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Questions tagged [grothendieck-topology]

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Is the slice of a subcanonical site also subcanonical?

A subcanonical site is one for which every representable functor is a sheaf. For a subcanonical site $C$, the fundamental theorem of topos theory says that there is an equivalence $Sh(C/c)\cong Sh(C)/...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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Exercise on "locality" in topos theory

Let $\mathcal E=\mathsf{Sh}(\mathsf C,J)$. Let $A\rightarrowtail \Omega$ be a fixed subobject. For each $X$ in $\mathcal E$, define $T_A(X)$ to be a set of subobjects of $X$ as follows. $U\...
Arrow's user avatar
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What is the geometric description of the set of isomorphism class of $G$-torsors over a site $C$?

Let $X$ be a topological space and $G$ be a topological group. Let $\tilde{G}$ be the sheaf of groups defined by the sheaf of sections of the product $G$ bundle $ \pi_1:X\times G \rightarrow X $. (1)...
Adittya Chaudhuri's user avatar
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In the definition of big/small étale/fppf/... site, is their covering set really a set?

My definition of a site is a pair $(\mathcal{C},\DeclareMathOperator{\Cov}{Cov}\Cov (\mathcal{C}))$ where $\mathcal{C}$ is a category and $\Cov (\mathcal{C})$ is a set consisting of elements of the ...
Z Wu's user avatar
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Are the injections of a coproduct a cover in the canonical pretopology?

Assume we're in a category $C$ with all pullbacks and finite coproducts. Recall that the canonical coverage of $C$ is the finest Grothendieck (pre) topology for which all representables are sheaves. A ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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Trivial Grothendieck topology and identity morphisms

So on nLab the definition of a trivial (Grothendieck) topology is the following: "The Grothendieck topology on any category for which only the identity morphisms are covering is the trivial ...
Saegusa's user avatar
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Stack associated to Groupoid object in category $\text{Sch}/S$

Consider the category of manifolds $\text{Man}$. A groupoid object in the category of manifolds is called a Lie groupoid, denoted by $\mathcal{G}$. There is a way to associate a stack (over the ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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Is there a name for this "weak compatibility" between Grothendieck (pre)topologies?

(I find it easier to think in terms of Grothendieck pretopologies, instead of topologies. If this annoys any experts, please forgive me.) Suppose that $C$ is a (full) subcategory of a category $D$. ...
Manny Reyes's user avatar
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Induced pretopologies on sSet

Recall that the geometric realisation functor $| - |: sSet \to Top$ preserves products (choosing $Top = k Space$ or similar). Thus any given singleton Grothendieck pretopology on $Top$ gives rise to a ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Localization of Chow groups and flat base change

For any flat morphism $f:X\rightarrow Y$, we have a flat pullback of Chow groups $$Ch^i(Y)\rightarrow Ch^i(X).$$ A particular example of this is of course an open immersion $U\rightarrow X$. In that ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Only discrete topology gives trivial topos?

Given a Grothendieck site $\mathsf{(C,\tau)}$, if the associated Grothendieck topos $\mathsf{Shv(C,\tau)}$ is trivial, i.e. $\mathsf{Shv(C,\tau)}$ consists of the terminal sheaf $*$ only, can we ...
Lao-tzu's user avatar
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Significance of some expected results when defining Grothendieck topology

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a category. Fixing an object $U$ of $\mathcal{C}$, there are some obvious functors we can associate to it, for example: $h_U:\mathcal{C}^{op}\rightarrow \text{Set}$ given by $V\...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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Reference for cdh topology

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a proper surjective morphism over some base scheme $S$ of finite type, suppose $f$ restricts to an isomorphism over some open $U$ of $X$, we also suppose both $X$ and $Y$ are ...
Heer's user avatar
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Cohomology and quotients for the canonical topology

Recall that for any category $\mathcal C$, there is a unique finest topology, the canonical topology on $\mathcal C$ for which all representable functors are sheaves. I am interested in the example $\...
Daniel Miller's user avatar
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What are the easiest cases of base change (for sheaves on sites)?

I have a closed embedding of schemes $i:X'\to X$, and for each of them I consider three Grothendieck topologies for the category of the corresponding (relatively) \'etale schemes: the \'etale one, the ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Fine and acyclic sheaves on locales

Hey all. Here's the thing, so I have a measure space. According to Johnstone's 'Topos theory' (page 213), let $(X,\Sigma,\mu)$ be a measure space, we can define a Grothendieck pretopology on it (and ...
Mario Carrasco's user avatar
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What was the original/historical motivation for introducing Grothendieck (pre-)topologies

The title essentially explains it, but I'll give some background: I'm giving a talk to some fellow grad students about the relative Picard functor which requires introducing Grothendieck (pre-)...
John Stalfos's user avatar
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Do Categorical Quotients Preserve Covering Maps?

Before asking a question, please let me write down settings. SETTINGS: Let $C$ be a category with fiber products and $B$ be a closed subcategory of $C$ (i.e. $B$ contains any isomorphism of $C$, and ...
Hiro's user avatar
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Why is the induced singleton pretopology closed under pullbacks?

Let $(C,\mathcal{T})$ be an arbitrary site with a pretopology $\mathcal{T}$. The category $C$ has coproducts. As a pretopology I mean the definition 2.24 of Grothendieck topology in Angelo Vistoli’s ...
Muster Maxfrau's user avatar
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Isomorphism in a derived category of chain complexes with rational coefficients

Let $C$ be the category of quasi-projective schemes over a base field $k$ (maybe I will need some assumptions on $k$). Let $Ab(C_{\tau})$ be the category of Abelian sheaves on a site $C_{\tau}$, where ...
Little book's user avatar
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Is any presheaf on a local ring a sheaf? Stalks/points for some Grothendieck topologies

I was able to recover the original statement, which is: Let A be a local ring (for Zariski, henselian for Nisnevic and strictly henselian for étale) and $\{U_i\rightarrow Spec A\}$ a covering. Then ...
Simon Markett's user avatar
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Sheaffication using a $\lambda$-transfinite colimit

I asked this question on mathstack (long time ago), however I received no answers, so I'm trying it here. I don't know whether it's suitable for this site, anyway. I was reading this article http://...
user40276's user avatar
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Does the (Vistoli-)sheafification induce isomorphism?

Given a presheaf, in Angelo Vistoli's 2007 Notes on Grothendieck topologies, fibered categories and descent theory there is a construction of the sheafification (Proof for theorem 2.64). Note: In ...
Muster Maxfrau's user avatar
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If $J$-coverings can be glued $I$-locally is $J$-locality an $I$-local property? (Reducing descent problems to simpler ones)

Let $(C,J)$ be a category with a grothendieck topology. For every object $X \in C$ there's (I hope) a little site which is the full subcategory of the slice category $C_{/X}$ whose objects are the ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Grothendieck topology on a scheme equivalent to the circle

Suppose a class of morphisms of schemes is reasonable enough so that we can associate a small site to any scheme (just like small étale site). Is there a simple class of morphisms such that there is a ...
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