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7 votes
1 answer

Connection of principal fiber bundles — history

I wonder who was the first to discover the notion of principal fiber bundle and its connection (gauge field in the physical language). Wikipedia cites the book by Steenrod (1951). But was he the ...
5 votes
0 answers

Earliest reference for infinitesimal neighborhoods of the diagonal

Where was $I_x/I_x^2$ first introduced? (DG or AG) asks about the algebraic cotangent space. The paper First neighborhood of the diagonal and geometric distributions by Kock claims Grothendieck ...
13 votes
1 answer

Aleksandrov's proof of the second order differentiability of convex functions

Aleksandrov [A], proved a remarkable property of convex functions. Theorem. If $f:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$ is convex, then for almost every $x\in\mathbb{R}^n$ there is $Df(x)\in\mathbb{R}^n$ and ...
14 votes
5 answers

History of the notion of $(G,X)$-structure

I'm currently searching for sources and historical basis on the notion of $(G,X)$-structure as it appears in Thurston's work. So far, it appears that he was the first to set it. Many mathematicans ...
39 votes
10 answers

Are there some other notions of "curvature" which measure how space curves?

I am learning differential geometry and have a few questions on curvature. -- Background: Gauss invented "Gauss curvature" to measure how surface curves. Riemann gives an ingenious generalization of ...
16 votes
1 answer

Where was $I_x/I_x^2$ first introduced? (DG or AG)

Cotangent space appears in both differential geometry (DG) and algebraic geometry (AG). In DG, given a smooth manifold $M$ and $x\in M$ one has an isomorphism $I_x/I_x^2 \cong T^*_xM$, where $I_x$ is ...
60 votes
1 answer

What were the main ideas and gaps in Yoichi Miyaoka's attempted proof (1988) of Fermat's Last Theorem?

Out of sheer curiosity I have been reading Stewert and Tall's "Algebraic Number Theory and Fermat's Last Theorem" (2001). As it contains various bits of history, I found out to my own shame that I was ...
17 votes
0 answers

Jets of sections of vector bundles expressed by symmetrized iterated covariant derivatives - who did it first?

The (non-unique) bundle isomorphism between the bundle $J^r E$ of $r$-th order jets of sections of a vector bundle $\pi:E\rightarrow M$ and the direct sum $$\bigoplus^r_{k=0}\vee^kT^*M\otimes E\...
6 votes
2 answers

Shuffle (co-)multiplication and generalized Leibniz formula in tensor calculus

The headline already says it: Is anybody (except me, UPDATE: plus Gavrilov) aware of this formula for higher total covariant derivatives of tensor products? It is the simplest application of the ...
4 votes
0 answers

Was this particular case of the tube formula known before Weyl and Hotelling?

The tube formula is a really nice result in differential geometry which relates the volume of the tubular neighborhood of a submanifold to its intrinsic geometry. It has been proved by Weyl in 1939 ...
17 votes
2 answers

Where did Sophus Lie write the group commutator for two one parameter groups

If $X,Y$ are vector fields and $\def\Fl{\operatorname{Fl}}\Fl^X_t$ and $\Fl^Y_t$ their local flows, let $[\Fl^X_t,\Fl^Y_t]:= \Fl^Y_{-t}\Fl^X_{-t}\Fl^Y_t\Fl^X_t$ denote the group commutator of the ...
6 votes
2 answers

References for the Poincaré-Cartan forms

Hello, everybody. I'm looking for some reference about the Poincaré-Cartan form, I do not know how it is defined, I just know that it is used in Lagrangian mechanics but I have not found any ...
3 votes
4 answers

Equivalent definitions of Gaussian curvature

I'm trying to find out more about geometry of surfaces and, in particular, Gaussian curvature. I understand that it can be defined in terms of the principal curvatures (extrinsically) and also ...