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Generalizing uniform structures as Grothendieck topologies

Recently, I was reading a classical book "Sheaves in Geometry and Logic" by S. MacLane and I. Moerdijk, and then it stroke me that, that the definition of Grothendieck Topology bears some ...
Nik Bren's user avatar
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When is a basis of a topological space a Grothendieck pretopology?

Bases of a topological space in point set topology will in general form a coverage on its category of inclusion on open subsets and on its category of inclusion on basic opens, but it takes a bit more ...
saolof's user avatar
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Grothendieck topology on a scheme equivalent to the circle

Suppose a class of morphisms of schemes is reasonable enough so that we can associate a small site to any scheme (just like small étale site). Is there a simple class of morphisms such that there is a ...
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Classical point-set topology using Grothendieck topologies

Its well known that the category of opens $O(X) $of a topological space $X$ can be endowed with a Grothendieck topology making it into a site. I am looking for references which take the reader through ...
Gitty Sheometer's user avatar
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Reference request: Book of topology from "Topos" point of view

Question: Is there any book of topology in the modern language of topos theory? Motivation: In "Sheaves in Geometry and Logic" Mac Lane and Moerdijk say: "For Grothendieck, topology became the ...
M. Carmona's user avatar
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Induced pretopologies on sSet

Recall that the geometric realisation functor $| - |: sSet \to Top$ preserves products (choosing $Top = k Space$ or similar). Thus any given singleton Grothendieck pretopology on $Top$ gives rise to a ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Is there a category of topological spaces such that open surjections admit local sections?

The class of open surjections $Q \to X$ is a Grothendieck pretopology on the category $Top$ of spaces, and includes the class of maps $\amalg U_\alpha \to X$ where $\{U_\alpha\}$ is an open cover of $...
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