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Connection between integrable systems and group actions

An integrable system can be defined as a symplectic manifold together with the maxiumum possible number of Poisson commuting functions on the manifold which are almost everywhere independent. By the ...
R Mary's user avatar
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Reference request: Liouville integrability of a torus action of small dimension on a symplectic manifold

Consider a hamiltonian toric acion on a connected real symplectic manifold of dimension 2n. The dimension of the torus, which we denote by $k$, may be less than $n$. The generators of the action will ...
Vladimir S  Matveev's user avatar
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Introduction to the Adler-van Moerbeke theory

Is there a good introduction to the Adler-van Moerbeke theory of solving completely integrable systems by linearizing the flow on the Jacobian of an algebraic curve, for someone with a background in ...
Francis Harry's user avatar
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Deformation quantization of an integrable system

What is known about lifting n Poisson commuting functions on a 2n-dimensional symplectic manifolds (say R^2n) to Moyal-Weyl commuting functions?
Boris Tsygan's user avatar
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Integrable systems with Fano phase space?

What are some known examples of finite-dimensional integrable systems with symplectic Fano phase space? Here by integrable system we mean a symplectic manifold $(X, \omega)$ of dimension $2n$ with $...
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Coordinates for quasiperiodic motion after reconstruction

Consider a free action of $SO(3)$ on a manifold $M$ and some (reducible) dynamics vector field $X$ on $M$. Suposse that the reduced dynamics $X_{red}$ on $M/SO(3)$ has only fixed points and periodic ...
user2002's user avatar
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Integrable systems and Lagrangian fibrations

It is known that every integrable system gives rise to a Lagrangian fibration via action-angle variables. My question is how to tell if a given Lagrangian fibration is an integrable system, that is ...
IntegrableSystemsEnthusiast's user avatar
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Embeddings of the configuration space into the phase space of integrable systems

As always, I'm not sure if I'm about to ask a very stupid question, and I apologise if that is the case. Most systems from physics come from classical Hamiltonians, defined on the phase space of ...
R Mary's user avatar
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Pulled back foliation is completely integrable

There is a question that arises, while I'm trying to understand Guillemin & Sternbergs paper "On collective complete integrability according to the method of Thimm". Assume $M$ is a symplectic ...
Olorin's user avatar
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moduli space of meromorphic $G$-Higgs bundles

I want to clarify with some topics in moduli space of semistable $G$-Higgs bundles on curve $X$ (genus $g$ is large enough) of fixing topological type $d \in \pi_1(G)$. Simpson's construction gives us ...
quantum's user avatar
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Nature of separatrix in Fokker--Planck Hamiltonian with two degrees of freedom

Background The semiclassical (weak noise, small $D$) limit of the Fokker--Planck equation $$\frac{\partial P}{\partial t}=D\frac{\partial^2 P}{\partial x^2}-\frac{\partial}{\partial x}(v(x) P)$$ can ...
Austen's user avatar
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Is there a relation between symplectic toric orbifolds and semi-toric systems?

So recently I have been studying semi-toric systems which are a generalization of toric symplectic manifolds and allow for the presence of focus-focus fibers. These were proved to be classified by $5$ ...
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Question on the proof of doing a nodal trade, almost-toric fibrations

I am trying to understand the details of the proof of lemma $6.3$ of the following notes, which give us specific conditions of when we can swap a neighborhood of ...
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Doing a nodal trade in a semi-toric system

Recently I have been studying semi-toric systems and almost toric fibrations. For the purpose of semi-toric fibrations I have been reading these notes ...
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