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An example of a geometrically simply connected variety with infinite Brauer group (modulo constants)

$\DeclareMathOperator\Br{Br}$Let $X$ be a smooth, geometrically integral, geometrically simply connected variety over a numberfield $k$. Is it possible to have $\Br(X)/{\Br(k)}$ being an infinite ...
Victor de Vries's user avatar
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Leading constant in Batyrev-Tschinkel's refinement of Manin conjecture

Background: Let $X$ be a Fano variety over number field $K$, where its anticanonical bundle $K_X^{-1}$ is ample. Let $i: X \to \mathbb{P}^n$ be the anticanonical embedding, where $K_X^{-m} \cong i_*O(...
dummy's user avatar
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Does this conic have a rational point?

Consider the conic $$C = \{X^2+uY^2+vZ^2=0\}\subset\mathbb{P}^2_{\mathbb{Q}(u,v)}$$ over the function field $\mathbb{Q}(u,v)$. Does $C$ have a $\mathbb{Q}(u,v)$-rational point?
Puzzled's user avatar
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Rational points on a special class of surfaces

Consider a smooth surface of the following form $$ S = \{f(x,y,t) = p_0(t)x^2+p_1(t)xy+p_2(t)x+p_3(t)y^2+p_4(t)y+p_5(t) = 0\}\subset\mathbb{A}^3 $$ over $\mathbb{Q}$, and set $$ U_S = \{t' \in \mathbb{...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Number of points of a quadric hypersurface over a finite field

Let $k = \mathbb{F}_q$ be a finite field with $q$ elements and $Q\subset\mathbb{P}^n_k$ a quadric hypersurface defined over $k$. By the Chevalley-Warning theorem if $n\geq 2$ then $Q$ has a point. Is ...
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Smooth surfaces in positive characteristic

Let $K = \mathbb{F}_p$ be a field of positive characteristic $p > 0$. Consider a surface in $\mathbb{A}^3_K$ of the following form $$ S = \{f_1(x_0)y_0^2+f_2(x_0)y_0y_1+f_3(x_0)y_0+f_4(x_0)y_1^2+...
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Del Pezzo surfaces of degree four and complete intersections of two quadrics

Let $X = Q_1\cap Q_2$ be a complete intersection of two smooth quadrics, over a field $K$, in $\mathbb{P}^4$ with homogeneous coordinates $y_0,y_1,y_2,y_3,y_4$. Set $Q_1 = \{F_1 = 0\}$ and $Q_2 = \{...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Rational points on ramified coverings of abelian varieties

Let $K$ be a number field $A$ an abelian variety over $K$ and $f: X \to A$ a possibly ramified covering of degree $d$ with $X$ a proper variety. My question is: Suppose that $f(X(K)) \neq A(K)$, can ...
Maarten Derickx's user avatar
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Lines on quadric surfaces

Consider a smooth quadric surface $Q\subset\mathbb{P}^3$ over a field $k$. Are there natural hypotheses one can put on $k$ in order to ensure the existence of a line defined over $k$ on $Q$?
Puzzled's user avatar
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Birational geometry over finite fields

I apologize in advance since probably my questions are very naive. I would like to understand some central notions in birational geometry, that are clear to me over the complex numbers, for varieties ...
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Brauer-Manin obstruction and affine curves

I'm looking for references that can justify to what extent is the following statement true: Statement. Let $X$ be a smooth geometrically integral curve over a number field $k$. Then the Brauer-Manin ...
oleout's user avatar
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Rational points on varieties whose anticanonical bundle is nef but not ample

Is the following plausible? "If $X$ is a variety over $\mathbf{Q}$ whose anticanonical bundle $L$ is nef but not ample, there is a number field $K$ such that $X(K)$ contains an infinite set of ...
JSE's user avatar
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Is every sufficiently general monic quartic rational square infinitely often?

Let $f(x)=x^4+b_3 x^3+ b_2 x^2+b_1 x + b_0$. Let $g(x)=x^4 f(1/x)$. Let $C : g(x)=y^2$. $C$ is birationally equivalent to $f(x)=y^2$. The constant coefficient of $g(x)$ is $1$ since $f$ is monic and $(...
joro's user avatar
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Why should an abelian variety with few places of bad reduction and a lot of endomorphisms not have many points?

In the paper "Points of Order 13 on Elliptic Curves" by Mazur-Tate, they say in the introduction: It seemed ... that if such an abelian variety $J$, which has bad reduction at only one ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Distribution of rational points in the real locus of a planar algebraic curve

Let $C$ be a smooth projective geometrically connected curve over $\mathbb{Q}$. Assume that $g(C)=3$ and that $C$ is not hyperelliptic. Then the canonical sheaf defines a closed immersion $C\to\mathbb{...
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Subfields of Hilbertian fields

This question is about the Remark on the top of page 22 of Serre's Topics in Galois Theory, available here : My ...
Harry's user avatar
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Integral points on affine varieties

Consider Siegel's theorem. It says that for a smooth affine algebraic curve $C$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ such that $g(C)>0$ any model $\mathcal{C}$ of $C$ over $\mathbb{Z}$ has finitely many $\mathbb{Z}$-...
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Computing the genus of a plane curve

Let $b(x)=x^4 + 3x^3 + 3x^2 + 2x + 1$, and let $a(x)\in \mathbb Z[x]$ be a separable polynomial. Let $C$ be the plane curve defined by $(y^2+(x+x^2+x^3)a(x))^2-a(x)^2b(x)=0$. I would need to show that ...
user36371's user avatar
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Submersion implies many rational points in image?

Let $A \colon V \to W$ be a surjective linear map (defined over $\mathbb{Z}$), inducing a projection $\alpha \colon \mathbb{P}(V) \to \mathbb{P}(W)$. Let $X \subseteq \mathbb{P}(V)$ and $Y \...
darko's user avatar
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Possible groups of K-rational points for elliptic curves over arbitrary fields

It is known that the group $C(\Bbb R)$ has at most two connected components, and the connected component of the identity is isomorphic to $U(1)$ as a topological group (trivially) and $C(\Bbb Q)$ is ...
FusRoDah's user avatar
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Rational points on open subsets of affine space [closed]

Let $k$ be an infinite field. Assume that the index of the algebraic closure $\bar{k}$ over $k$ is strictly greater than $2$. Let $U$ be a non-empty open subset of some affine space over $k$. Is it ...
user43198's user avatar
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Understanding Siegel's Theorem on integral points

Siegel's theorem states the following: Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve over a number field $K$. Let $\tilde C\subset C$ be an open affine subvariety, and $i:\tilde C\hookrightarrow \mathbb{A}^...
Andrew NC's user avatar
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If $X$ is a genus $g\geq 2$ curve over a number field $K$, then is there a bound on $X_L(L)$ for $L/K$ that depends only on $X$ and $[L:K]$?

If $X$ is a genus $g\geq 2$ curve over a number field $K$, then $X(K)$ is finite by Falting's Theorem. My question is how does $X_L(L)$ behave for finite field extensions $L/K$? In particular, is ...
Andrew NC's user avatar
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Does Chabauty-Coleman method give an algorithm for finding rational points?

Let $X$ be a curve of genus $g\geq 2$ over a number field $K$. If $\mathrm{rk} \,\mathrm{Jac}\, X$ is less than $g$ there is a $p$-adic method of bounding $\# X(K)$ due to Chabauty and Coleman (see ...
SashaP's user avatar
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How much do I need to learn algebraic geometry to understand arithmetics over number fields

I am at the stage of learning. Mostly, I am attracted by algebraic number theory. Roughly speaking, I am interested in the rational points of algebraic varieties. I am little bit afraid to start to ...
Ofra's user avatar
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Rational points on towers of curves

Let $\ldots \to X_n \to X_{n-1} \to \ldots \to X_0$ be etale maps between smooth projective curves of genera $g(X_n)>1$, all defined over a fixed number field $K$. By Faltings' Theorem, we know ...
Piotr Achinger's user avatar
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What is the exact statement about uniform boundedness of rational points on curves of genus greater than one? Singular points can be unbounded

According to several sources, it is conjectured (or at least believed) that the rational points of curves over the rationals of genus $g > 1$ are uniformly bounded by $g$. E.g. here p. 1. Assuming ...
joro's user avatar
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Counting number of $2\times 2$ unimodular matrices of particular type

From set of numbers from $\Bbb S=\{0,1,\dots,m\}$, how many distinct $3\times 3$ unimodular matrices parametrized by $(a,b,c,d,e,f)\in\Bbb S^6$ of following type can one form? \begin{bmatrix} a^2 &...
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Brauer-Manin obstruction to surfaces of Kodaira dimension 1

Roughly speaking, the Kodaira dimension is an invariant of a variety that corresponds to curvature. One can show that curves of genus $\geq 2$ have Kodaira dimension 1 using Riemann-Roch. In Corollary ...
Jackson Morrow's user avatar
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cohomological obstructions and rational points

Let $X$ a (nice) scheme over $\mathbb{Q}$. Are there cohomolgical obstructions answering the following questions: 1) is $X(\mathbb{Q})$ an empty set ? 2) is $X(\mathbb{Q})$ a finite (non empty) set ...
Q Q's user avatar
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Existence of local sections

I would like to know when the property of "having a section" for a morphism of varieties in characteristic $0$ can be detected by spreading out to characteristic $p$. Take a number field $K$, and let ...
user49221's user avatar
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Existence of a curve with no points over finite separable field extensions

Does there exist a field $K$, and a smooth projective geometrically connected curve $C$ over $K$ such that, for all finite separable field extensions $L/K$ the curve $C$ has no $L$-rational points? I ...
Keesjan's user avatar
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Tricks to produce examples of hypersurfaces with index greater than $1$

Recall, index of an algebraic scheme $X$ is defined to be the greatest common divisor of the degrees of the space of zero cycles on $X$. I am interested in examples of hypersurfaces in $\mathbb{P}^n_K$...
Jana's user avatar
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Simple field extension and rational points

Let $F$ be an infinite field and $f$ a homogeneous form on $F$ such that $f$ has no non-trivial zero in $F$. Let $F'$ be a finite extension of $F$ such that $f$ has a non-trivial zero in $F'$. Is it ...
Jana's user avatar
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9 votes
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Varieties with infinitely many etale covers and rational points

Let $X$ be a (smooth projective geometrically connected) variety over a field $k$. Consider the set Et$(X,k)$ of finite etale covers $Y\to X$ over $k$, with $Y$ geometrically connected over $k$. ...
Jan Hendrik's user avatar
20 votes
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what is the maximum number of rational points of a curve of genus 2 over the rationals

Conjecturally, there exists an integer $n$ such that the number of rational points of a genus $2$ curve over $\mathbf{Q}$ is at most $n$. (This follows from the Bombieri-Lang conjecture.) We are ...
Dirk's user avatar
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Existence of points on varieties which avoid a given number field.

Let C be a geometrically integral curve over a number field K and let K' be a number field containing K. Does there exist a number field L containing K such that $L \cap K' = K$, and $C(L) \neq \...
David Zureick-Brown's user avatar
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Rational points on smooth compactifications

Let $X$ be as smooth variety over a field $k$ of characteristic $0$. Consider the following statements: The variety $X$ has no $k((t))$-rational points. No smooth compactification of $X$ has a $k$-...
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