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1 answer

Hyperbolic manifolds which fiber over the circle

If $N^2$ is a closed, orientable surface of genus at least $2$, and if $\phi$ is an (orientation-preserving) pseudo-Anosov mapping on $N$, then one can form the closed orientable 3-manifold $M^3$ by ...
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8 votes
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Teichmüller space on non-orientable closed surfaces

It is known that any closed orientable surface of genus $g \geq 2$ admits a hyperbolic metric, and the Teichmüller space of such metrics has dimension $6g - 6$. I was wondering if there is a ...
Curious's user avatar
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7 votes
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Can a hyperbolic manifold be a product?

I was interested in whether a manifold which admits a metric of constant sectional curvature can be homotopy equivalent to a product of non-contractible manifolds. Of course, there are three cases: ...
Michael Albanese's user avatar
7 votes
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Complete geodesics on hyperbolic a pair of pants

I have asked this question on MSE. But I think Mo is a better place to ask my question. Here is the link to my question on MSE. I will rewrite it here: I am trying to understand the article by Maryam ...
Amirhossein's user avatar
6 votes
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Non-compact Dirichlet fundamental domains and free Fuchsian groups

Let $G$ be a finitely generated Fuchsian group, and let $\mathcal{F}$ denote the Dirichlet fundamental domain of $G$ with respect to $0$ in the Poincaré disc model. Assume throughout that $\mathcal{F}$...
JackTodd's user avatar
3 votes
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Does the orbital function divided by the volume of a ball decrease?

Let $X$ be a Cartan-Hadamard manifold, meaning a complete, connected, simply connected Riemannian manifold with non-positive sectional curvature and $\Gamma < Isom(X)$ a discrete group of ...
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Lamination as limit of arcs

I am reading Bonahon's notes on closed curves, in particular the part about hyperbolic laminations. In his notes Bonahon illustrates some examples as why laminations should be "limit curves" on ...
user82786's user avatar
2 votes
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Simple curves on hyperbolic tori

In the paper "Simple curves on hyperbolic tori" by McShane and Rivin, they show that if $T$ is a hyperbolic once punctured torus, one can define a norm on the homology $H_1(T,\mathbb{Z})$ by ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
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A Question about an article by Birman, Series

Birman and Series in their article GEODESICS WITH BOUNDED INTERSECTION NUMBER ON SURFACES ARE SPARSELY DISTRIBUTED proved that the set of points on a hyperbolic surface (possibly with boundary) ...
Amirhossein's user avatar
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Structure of hyperbolic manifolds of finite volume

Let $X$ be a hyperbolic manifold of finite volume. I want to prove that $X$ has ends of the form $N\times \mathbb{R}$ where $N$ has a finite covering by a nilmanifold and $\pi_1N\to \pi_1 X$ is ...
Radeha Longa's user avatar
0 votes
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Expansion of metric near boundary of 3 dimensional Poincaré-Einstein/hyperbolic manifolds

In Mazzeo-Alexakis, there is a brief discussion that if $(M^3,g) \sim \mathbb{H}^3/\Gamma$ (for $\Gamma$ convex cocompact), then the metric can be expanded near the topological boundary as $$g = \frac{...
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