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Hilbert symbol of a quaternion algebra given ramified places

I am reading the paper: in order to find an explicit ...
ah--'s user avatar
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Sequences generated from commuted quaternions and general commuted linear transformations

Given a pair of non-commuting linear transformations, $A$ and $B$, define the "next pair" in a sequence as $A*B$ and $B*A$. I am interested in finite cycles (i.e., the sequence eventually ...
bobuhito's user avatar
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Explicit isomorphism for quaternion algebras over $\mathbb{Q}$?

It is known that the isomorphism class of a quaternion algebra $A=\binom{a,b}{K}$ over a number field $K$ is determined by the finite set of places $v$ of $K$ where $A\otimes_K K_v$ is a division ...
benblumsmith's user avatar
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How can the Cayley table for the elements of basis of a Cayley-Dickson algebra be summarized in an algebraic expression?

One would be able to construct a Cayley table that has all $e_i$ elements of the basis of algebra $A$ where $0<i<\dim A$ such that $e_0=1$, $e_1=i$, $e_2=j$ and so on. I'm looking for an ...
user272651's user avatar
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Dimension of hermitian rank at most $k$ matrices over quaternions

In a (right) finite dimensional quaternionic Hilbert space there is an analogue of the spectral theorem (see theorem 4.6 in Farenick and Pidkowich) for normal matrices in $\mathbb{H}^{m\times m}$, ...
Josiah Park's user avatar
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Explicit description of a quaternion algebra with a prescribed set of ramified places

Let $k$ be an algebraic number field. I understand that given a finite set of non-complex places $S\subset V(k)$ of even cardinality, there exists a unique quaternion algebra $Q$ over $k$ such that $Q$...
anonymous's user avatar
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Left- and right-sided principal ideals of quaternions have same index?

One fact about the Lipschitz integers (quaternions of the form $a + bi + cj + dk$ where $a, b, c, d$ are integers) is that the left-sided ideal generated by any element $Q$ has the same index in the ...
Sridhar Ramesh's user avatar
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Determinants of octonionic hermitian matrices

For quaternionic hermitian matrices (i.e. quaternionic square matrices $(a_{ij})$ satisfying $a_{ji}=\bar a_{ij}$) there is a nice notion of (Moore) determinant which can be defined as follows. ...
asv's user avatar
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15 votes
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Is the ring of quaternionic polynomials factorial?

Denote by $\mathbb{H}[x_1,\dots,x_n]$ the ring of polynomials in $n$ variables with quaternionic coefficients, where the variables commute with each other and with the coefficients. Two polynomials $P,...
mikhail skopenkov's user avatar
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Quaternion orders such that every proper ideal is invertible

Let $B$ be a quaternion algebra over $\mathbb{Q}$ and let $\mathcal{O} \subset B$ be an order. A lattice in $B$ is (left) proper over $\mathcal{O}$ if its left order is equal to $\mathcal{O}$. We ...
John Voight's user avatar
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Is the "algebraic closure" of the quaternions, finite dimensional? [closed]

This post is a sequel of: What's the algebraic closure of the quaternions? $\mathbb{H}$ is algebraically closed for the polynomials of the form $\sum a_r x^r$, but it is not for the polynomials ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Central division and quaternion algebras

I would like to know if there are some central-simple algebras $D_1$, $D_2$ and $D_3$ over a field $k$ satisfying the following properties : $ind(D_1)=exp(D_1)=4$ ($ind$ is the Schur index and $exp$ ...
Louis's user avatar
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Nullstellensatz for quaternionic plane curves?

By a quaternionic plane curve I mean the zero locus of a noncommutative polynomial in two variables, $x$ and $y$ say, over ${\Bbb H}$, Hamilton's quaternions. It is evidently well-known that, after ...
David Feldman's user avatar
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Integral elements of quaternion algebras with predescribed properties

In the course of doing some calculations I have found myself wanting to answer the following question: Let $D/\mathbb{Q}$ be a quaternion algebra ramified at a prime $p$ and at $\infty$ and let $\...
fretty's user avatar
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