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Building a geodesic conjugate parameterization on catenoid

I believe that a catenoid supports a parametrization $\sigma : U \subset \mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^3$ that forms a conjugate system (i.e., $\sigma_{uv} \in\mathrm{span}(\sigma_u, \sigma_v)$) ...
RWien's user avatar
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A system of linear PDEs with boundary conditions

I'm researching on discrete/semi-discrete/smooth differential geometry. Recently, I could simplify one of my geometric problems (in the smooth scenario) into the solutions of a system of linear PDEs ...
RWien's user avatar
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3 answers

Equivalence problem of classifying heat equations

I have tried to search for references online but I am unable to do so. I am looking for references that uses Cartan's method of moving frames to classify heat equations. Also are there references that ...
fwg's user avatar
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Why is Jacobi Identity equivalent to holonomy of system? [closed]

Or equivalently, why is jacobi identity equivalent to integrability of system? How do I understand it intuitively? Thanks.
N.Li's user avatar
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Generalized definition of integrable condition on rough complex subbundle

Assume object are smooth at first. If we consider real subbundle, we can define integrability in terms of parameterization or coordinate. A rank $r$ real subbundle $\mathcal V\le TM$ is called ...
Liding Yao's user avatar
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How to solve the system of PDEs defining Killing vectors

Recently I came across the following problem. Here's the setting: Let $(M^n,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold, $\nabla$ the Levi-Civita connection, and $U$ a coordinate neighbourhood with coordinates $\{x^...
Stefan Vasilev's user avatar
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Proof of Arnold-Liouville theorem in classical mechanics [closed]

I am currently reading Arnold's book "Mathematical Methods of classical mechanics" on page 278 and I don't see through his arguments there at a point. Especially, I am talking about the part that ...
Zlatan12's user avatar
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Weinstein's local classification of Lagrangian foliations

In the paper "Symplectic manifolds and their Lagrangian submanifolds", Weinstein showed that locally all the Lagrangian foliations are symplectomorhic to the fiber foliation of a cotangent bundle. I ...
Piojo's user avatar
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Weakest condition for an integrable, almost-symplectic manifold?

I was recently speaking with someone who works in Computational Chemistry and they mentioned that in a lot of the computational simulations they do, they have systems that are not symplectic but still ...
Tarun Chitra's user avatar