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Mertens Bound and the Riemann Hypothesis

Let $M(x)$ denote the Mertens function ($M(x)=\sum_{i=1}^{x}\mu(i)$ where $\mu(i)$ is the Möbius function) and let $\Lambda(i)$ denote the Mangoldt function ($\Lambda(i)$ equals $\log(p)$ if $i=p^{m}$ ...
Sourangshu Ghosh's user avatar
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Restricted divisor summatory function

I have a problem that boils down to prove that the succession $\{a_n\}$ tends to infinity, where $$a_n:=1+\sum_{0\leq j<n}D_{2j+1}(n-j)$$ and $D_{m}(n)$ is the number of divisors $d>1$ of $n$ ...
Nick Belane's user avatar
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Lower bound of exponential sum

This question is a close cousin of the following: Lower bound on exponential sums Let $\phi:[0,1]\to \mathbb R$ be a smooth function with $\frac 1 {10}<\phi'< 10, \frac 1 {10}<\phi''< 10$. ...
Thomas Yang's user avatar
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Lower bound on exponential sums

Let $k\geq 2$. Consider the following norm of exponenetial sum: $$ I(N,p,k)=\int_0^1\int_0^1 \left|\sum_{n=0}^N e^{2\pi i (n x+n^k y)}\right|^p dxdy. $$ Bourgain mentioned on Page 118 of https://...
Thomas Yang's user avatar
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A lower bound on the $L^2$ norm of a Dirichlet polynomial

The Question. Suppose $0 < \alpha < \beta$ are fixed, and $a_n$ is an arbitrary sequence of real numbers. Is it known how to bound from below \begin{equation*} \int_0^{T} \Big| \sum_{\alpha T &...
Matt Young's user avatar
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Lower bounds on the error term of the prime number theorem

Are there any lower bounds on the error term for the prime number theorem, or in other words, is there a nontrivial $f$ s.t. $$f(x)\ll |\psi(x) - x|$$ where $\psi$ is the Chebyshev function.
Mayank Pandey's user avatar
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lower and upper bound for $\sum_{k=1}^n \frac{(-1)^{\Omega(k)}}k$?

Are there known any lower and upper bounds for $$ \sum_{k=1}^n \frac{(-1)^{\Omega(k)}}k, $$ where $\Omega(n)$ is the number of prime factors counting multiplicities of $n$? Or at least is it known ...
asad's user avatar
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Quantitative lower bounds related to Zhang's theorem on bounded gaps

Let $\mathcal{H}=\left\{ h_{i}\right\} _{i=1}^{k}$ be an admissible set, and define $$\pi_{\mathcal{H}}(x)=\left|\left\{ n\leq x\ :\ \exists\ i,j\leq k,\ i\neq j\ \text{such that both }n+h_{i},\ n+h_{...
Eric Naslund's user avatar
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