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Questions tagged [local-rings]

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A question on infinite local rings which are not division ring

Is it true that if $(R,m)$ is a (not necessary commutative) local ring then $R$ and $m$ have the same cardinal ? (Exclude TWO trivial cases: when $R$ is finite and when $R$ is a division ring) On ...
Mark 's user avatar
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When a group ring is a local ring [closed]

Hi there, I'm stuck with my undergraduate thesis on the following proposition: If $k$ is a field of characteristic $p > 0$ and $G$ is a finite $p$-group, then the group ring $kG$ is local. In ...
Marco Larrea's user avatar
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Algorithm for Weierstrass Preparation Theorem for Formal Power Series

The Weierstrass preparation theorem for formal power series rings guarantees that if a given formal series $f(z) = \sum a_k z^k \in R[[z]]$ where $R$ is a complete local ring with maximal ideal $M$ ...
R. Nendorf's user avatar
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Analytic spread of an ideal after reduction

Let $(R,m)$ be a local ring and $I$ an ideal in $R.$ Let $l(I):=\dim \bigoplus_{n\geq 0}(I^n/mI^n)$ and $x\in R\setminus I.$ My question is what is the relation between $l(I)$ anf $l(I+(x)/(x))?$
tessellation's user avatar
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Asymptotic stability of prime divisors

Suppose $I$ is an ideal in a formally equidimensional local ring $R.$ Let $A(I)$ and $\overline A(I)$ denote Ass$R/I^n$ and Ass$R/\overline{I^n}$ for all large $n$ respectively. My question is What ...
Cusp's user avatar
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a generalization of group (monoid with order-by-order invertible elements)

Fix a filtered monoid, $H=H_0\supsetneq H_1\supsetneq H_2\supsetneq\cdots$. Suppose for any $h\in H$ and any $n\in \Bbb{N}$ exists $h_n\in H$ such that $h\cdot h_n\in H_n$ and $h_n\cdot h\in H_n$. If ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
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Integral closure of lexsegment ideal

Let $R=k[x_1,\ldots,x_d]$ where $k$ is a field and $I$ be a lexsegment ideal of $R$ and $l(I)=d$ (where $l(I)$ is analytic spread of $I$). Is $I$ integrally closed? If I is generated by elements ...
Cusp's user avatar
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Question about Ext$^1$ in local commutative algebras

Given a local commutative (commutative only if needed...) selfinjective (non-semisimple) finite dimensional algebra $A$ over a field $K$ with enveloping algebra $A^e = A \otimes_K A^{op}$. Then $Ext_{...
Mare's user avatar
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Are the fibers of this morphism geometrically regular?

Let $A\rightarrow B$ be a local morphism of complete noetherian rings making $B$ a formally smooth $A$-algebra. Does the induced morphism $\textrm{Spec}(B)\to\textrm{Spec}(A)$ have geometrically ...
Olórin's user avatar
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Reducedness of a ring with prime nilradical

Let $A$ be a regular ring and $\mathfrak q$ be an ideal, such that $\sqrt{\mathfrak q}$ is prime. Further assume that $\mathfrak q$ is locally principal (i.e. $\mathfrak q$ is an irreducible divisor ...
MooS's user avatar
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Inverse limit of Gorenstein local rings is again Gorenstein?

If we have the system of surjective ring homomorphisms $f_{i,i+1}: R_{i+1} \twoheadrightarrow R_i$ for an arbitrary $i \geq 0$ such that all $R_i$ are Gorenstein local ring. Let us put $R^{\...
Pierre's user avatar
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17 votes
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Elementary proof wanted: every local principal ideal ring is a quotient of a PID

I am looking for a more elementary proof of the following result: Theorem (Hungerford, 1968): Let $R$ be a principal ideal ring. Then $R \cong \prod_{i=1}^n R_i$, where each $R_i$ is a homomorphic ...
Pete L. Clark's user avatar
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Reference on the classification of (low rank) Gorenstein rings over $\mathbb{C}$

I am interested in the question of the classification of (low rank) Gorenstein rings over $\mathbb{C}$. The socle of a local algebra is the annihilator of its maximal ideal. A commutative local ring ...
kknd2's user avatar
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Is there a characterization of r(M) by local cohomology instead of Ext

For a Noetherian local ring $(R,m)$, and a finite $R$-module $M$ with $\operatorname{depth} M=t,$ type of $M$ is defined to be $r(M):=dim_{R/m}Ext^t \ (R/m, M).$ Is there a characterization of $...
user 1's user avatar
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Popescu-Neron Desingularization for K[[T_1,...,T_∞]]

Let $K[[T_1,...,T_n]]$ be a finitely many variables formal power series ring over a field $K$. Dorin Popescu proved that there are smooth algebras $A_{\lambda}$'s which are of finite type over $K$ ...
Pierre MATSUMI's user avatar
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Does the normalization morphism induce isomorphism on residue fields?

The question is basically coming from the following situation: Let $C$ be an integral curve over a field $k$ (EDIT and assume that $k$ is not algebraically closed) and let $\phi\colon C^N\to C$ be the ...
FedeB's user avatar
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A Question About Free Resolutions

I would warmly appreciate it if someone could tell me whether the following question has an affirmative answer. I am new to the field of commutative algebra, so I am simply trying to fill in some (...
Leonard's user avatar
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Can a zerodivisor reduce both the depth and the dimension?

In this question $R$ is a commutative noetherian local ring with unity. One can construct examples of rings $R$ and zerodivisors $z$ such that $\dim R/(z)=\dim R-1$, e.g., $S\colon=k[a,b,c],\ \...
Mahdi Majidi-Zolbanin's user avatar
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Uniform Artin-Rees bound for annihilators in Noetherian local rings

Let $(A,\mathfrak{m})$ be a Noetherian local ring. If $I$ is an ideal of $A$, then by (a weak version of) the Artin-Rees lemma, there exists $j \geq 0$ such that for all $i \geq j$, $$\mathfrak{m}^i \...
Arkandias's user avatar
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finiteness dimension

$R$ is a local Noetherian ring. $f_I(M)$, the finiteness dimension of a module $M$ relative to $I$, is defined in ...
user 1's user avatar
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Left ideals vs right ideals

By default, let all algebras be complex and unital. I am concerned with the non-commutative algebras. I am wondering if the following might be true (at least for some classes of algebras, like semi-...
Jan Veselý's user avatar
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Automorphisms of complete discrete valuation ring

Let ${\Bbb F}_2[[T]]$ be a c.d.v.r over ${\Bbb F}_2$. We consider the automorphism $\sigma$ of ${\Bbb F}_2[[T]]$ such that $\sigma \colon T \mapsto T + c_2T^2 + c_3T^3 + \cdots$ with $c_i \in {\Bbb F}...
Pierre's user avatar
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Hochschild cohomology of commutative quotients

Notation: Let $k$ be a commutative local ring and let $HH^{i}(A,N)$ denote the $i^{th}$ Hochschild cohomology $k$-module of a $k$-algebra A with coefficients in an $(A,A)$-bi-module $N$. If $x:=\{...
ABIM's user avatar
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Artin approximation theorems over non-regular rings/non-Noetherian rings

In Artin1968 he considers $\underline{analytic}$ equations, but over the ring $R=k\{x_1,..,x_n\}$. In Artin1969 he works with $R=k\{x_1,..,x_n\}/I$, not necessarily regular, but considers $\underline{...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
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Depth zero, high dimension

$\textbf{Question: }$We know that the depth of a noetherian local ring is at most the dimension. Do there exist noetherian local rings with high dimension but zero depth? If not, what's the smallest ...
LMN's user avatar
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When is $rad(L)[x_1,\ldots]$ radical in $Ker(\varphi_\ast)$?

Suppose we have a local ring $L$ (not necessarily commutative) such that $L/rad(L)$ is a division algebra (here $rad(L)$ is the Jacobson radical of $L$). We clearly have the canonical surjection $\...
John D Evans's user avatar
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Lengths over a local ring

Let $A$ be a noetherian domain, $\mathfrak{m}$ а maximal ideal, $s$ a non-zero element of $\mathfrak{m}$, $d= \dim A_\mathfrak{m}$. Is the following claim true? Claim: For any $\epsilon>0$, there ...
Nico Bellic's user avatar
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Possibilities for dimensions of $\mathfrak{m}^i/\mathfrak{m}^{i+1}$ for a local ring

Let $R$ be a local commutative ring with maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$, and denote by $k$ the residue field $R/\mathfrak{m}$. Then we can look at the sequence of $k$-vectorspaces $$R/\mathfrak{m}, \...
Erik Rijcken's user avatar
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Derivations annihilated by powers of the augmentation ideal

Consider an augmented commutative ring $R$, with augmentation ideal $\varpi$. Let $\delta$ be a derivation of $R$. The example I have in mind is $R=\mathbb F_p[x]/(x^{p^i})$ and $\delta=d/dx$, though ...
grok's user avatar
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On the Completion of a complete local ring

Let $(R,\mathfrak{m})$ be a complete local ring, $a_{\lambda}$ be a decreasing net of ideals in $R$, indexed by a directed set. Consider the completion under $a_{\lambda}$-topology $A=\underleftarrow{\...
Zhengyu Hu's user avatar
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working with local rings: "abstract" vs "geometric" proofs

Let $R$ be a local ring (commutative, Noetherian, over an algebraically closed field; if needed Henselian). Suppose one wants to prove some statement. Suppose $R$ happens to be the ring of "functions"...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
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maximal ideal in local subrings

Let $A,B$ be two local rings and put $\mathfrak{m}_A, \mathfrak{m}_B$ their maximal ideals. Now suppose that we have an injection $0 \to A \to B$ and put $\mathfrak{n} := A \cap \mathfrak{m}_B $. It ...
Srks's user avatar
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rings with 'flat functions'

Let $(R,\mathfrak{m})$ be a local ring over a field. Suppose the ring has flat elements, i.e. $\mathfrak{m}^\infty\neq\{0\}$. (The prototype is of course $C^\infty(\Bbb{R}^p,0)$, or a quotient of it, ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
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When does $R [x]/I $ have infinitely many idempotents in special case?

At < When does $R [x]/I $ has infinitely many idempotents? >, Er_Ro asked the following question. Let $R $ be a commutative ring with identity and $R[x] $ its polynomial ring. I am looking for ...
Anderia's user avatar
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When is $\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\:\mathrm{depth}\:R/\mathfrak{a}^n= \mathrm{depth}\:R/\mathfrak{a}$?

Suppose $(R,\mathfrak{m})$ is a noetherian local ring. I am interested in ideals $\mathfrak{a}$ of $R$ for which $$\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\:\mathrm{depth}\:R/\mathfrak{a}^n= \mathrm{depth}\:R/\...
Mahdi Majidi-Zolbanin's user avatar
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what are the possible approximations for ideals

(Fix some local ring $(R,\mathfrak{m})$ over a field of zero characteristic.) Suppose an ideal $J$ is defined by some complicated formula/procedure. And there is no hope of computing it/or writing ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
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Norm map and units in local rings

Let $$ L=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-1})\otimes_\mathbb{Q} \mathbb{Q}_3 $$ where $\mathbb{Q}_3$ denotes de $3$-adic rational numbers. Then $L$ is a quadratic extension of the local field $\mathbb{Q}_3$. ...
emiliocba's user avatar
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How to find ideals of finite length in a power series ring with special properties?

Let $A$ be the power series ring $\mathbb{C}[[x,y]]$. Assume we are given two ideals $I,J$ of finite length in $A$ such that: $xJ\subseteq I\subseteq J$ Is it possible to find ideals of finite ...
Bernie's user avatar
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"thematic" algebras

I scoured what I could in the literature but I have yet to find the information that should be out there. Consider the property (P1) Every local subalgebra can be embedded in a local ideal ...
Oliver Kayende's user avatar
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Open idempotents in modules over a local ring

Let $R$ be a local ring. By an open idempotent I mean an $R$-module $F$ equipped with a homomorphism $e : F \to R$ such that $e \otimes F = F \otimes e$ is an isomorphism $F \otimes F \cong F$ (this ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Characterization of non-commutative local rings of orders 64 and 128

I need the characterization (up to isomorphism) of non-commutative local rings (with identity) of orders 64 and 128. If you know the characterization or a reference, please let me know.
nikitar's user avatar
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A question on local rings

Let $R$ be a finite local ring (with identity) with exactly one minimal left ideal. Is it necessarily true that $R$ has exactly one minimal right ideal !?
M92's user avatar
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On the functoriality of scalar extensions of local rings (edited)

Note. I have edited my question to make it more transparent, following some very good comments that I received. I am sorry if it is a bit long. A local homomorphism of local rings $(A,\mathfrak{m})\...
Mahdi Majidi-Zolbanin's user avatar
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Higher-dimensional generalization of Pink's theorem

Pink's theorem in the title of the question refers to the main theorem of Pink's paper "Compact Subgroups of Linear Algebraic Groups" that appeared in Journal of Algebra (206) in 1998. It essentially ...
Joël's user avatar
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Projecting solutions of Hermitian forms over local rings

Let $R$ be a local ring (commutative and with $1$) with maximal ideal $M$, with an involution $\theta$. Let $h$ be a Hermitian form on $R^n$, i.e. $h:R^n\times R^n\rightarrow R$ such that $h$ is $R$-...
Erik Rijcken's user avatar
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PAC field : Algebraically closed field :: ? : Henselian local ring

I'm wondering if the following exists in the world as a definition. I'll use the word "pseudo-Henselian." I'll restrict to DVRs for simplicity. I'd want to call a DVR $(R,\mathfrak{m})$ pseudo-...
Bobby Grizzard's user avatar
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Can you suggest a good name for a local homomorphism φ:(R,m)->(S,n) of local rings with the property that φ(m)S is n-primary?

Can you suggest a good name for a local homomorphism $(R,\mathfrak{m})\stackrel{\varphi}{\rightarrow}(S,\mathfrak{n})$ of local rings with the property that $\varphi(m)S$ is $\mathfrak{n}$-primary? ...
Mahdi Majidi-Zolbanin's user avatar
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Minimal generating set of a free module over local ring

Greetings, in my studies I went into a statement "minimal generating set of a free module over a local ring is a free basis". The statement came without a proof, just with a reference to Kaplansky's ...
Ivo Jan's user avatar
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local Artin algebras

Given a commutative Artin algebra $A$ over an algebraically closed field $k$ one has a decomposition $A=A_1\oplus\ldots\oplus A_n$ into local Artin subalgebras, see for example Atiyah-McDonald, ...
Alexander's user avatar
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How far finiteness dimension can be from edges? Example for $f_m(S/I)\ge depth S/I+2$

Let $ (R,m) $ be a commutative unital noetherian local ring (with $m$ as its maximal ideal), $ I $ an ideal of $ R $, and $ M $ a finite $R$-module with $\dim M\gt 0$. $f_I(M) = \inf\ \{i : H_I^i(M)\ ...
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