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Reference for irreducible representations of $\mathcal{O}(n)\ni O\mapsto O^{\otimes k}$

This MO answer cites the Goodman-Wallach book to affirm that: $$\mathrm{Sym}^k\left(\mathbb{R}^n\right)=\mathcal{H}^k\oplus q\mathcal{H}^{k-2}\oplus q^2\mathcal{H}^{k-4}\oplus\cdots$$ with $\mathrm{...
Tristan Nemoz's user avatar
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Moments on the Stiefel manifold

Let $S_{n, k} = \{V \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times k} : V^T V = I_k\}$ denote the Stiefel manifold, $1 \leq k \leq n$. Let $P \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ denote a symmetric real, positive definite matrix, ...
Drew Brady's user avatar
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Cardinal of finite orthogonal groups

Let $p \neq 2$ and let $F$ be a $p$-adic field with ring of integers $\mathcal{O}$ and maximal ideal $\mathfrak{p}$. By a quadratic space $V_{\mathcal{O}}$ of dimension $d$ over $\mathcal{O}$, I mean ...
Sentem's user avatar
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Conditions of P for existence of orthogonal matrix Q and permutation matrix U satisfying QP = PU

Question: Let $P\in \mathbb{R}^{d\times n}$ be a $d$-rank real matrix and $PP^T = c I_d$ with a certain constant $c > 0$. Under what additional conditions of $P$ does there exist an orthogonal ...
Eddie's user avatar
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Minimize smooth function $(x,y) \to f(x,y)$ subject to $x \perp y$

Let $V$ be a finite-dimensional real vector space (e.g space of $m \times n$ real matrices equiped with Hilbert-Schmidt inner product $(A,B) \to \mathrm{tr}(AB^\top)$, and let $f:V^2 \to \mathbb R$, $(...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Principal orbit and the generic stabilizer of SO(2n)xSO(2n)

Let $SO(2n)$ denote the special orthogonal group of $2n\times 2n$ matrices over the complex numbers. Consider the action of $SO(2n)\times SO(2n)$ on the set of $2n\times 2n$ matrices : $ADB^{T}$, ...
user17990000's user avatar
24 votes
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Simple conjecture about rational orthogonal matrices and lattices

The following conjecture grew out of thinking about topological phases of matter. Despite being very elementary to state, it has evaded proof both by me and by everyone I've asked so far. The ...
Philip Boyle Smith's user avatar
4 votes
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Distribution of Submatrix of Orthogonal Matrix

Let $O$ be a matrix sampled from the Haar measure on $O(n)$. Let $X$ be the upperleft $k\times k$ submatrix of $O$. In a physics research project I am interested in the distribution of $X$, say $\rho(...
Junkai Dong's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

matrix inequality with orthogonal matrices

I would like to know if for $A,B\in SO(3)$ the inequality $$ \|AB-BA\|_F\leq \|A-I\|_F\|B-I\|_F $$ holds, where $\|\cdot\|_F$ denotes the Frobenius norm and $I$ the identity matrix. Using the identity ...
Markus Sprecher's user avatar
4 votes
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Partitioning an orthogonal matrix into full rank square submatrices

Let $U$ be an $n \times n$ orthogonal matrix. Given an arbitrary partition ${\mathcal P}_c=\{y_1,y_2,\ldots,y_k\}$ of the columns of $U$, does there always exist a corresponding partition ${\mathcal ...
David Shuman's user avatar
5 votes
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Existence of parametrizations of rational orthogonal matrices

I suppose that there are formulas which parametrize all the orthogonal matrices with rational coefficients. Does anyone know anything about it? And what are some publications that discuss this? Thanks....
jose luis leal's user avatar