: If a right-continuous martingale $(X_r)_{ r \geq 0}$ is such that $X_0=0,(X^2_r-r)_r,(X_r^3-3rX_r)_r,(X_r^4-6rX_r^2+3r^2)_r$ are ...
mathex's user avatar
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Alternate proof of Levy’s characterisation of Brownian motion

Levy’s characterisation theorem for Brownian motion states that for a local martingale $X$ with $X_0 = 0$, $X$ is a Brownian motion if and only if it has quadratic variation $\langle X, X \rangle_t = ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Harmonic function and Markov chain

Let $X=(X_k)_{k \in \mathbb{N}}$ be a Markov chain with countable countable state space $S$ and transition matrix $P.$ Let $\mathcal{T}$ be the tail $\sigma$-field of $X:\mathcal{T}=\bigcap_{k \in \...
john's user avatar
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Can an a.s. non constant continuous martingale be differentiable with nonzero probability?

Let $M$ be a continuous martingale such that almost surely, the sample paths of $M$ are not constant. Question: Is it true that $M$ is almost surely not differentiable?
Nate River's user avatar
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Where to submit a new proof of the continuous martingale convergence theorem?

There were various proofs of the discrete martingale convergence theorem, but as far as I know there is only one proof of the continuous version of this theorem using the up-crossing lemma. I wrote a ...
Ghafari's user avatar
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Reverse martingale convergence theorem in Banach spaces

In section 1.5 of a course given by Gilles Pisier, the author is claiming that in the excerpt below $\operatorname E[\varphi_i\mid\mathcal A_{-n}]\to\operatorname E[\varphi_i\mid\mathcal A_{-\infty}]$ ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Bounded density for diffusions with diffusion coefficients bounded away from $0$

Consider a diffusion given by $$X_t=\int_0^t a(s,X_s)\,dW_s$$ for $t\ge 0$, where $W_\cdot$ is a standard Wiener process/Brownian motion and $a$ is a smooth enough positive function bounded away from $...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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A comparison of diffusions

Consider two diffusions given by $$X_j(t)=\int_0^t a_j(s,X_j(s))\,dW_s$$ for $j=1,2$ and $t\ge 0$, where $W_\cdot$ is a standard Wiener process/Brownian motion and the $a_j$'s are smooth enough ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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An unnatural martingale

What is an example of a real valued stochastic process $X$, and a filtration $\mathcal F_t$ such that $X$ is a martingale with respect to $\mathcal F_t$ but not it’s natural filtration? Either ...
Nate River's user avatar
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When is every Levy martingale of a process a continuous martingale?

Let $X_t$ be a real valued stochastic process, and $\mathcal H_t$ the the natural filtration of $X_t$. Under what conditions on $X$ does the following statement hold? For every $\mathcal H_\infty$-...
Nate River's user avatar
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$\exists c \in\mathbb{R}_+^*,\forall p,r\in \mathbb{R}_+,E[|X_{p+r}-X_r||\mathcal{F}_r] \leq c$ implies the optional stopping theorem

Consider a integrable submartingale $(X_r)_{r \in \mathbb{R}_+}$ relative to $(\mathcal{F}_{r})_{r \in \mathbb{R}_+}$ and such that $$\exists c \in \mathbb{R}_+^*,\forall k \in \mathbb{N},E[|X_{k+1}-...
Kurt.W.X's user avatar
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$L^p$-convergence of submartingale

Let $p\geq1.$ Consider a $\mathcal{F}_k$-submartingale $(X_k)_k$ in $L^p.$ We can prove easily that $(X_k)_k$ converges in $L^p$ if and only if $(|X_k|^p)_k$ is uniformly integrable. If $(X_k)_k$ was ...
Kurt.W.X's user avatar
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Does there exist an almost surely differentiable martingale?

Does there exist a continuous time martingale $X_t$ not a.s. constant in $t$ that is almost surely everywhere differentiable?
Nate River's user avatar
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A semimartingale interpolation problem

This question is a direct extension of this one. Let $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},(\mathcal{F}_t)_{t\geq 0},\mathbb{P})$ be a stochastic basis and let $N\in\mathbb{Z}^+$, $T>0$, $\{t_n\}_{n=1}^{N}$ be a ...
Joe_Affine's user avatar
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If a process is periodic on average with mutually incommensurable periods, is the process a martingale?

Motivation: If a continuous function on the real line is periodic with periods $p_1, p_2 > 0$ such that $\frac{p_1}{p_2}$ is irrational, then the function is constant. Is there a probabilistic ...
Nate River's user avatar
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If the moving average of a process is a martingale, is the process a martingale?

Problem set up: Let $\mathcal F_t$ be a filtration satisfying the usual conditions. Let $T > 0$ be a fixed real number, and define the filtration $\mathcal H_t := \mathcal F_{T + t}$. Suppose a ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Decomposition of reversed processes

Consider a reversed filtration $(\mathcal{F}_k)_{k \geq 0} $ $(\mathcal{F}_{k+1} \subset\mathcal{F}_k),$ $(X_k)_{k \geq0}$ is a processes in $L^1,\mathcal{F}_k$-adapted. Is it possible to decompose $...
Kurt.W.X's user avatar
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Almost supermartingale and a.s convergence

After reading a paper on the convergence of almost supermartingale, the following result appeared: If $(X_k)_k,(Y_k)_k,(W_k)_k$ are three $(\mathcal{F}_k)$-adapted processes taking values in $\mathbb{...
Kurt.W.X's user avatar
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Is a stopped Ito-integral integrable if the Ito integrand is only square-integrable on an open interval?

Assume a filtered probability space $(\Omega,\{\mathcal F_t\}_{t\in[0;T)}, \mathbb P)$ with an $\mathbb R^n$-valued Brownian motion $\{W_t\}_{t\in[0;T)}$ and the filtration $\{\mathcal F_t\}_{t\in[0;T)...
Kolodez's user avatar
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Conditions for existence of a semi-martingale representing a system of probability measures

Let $(\nu_t)_{t \in [0,1]}$ be Borel probability measures on a stochastic basis $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},(\mathcal{F}_{t \in [0,1]})_t,\mathbb{P})$. Does there exist a semi-martingale $(X_t)_{t\in[0,1]}$ ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Local martingale but not martingale

For a 3-dimensional Brownian motion $B = (B_t, t ≥ 0)$ and $x ∈ \mathbb{R}^3 \backslash \{0\}$ define the process $Y = (Y_t, t ≥ 0)$ via $Y_t =\frac{1}{|B_t+x|}$ how come this is a continuous local ...
Martin Weizenguss's user avatar
10 votes
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The min of the mean of iid exponential variables

Let $X_1, \ldots, X_n, \ldots$ be iid exponential random variables with mean 1. It is well-known that $\min_{1\le j < \infty} \frac{X_1 + \cdots + X_j}{j}$ follows the uniform distribution U(0,1). ...
John Wong's user avatar
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Martingale convergence theorem in Polya's urn

I want to get checked if my attempt is okay. First off, let me shortly describe what Polya's urn is: A certain urn initially contains a red and a blue ball. We now repeatedly do the following : we ...
Math is like Friday's user avatar
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Proof of extended supermartingale convergence theorem

There is a supermartingale convergence theorem which is often cited in texts which use Stochastic Approximation Theory and Reinforcement Learning, in particular the famous book "Neuro-dynamic ...
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Martingale optional stopping before a stopping time

Here’s an easy one, I hope: Suppose $\tau$ is a stopping time and $(M_t)$ is a martingale which together satisfy the hypotheses of the optional stopping theorem so that $\mathbb{E}[M_\tau]= \mathbb{E}...
John's user avatar
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