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Bisimplicial spaces as a coequalizer of maps between "simpler" bisimplicial spaces

From a bisimplicial space $T$, one can consider the simplicial spaces $p \mapsto T_{pp}$, $p \mapsto | q \mapsto T_{pq}|$, and $q \mapsto |p \mapsto T_{pq}|$, where $| \cdot|$ denotes geometric ...
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Is the category of covering spaces always a topos?

It is well knows that for a nice (locally path connected, semi-locally simply connected) topological spaces, the category of covering spaces over $X$ is equivalent to the functor category $\left[\Pi_1\...
Chetan Vuppulury's user avatar
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$\ell$-adic Eilenberg-MacLane space and Brown representability

I posted the following question on MathStackexchange, where it was suggested that I should move my question to Mathoverflow, which do here (
curious math guy's user avatar
9 votes
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Reference for the Brown-Gersten property for smooth manifolds

A classical result by Brown and Gersten says that to verify the homotopy descent property for the Zariski topology it suffices to verify it for Zariski squares and the empty cover of the empty scheme. ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
6 votes
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Numerable covers from the point of view of Grothendieck topologies

Let $G$ be a topological group. Recall that its classifying space $BG$ is a CW-complex which is the base of a locally trivial principal bundle of group $G$, with contractible total space $EG$. It ...
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