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Stability of rigid bodies spinning around $z$-axis under gravity

Consider the problem of a rigid body rotating in 3D space under gravity with one point fixed. I am particularly curious about the equilibrium state where the body is spinning at a constant angular ...
Zhang Yuhan's user avatar
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Geometrical proof of Noether Theorem [duplicate]

I am reading a very nice Physics book "The standard model in a nutshell" by D.Goldberg and just read there a mention to Noether Theorem. Of course I knew this outstanding theorem very well from ...
RaphaelB4's user avatar
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Infinitesimal orbit type decomposition of Hamiltonian $G$-manifolds

Let $G$ be a compact connected Lie group acting in a Hamiltonian fashion on a symplectic manifold $M$ with momentum map $\mu:M\to \mathfrak{g}^\ast$, where $\mathfrak{g}$ is the Lie algebra of $G$. ...
B K's user avatar
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Global reduction of Hamiltonian with an integral of motion (Poincare' reduction)

This question is related to a previous one; now I better understand the problem and I can more clearly state what is the question. Background I refer to the following concepts: Liouville ...
Doriano Brogioli's user avatar
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Practical example of Hamiltonian reduction

I know what is the Liouville integrability: given a Hamiltonian with $n$ degrees of freedom, with $n$ independent constants of motion in involution, the Hamiltonian can be brought to the form $H(p_1, \...
Doriano Brogioli's user avatar
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Reference Request: KAM Theory

I intend to learn KAM Theory. Could you please suggest me a good book on KAM Theory to begin with, where main results are discussed with complete proofs. Thank you.
9 votes
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What are the compact Lagrangian submanifolds of a twisted cotangent bundle?

In Hamiltonian dynamics and symplectic geometry a twisted cotangent bundle is the cotangent space $T^*N$ of a closed (compact without boundary) $n$-manifold $N$ equipped with a twisted symplectic ...
MBIS's user avatar
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Most probable path for stochastic Hamiltonian systems

It is known that for a real valued stochastic process $X_t$ satisfying $$ d X_t = b(X_t) d t + \sigma d W_t $$ where $W$ is real valued Wiener process, the equation for the most probable path from ...
megaproba's user avatar
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Hamiltonian, Lagrangian and Newton formalism of mechanics

If my thinking is wrong please let me know. I have little knowledge on beyond-college physics. For research purposes, I read a few introductions to these three formalisms of classical mechanics [1,2,...
Henry.L's user avatar
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Reference request: Liouville integrability of a torus action of small dimension on a symplectic manifold

Consider a hamiltonian toric acion on a connected real symplectic manifold of dimension 2n. The dimension of the torus, which we denote by $k$, may be less than $n$. The generators of the action will ...
Vladimir S  Matveev's user avatar
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Perturbed vs. unperturbed Hamiltonian system

Let's take a time-periodic Hamiltonian $H(t,x,y)$ on $\mathbb{R}^2$ and apply an arbitrarily small time-independent perturbation to $H$ via $$ \tilde H (t,x,y) = H(t,x,y) + \epsilon V(x,y), $$ where $...
eddard's user avatar
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Hamiltonian on the torus

In discrete models like Ising we have Hamiltonians of the form $$H(\sigma)=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}J_{ij}\sigma_{i}\sigma_{j},$$ where $\sigma_{i}=\pm 1$ , $J_{ij}$ interaction coefficients and N ...
user133100's user avatar
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Uniqueness of Birkhoff Normal Form and KAM theory for Symplectomorphims

I am starting to work with Hamiltonian Dynamics and I have been taking a look at some of the basic stuff in KAM theory. I have posted part of this question at MSE but as I did not get any response I ...
Frank Trujillo's user avatar
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About a letter by Richard Palais of 1965.

In Cushman and Bates, Global Aspects of Classical Integrable Systems, 1997, I have read In a widely circulated but unpublished letter in 1965, Palais explained the symplectic formulation of ...
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