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Waldhausen S-construction for exact categories

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be an exact category. Then, we can consider $\mathcal{C}$ as a Waldhausen category, where the cofibrations are admissible monomorphisms. By Waldhausen $S$-construction we know that $...
Arash Karimi's user avatar
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What role does homotopy play in Karoubi's K-Theory?

In Karoubi's book K-Theory An Introduction, he defines the groups $K^{p,q}(\mathcal{C})$ for a pseudo-abelian Banach category as equivalence classes of triples $(E,F,\alpha)$, where $E,F \in \mathcal{...
fish_monster's user avatar
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${\rm SL}_2(\mathbb C)$-equivariant K-theory of $\mathbb C P^1$

Consider the action of ${\rm SL}_2(\mathbb C)$ on $\mathbb C P^1$ induced by the action of 2×2 matrices on 2-vectors. Is it true that $K^{{\rm SL}_2(\mathbb C)}(\mathbb C P^1)$ is $\mathbb C[t,t^{-1}]$...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Definition of Chow quotient

I am reading M. M. Kapranov's paper "Chow quotients of Grassmannians. I." (English) in Sergej Gelfand (ed.) et al., I. M. Gelfand seminar. Part 2: Papers of the Gelfand seminar in ...
bbl's user avatar
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Plus construction of the product spaces

I am newly learning plus construction in topology. My question is how to prove the following: The plus construction of the product of two CW complexes is homotopically equivalent to the product of ...
KAK's user avatar
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Unique Hausdorff topology on trivial vector bundle?

Question: Is there a Hausdorff topology other than the product topology on $X\times \mathbb{C}^n$, that turns $(X\times \mathbb{C}^n, \mathrm{pr}_1)$ into a vector bundle, where $\mathrm{pr_1}$ ...
PHmath's user avatar
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13 votes
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Intuitive reason for periods of 2 and 8 in Bott periodicity?

Is there a reasonably simple explanation for why Bott periodicity for $U$ and $O$ have periods 2 and 8, respectively? For example, in the $h$-cobordism theorem the requirement that $n \geq 5$ has the ...
Andrew Lee's user avatar
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Nilpotency of generalized cohomology

$\newcommand\pt{\mathrm{pt}}$Let $(X,\pt)$ be a connected, pointed, finite CW complex and let $h$ be a generalized cohomology theory. Let $\smash{\tilde{h}}^*(X)$ denote the kernel of restriction $h^*(...
onefishtwofish's user avatar
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Explicit description of transfer for $K_1$

Let $R$ be a commutative regular ring and let $s \in R$ be an element such that $R / s$ is also regular. Then we have a long exact localization sequence $$ \ldots \rightarrow K_i(R/s) \rightarrow K_i(...
Daniel Schäppi's user avatar
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A roof genus of high dimensional lens space

Let $p$ be a natural number, and for $i\in \{0, ..., p-1\}$, denote the irreducible rank one complex representation of $\mathbb{Z}/p$. by $\rho_{i}$. Let $a=(a_{1},\ldots a_{d}) $ ...
Nicolas Boerger's user avatar
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Bisimplicial spaces as a coequalizer of maps between "simpler" bisimplicial spaces

From a bisimplicial space $T$, one can consider the simplicial spaces $p \mapsto T_{pp}$, $p \mapsto | q \mapsto T_{pq}|$, and $q \mapsto |p \mapsto T_{pq}|$, where $| \cdot|$ denotes geometric ...
ems's user avatar
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Projectivity of equivariant K-theory of toric variety

I'm looking at Vezzosi and Vistoli's paper: Higher algebraic K-theory for actions of diagonalizable groups. In Theorem 6.9, they prove that the $T$-equivariant K-theory of a smooth projective toric ...
onefishtwofish's user avatar
13 votes
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Roadmap for Algebraic Geometry/Homotopy Theory/Algebraic $K$-Theory intersection

I’m afraid that this is quite a general question but I am hoping some experts can weigh in. I am a student generally interested in learning more about the intersection of algebraic geometry, algebraic ...
Song Ye's user avatar
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When does homology preserve inverse limits of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces?

Let $... \to G_3 \to G_2 \to G_1$ be an inverse system of abelian groups and $G$ the limit of the system. By a theorem of Goerss the integral homology of the Eilenberg-MacLane space $K(G,n)$ for $n &...
willie's user avatar
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Is $KU\otimes S^1_+$ isomorphic to $F(S^1_+,KU)$ as $E_\infty$ rings?

There are various ways to construct $KU$ as an $E_\infty$ ring spectrum; I will take that as given. Using this, we can make $KU\otimes G_+$ into an $E_\infty$ ring for any commutative topological ...
Neil Strickland's user avatar
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Equivalent descriptions of equivariant K-theory

I am looking at references for computing $$K_{T}(G/H)$$ where $G$ is a compact connected Lie group with maximal torus $T$, and $H\subset G$ is a corank one Lie subgroup such that $G/H\cong S^{2k-1}$ ...
Yun Liu's user avatar
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The complex $K$-theory of the Thom spectrum $MU$

The Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence is a strong computational tool that yields several interesting computation in (co)homology. I want to know whether $K_\ast(MU)$ and $K^\ast(MU)$ have been ...
Plius's user avatar
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What does homotopy invariance mean for twisted K-theory?

In ordinary K-theory, homotopy invariance means that if $f,g \colon X \to Y$ are homotopic maps then their induced maps on K-theory are equal: $f^* = g^* \colon K(Y) \to K(X)$. My question is how to ...
Motmot's user avatar
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"High-dimensional" classes in topological $K$-theory

I am looking for a sequence of topological spaces $X_n$, $n\in\mathbb N$, with the following property. Let $\tilde{K}^0(X_n)$ be the complex reduced $K$-theory group of $X_n$ (with respect to some ...
geometricK's user avatar
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Which spectra have a homotopy-universal connective quotient?

Prefatory remark: This is a repost of a previous question, to which Tyler Lawson supplied a lovely $\infty$-categorical answer. The example that motivated the question was specifically about the ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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Which spectra have a universal connective quotient?

Consider the homotopy category $\mathrm{hoSp}$ of spectra. It has a full subcategory $\mathrm{hoSp}_{\geq 0}$ of connective spectra, equivalently of infinite loop spaces, equivalently $E_\infty$-group ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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The graded multiplication on topological $K$-theory

In every reference I have looked at (the books by Atiyah, Karoubi, Lawson--Michelsohn, Hatcher's unpublished book) the exterior multiplication on (reduced, negative) $K$-theory is given by the ...
Oscar Randal-Williams's user avatar
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Equivariant K-theory for products of groups?

Let $X$ be a $(G \times H)$-space. What is known about the connection between the groups $K_G(X)$, $K_H(X)$ and $K_{G \times H}(X)$? The $G$ and $H$ action on $X$ come from the canonical inclusions $G ...
Motmot's user avatar
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$E^G_\ast(E)$ tensored with the rationals

Lemma 17.19 of Switzer's "Algebraic topology - Homology and Homotopy" states that $E_\ast(F)\otimes\mathbb{Q}$ is isomorphic to $\pi_\ast(E)\otimes\pi_\ast(F)\otimes\mathbb{Q}$. I wanted to ...
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K-homology fundamental class for singular varieties?

Given a smooth $\text{Spin}^c$ compact manifold without boundary $M$, a suitable normalization of the Dirac operator defines the fundamental class of $M$ in Kasparov's $KK(\mathbb{C}, C^0(M))$. This ...
Shaoyun Bai's user avatar
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Solving polynomial equations in $K(h)$-local or $T(h)$-local spectra?

This is the same question as an earlier question of mine, except in a different category. Let $Spt_{T(h)}^{fin}$ be the category of finite $T(h)$-local spectra. Let $K_0^\oplus(Spt_{T(h)}^{fin})$ be ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Splitting of $BGL_1(KR)$

There are infinite loop space splittings $BGL_1(KO)\simeq BGL_1(KO)[0,2]\times Z$ and $BGL_1(KU)\simeq BGL_1(KU)[0,3]\times Z'$ where $Z$ and $Z'$ are 2 and 3 connected, respectively (i.e. they have ...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
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Pullback of complex vector bundles along a retraction of compact Hausdorff spaces: a direct proof instead?

Consider a pointed compact Hausdorff space $(X,x_0)$ and a closed pointed subspace $i:A\subset X$ such that there exists a continuous map $r:X\rightarrow A$ such that $r|_A=\text{Id}_A$. Set $$q:(X,...
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6 votes
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The optimal ranges for the integral homological stability of $\operatorname{GL}_n(F)$'s for a field $F$

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$ $\DeclareMathOperator\co{H}$ $\DeclareMathOperator\ko{K}$ $\DeclareMathOperator\trd{tr-deg}$ $\DeclareMathOperator{\ch}{char}$Given a field $F$ and a homological degree $...
Cihan's user avatar
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Does a Gysin map depend on the choice of Thom class?

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a proper embedding between complex manifolds, then the normal bundle $N$ is complex which is in paticular $\textsf{spin}^c$. Hence we have a Thom class $\lambda_N$ and a Thom ...
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What were the "questions unapproachable by other means" w.r.t. $KO$-invariants?

H. Blaine Lawson, Jr. and Marie-Louise Michelsohn, Spin Geometry, (1989), p. xi: ...This formula was to generalize the important [HRR]. ...Atiyah and Singer...produced a globally defined elliptic ...
Matthew Niemiro's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

When are bundles of odd and even differential forms isomorphic?

Let $M$ be a compact oriented $n$-manifold. Denote $\Omega^k := {\bigwedge}^k T^*M$ the vector bundle of differential $k$-forms, and let $\Omega^{\text{odd}} := \bigoplus_{\text{$k$ odd}} \Omega^k$ ...
Ceka's user avatar
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Topological K-theory of Riemann surface

Let $X$ be a compact Riemann surface of genus $g$, then $K^1_{\mathrm{top}}(X)\cong\mathbb{Z}^{2g}$. Is there a explicit description of a set of basis of $K^1_{\mathrm{top}}$? (e.g., For cohomology $H^...
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Poincaré duality for topological $K$-theory

Let $n$ be an even number. Let $X$ be a $n$-dimensional complex projective manifold with $H^{2m+1}(X,\mathbb{Z})=0$, for all $0\leq m\leq n-1$. $H^{2m}(X,\mathbb{Z})$ is a free $\mathbb{Z}$-module ...
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The third homology stability of general linear groups over finite fields

Given a finite field $\mathbb{F}$ with $|\mathbb{F}|=q=p^m\geq4$ where $p=\text{char}(\mathbb{F})$, I'm wondering is there a characterization of the kernel of the map $f:H_3(\text{GL}_3(\mathbb{F}))\...
XYC's user avatar
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How to to understand the homology groups $H_*(\Omega_0^\infty S^\infty)$?

The original statement of the Barratt--Priddy theorem says there is an isomorphism of homology groups $$H_*(\Sigma_\infty)\cong H_*(\Omega_0^\infty S^\infty),$$ where $\Omega_0^\infty S^\infty$ is the ...
Chase's user avatar
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Conner-Floyd Chern classes and $E$-(co)homology of $BU$

In his book, Stable homotopy and generalised homology, Adams computes the $E$-(co)homology of $BU$ for a complex oriented cohomology theory $E$. In II.4, he first describes the $E$-homology of $BU$ as ...
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21 votes
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What is the homotopy type of the poset of nontrivial decompositions of $\mathbf{R}^n$?

Consider the following partial order. The objects are unordered tuples $\{V_1,\ldots,V_m\}$, where each $V_i \subseteq \mathbf{R}^n$ is a nontrivial linear subspace and $V_1 \oplus \cdots \oplus V_m =...
Inna's user avatar
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Computation of KO theory of a point

I have some basic questions about real K-theory (I mean $KO$-theory). Question 1: I have seen the table $$ KO^{-i}(\mathrm{pt})= \begin{cases} \mathbb{Z},& i=0\\ \mathbb{Z}_2,& i=1\\ \mathbb{Z}...
geometricK's user avatar
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Does Waldhausen K-theory detect homotopy type?

Recall that $A(X)$, the K-theory of a connected, pointed space X, is defined as the K-theory spectrum of the ring spectrum $\Sigma^\infty_+ \Omega X$ (or via a plethora of alternative definitions). Is ...
Connor Malin's user avatar
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Uniqueness of complex topological $K$-theory as an $S$-algebra

This might be well-known or trivial, but I could not figure out how to fill in the details: For an $S$-algebra $K$ denote its associated multiplicative cohomology theory by $h^*_K$. Suppose that I ...
Ulrich Pennig's user avatar
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Sheaf of chain complexs glued by chain homotopy equivalences

Let $(X,\mathcal O_X)$ be a locally ringed space with an open covering $\mathscr U$. Suppose: For any $U\in\mathscr U$, we have a chain complex $(C_U, d_U)$ such that $C_U$ is an $\mathcal O_X(U)$-...
Hang's user avatar
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Stable Adams operations

I have come across a paper by Adams, Harris and Switzer on the Hopf algebra of cooperations of real and complex K-theory. The Adams operations are stable in the $p$-local setting, however I have not ...
Avishkar Rajeshirke's user avatar
11 votes
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Problems concerning subspaces of $M_{n}(\mathbb{Q}) $

Let $M_{n}(\mathbb{Q}) $ denote the $n$ times $n$ matrices over the rational number field. $N$ be a subspace of $M_{n}(\mathbb{Q}) $.Then if all the non-zero matrices in $N$ are invertible, what is ...
Sky's user avatar
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Adams blue book lemma 17.14: computing a $\mathbb{F}_2$ basis for a filtration of $H\mathbb{Z}_*(bu \wedge bu)$

First off let me apologize for not being able to give all the context for this question. I'm learning how to do computations in stable homotopy theory and have been particularly spending a lot of time ...
Francis Baer's user avatar
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What is known about the discrete group cohomology $H^2(\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb C), \mathbb C^\times)$?

The cohomology ring of $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb C)$ as a topological group is straightforward (it's generated by a Chern class), but what is known in the discrete case? I'm particularly interested in $H^...
Calvin McPhail-Snyder's user avatar
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What is the multiplicative structure of K-theory $\Omega$-spectrum $KU$?

The K-theory $\Omega$-prespectrum $KU$ has spaces $KU_{2i}=BU\times \mathbb{Z}$ and $KU_{2i+1}=U$, according to Bott periodicity we have a $\mathbb{Z}_2$-graded cohomology theory $\tilde{K}^*(X)$, ...
cyber's user avatar
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Integral homology of braid groups as a ring

Let $Br_k$ denote the braid group on $k$ strands. In Corollary A.4 of "Homology of Iterated Loop Spaces" (Page 348), Cohen-Lada-May compute $H_i(Br_k;\mathbb Z)$ as an abelian group for each ...
qqqqqqw's user avatar
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Diffeomorphism groups of h-cobordant manifolds

Do we have specific examples of h-cobordant smooth manifolds $M$ and $M'$ such that $\operatorname{BDiff}(M) \not \simeq \operatorname{BDiff}(M')$? Perhaps something can be said in terms of K-theory ...
Connor Malin's user avatar
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Solving polynomial equations in spectra?

Let $M$ be the mod-$p$ Moore spectrum where $p \geq 3$ is a (power of) a prime. Then $M$ satisfies the "polynomial equation" $M \wedge M \cong M \oplus \Sigma M$. Is this a general ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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