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Quadratic forms with the same roots over GF(2) for low rank problems

Let $Q_1(x)=x^TA_1x$ and $Q_2(x)=x^TA_2x$ with $x\in GF(2)^n$, $A_i\in GF(2)^{n\times n}, i \in \{1, 2\}$. If $rank(A_1)=rank(A_2)=2$, is it possible that $Q_1(x)$ and $Q_2(x)$ can have the same roots ...
Fabio Dias's user avatar
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Number of roots of a quadratic form over GF(2)

If $Q(x) = x^T A x$ with $x \in GF(2)^n$ and $A \in GF(2)^{n \times n}$, is there a way to find how many roots $Q(x)$ has based on any properties of $A$ (e.g., rank, etc.)?
Fabio Dias's user avatar
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Squares in skew fields of dimension 2 over a sub skew field

Let $\ell$ be a skew field (i.e., a division ring), and let $k$ be a sub skew field, such that the dimension of $\ell$ as a left vector space over $k$ is $2$. Then if $a \in \ell \setminus k$, we can ...
THC's user avatar
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Criterion for unicity and existence of pre-image in multivariate cryptography

Repost from math.stackexchange since no one could help me there and it concerns my research. I am reading Ding's Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems and in the book the author explains the so-called ...
Saegusa's user avatar
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Polynomial parametrization for solutions of quadratic Diophantine equations

A previous Mathoverflow question asks if there is an algorithm that would determine all integer solutions to a given quadratic Diophantine equation. To make this question more formal, we need to agree ...
Bogdan Grechuk's user avatar
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Is there an integer-valued quadratic polynomial $P(x,y)$ such that $\{P(x,y)+2^k:\ x,y\in\mathbb Z\ \text{and}\ k\in\mathbb N\}=\mathbb Z^+$?

I seek for very sparse representations of positive integers. Let $$\mathbb N=\{0,1,2,\ldots\}\ \ \ \text{and}\ \ \ \mathbb Z^+=\{1,2,3,\ldots\}.$$ Recall that a polynomial $P(x,y)$ is integer-valued ...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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Under what conditions is the polynomial of degree $6$ irreducible?

Let $k$ be a perfect field of characteristic $p \neq 2,3$ such that $\omega := \sqrt[3]{1} \in k$, where $\omega \neq 1$. Consider an absolutely irreducible (not necessarily homogenous) quadratic ...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
-3 votes
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Doubt about lemma for polynomial equivalence [closed]

Multivariate polynomials $f,g$ are equivalent if there exists invertible linear transformation $A$ such that $f(X)=g(A\cdot X)$ From paper p.1: Lemma 1.1. (Structure of quadratic polynomials). Let $F$...
joro's user avatar
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5 votes
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higher order analogues of sylvester's law of inertia?

Sylvester's law of inertia (here I quote wikipedia) If A is the symmetric matrix that defines the quadratic form, and S is any invertible matrix such that D = SAS^{T} is diagonal, then the number ...
mathstudent42's user avatar
14 votes
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Do almost all systems of quadratic equations have solutions?

If I have a system of linear equations, $A x = c$, with $A$ an $n\times n$ complex matrix, it is relatively easy to see that the set of matrices $A$ for which there is no (complex) solution has ...
glS's user avatar
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A criterion for real-rooted polynomials with nonnegative coefficients

Let $P \in \mathbb{R}[X]$, with $\deg P = n$. Is it true that $P$ has only real roots $\quad \Longleftrightarrow \quad P\cdot P'' + (\frac{1}{n}-1)P'^2 \leq 0$ ? The direct implication can be shown ...
LacXav's user avatar
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Positive solutions to simultaneous real quadratic equations

I have a system of $n$ quadratic equations with $n$ unknowns. It can be written as $diag(x)Ax=1$ $x$ is an $n$-vector, $A$ is $n\times n$, real, symmetric and positive definite, the diagonal ...
Andy's user avatar
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Can you efficiently solve a system of quadratic multivariate polynomials?

Given a system of 2nd-degree polynomials, $P=\{p_1,\dots,p_m\}$ where $p_i: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, can you efficiently find a common zero of all of these polynomials? In other words, ...
Arc's user avatar
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8 votes
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Solving a System of Quadratic Equations

I have many polynomial equations in many variables which I want to jointly minimize (in a mean square sense, but you could pick a different reasonable measure which favors anything where all ...
bobuhito's user avatar
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Existence of non-trivial solution to non linear polynomial system

I need to find conditions for the existence of non-trivial solutions to a multivariable polynomial system in two cases: The first case: $f1: a_1x^2+a_2xy+a_3y^2+a_4z^2=0$ $f2: b_1x^2+b_2xy+b_3y^2+...
user34985's user avatar
13 votes
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Is -1 a sum of 2 squares in a certain field K?

Consider the field of fractions $K$ of the quotient algebra $\mathbb{R}[x,y,z,t]/(x^2+y^2+z^2+t^2+1)$, where $\mathbb{R}$ is the field of real numbers and $x,y,z,t$ are variables. Clearly $-1$ is a ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar