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Question on ODE involving mollifiers from Taylor's book on PDEs

In Taylor's third book on PDEs chapter 16, the author discusses quasilinear symmetric hyperbolic systems of the form $$\partial_{t}u=A^{k}(t,x,u)\partial_{k}u+g(t,x,u)$$ with some initial condition $u(...
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Looking for references to study $U^p$ and $V^p$ spaces

I am studying some papers in the analysis of nonlinear PDEs and I am encountering the $U^p$ and $V^p$ spaces for the first time. Where can I find references more detailed than papers? Edited The ...
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Strategy of the proof of the "minimal entropy condition" for scalar conservation laws

Combining Theorem 2.3 and Corollary 2.5 of this paper gives that, for a strictly convex conservation law $$u_t + f(u)_x = 0,$$ satisfying the entropy condition $$\eta(u)_t + q(u)_x \le 0$$ in the ...
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Oleinik inequality (one-sided Lipschitz condition) implies $BV_{\mathrm{loc}}$ for solution of conservation law

Consider the scalar conservation law $$u_t+f(u)_x=0, \hspace{0.4 cm} \text{in $\hspace{0.2 cm}$ $\mathbb{R} \times (0,\infty)$}$$ where $f \in C^{2}(\mathbb{R})$ is a strictly convex function ($f''>...
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N-wave solution of conservation law $u_t + (u - u^2)_x = 0$

How can we compute the "N-wave" source-solution of the conservation law $$u_t + (u - u^2)_x = 0, $$ that is, the entropy solution of this conservation law with the initial data $u(0,\cdot) = ...
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"N-waves" (source-type solutions) for Hamilton-Jacobi equation $v_t + (v_x)^2 = 0$

Let us consider the Burgers equation $$u_t + (u^2)_x = 0$$ In Liu, Tai-Ping; Pierre, Michel, Source-solutions and asymptotic behavior in conservation laws, J. Differ. Equations 51, 419-441 (1984). ...
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Proof of vanishing viscosity error rate

Consider the initial value problem associated to the parabolic equation $u^\epsilon_t + u^\epsilon_x = \epsilon u^\epsilon_{xx}$ and the corresponding hyperbolic problem $u_t + u_x = 0$. What is a ...
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Link between controllability of ODEs and controllability of transport equations

What is the relationship between the controllability of the ODE $$\dot x(t) = v(x) + u(t)$$ using a control $u$ and the controllabilty of the transport equation $$\rho_t(t,x) + \mathrm{div}(v(x) \rho(...
Riku's user avatar
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Estimates for the Benjamin-Ono equation

Consider the Cauchy problem for the Benjamin-Ono equation $$u_t + \frac{1}{2}(u^2)_x + \alpha \mathcal H(u_{xx}) - \beta u_{xx} = 0, \qquad t>0, \ x \in \mathbb R,$$ where $\mathcal H$ is the ...
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BV estimate for conservation law $u_t +( v(x)f(u))_x=0$

Let $u_0 \in BV(\mathbb R)$ and $f:\mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ be Lipschitz. Consider the Cauchy problem $$ \begin{align*} u_t +( v(x)f(u))_x&=0\\ u(0,\cdot) &= u_0 \end{align*} $$ What is the ...
Jun's user avatar
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Existence of measure-preserving Lagrange flow for inhomogeneous transport equation

I asked this question on stackexchange: Let us consider the Cauchy problem for the transport equation $$ \partial_t \varphi + b\cdot \nabla \varphi= f \text{ in } (0,T)\times\mathbb{R}^3,\\ \varphi(0,...
user99432's user avatar
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Decay of solution for linear system with damping

Let us consider the following linear system with damping: $$ \begin{cases} u_t - u_x = -\frac{1}{2} (u+v)\\ v_t + v_x = -\frac{1}{2} (u+v) \end{cases} $$ Let's write the solution as $w=(u,v)$ ...
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Scaling limit of transport equation with double-well potential

Let us consider the transport PDE $$ u^\epsilon_t + u^\epsilon_x= -\frac{1}{\epsilon} W'(u^\epsilon) $$ where $W$ is a double-well potential -- for example, $W(x)=\frac{1}{4}(x^2-1)^2$ so that the PDE ...
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Method of characteristics and explicit formula for an IBVP for the transport equation

Let us assume $c:(0,1) \to (\epsilon,+\infty)$ and consider the PDE $$ \begin{cases} u_t+c(x)u_x = 0, \\ u(0,x) = g(x) \\ u(t,0) = f(t) \end{cases} \qquad (t,x) \in (0,T)\times(0,1) \label{1}\tag{$\...
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Is this a "contradiction" on stochastic Burgers' equation? How to understand it?

For the stochastic Burgers' equation with linear noise, I can deduce two results. Both of them can be applied to same initial data, but the first result means the global existence with high ...
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Rigorous energy estimate for advection-diffusion equation

Let $a \in L^q([0,T];L^p(\mathbb R^N))$ with $2/q + N/p \le 1$ and $q \in [2,\infty), p \in (N,\infty) \text{ if } N \ge 2$ $q \in [2,4], p \in [2,\infty] \text{ if } N = 1$ and consider the ...
user175203's user avatar
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wave equation with L^2 boundary data via spectral decomposition

It is classical that if $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^n$ is a bounded domain with smooth boundary, then the equation \begin{equation}\label{pf2} \begin{aligned} \begin{cases} \partial^2_{t}u- \Delta u=0\,\...
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Example of BV vector field $c$ without bounded divergence such that $u$ is bounded where $u_t + div(cu) = 0$

What is an example of vector field $c: \mathbb R_+ \times \mathbb R^N \to \mathbb R^N$ with $c \in L^1(\mathbb{R}_+, BV(\mathbb R^N))$ without bounded divergence $div_x c$ but such that there exists a ...
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Examples of Log-Lipschitz and nonLog-Lipschitz functions satisfying certain conditions

A function $f$ is Log-Lipschitz if there exists a constant $C >0$ such that \begin{equation} |f(x) - f(y)| \le C|x-y| |\log|x-y|| \end{equation} I am trying to construct two functions with the ...
Rahul Raju Pattar's user avatar
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Estimate in vanishing viscosity for the difference $\Vert u^\epsilon - u^\eta \Vert_{L^2(\mathbb R^N)} $

Consider the following advection-diffusion equation $$ \begin{cases} u^\epsilon_t + f(u^\epsilon)_x = \epsilon \Delta u^\epsilon\\ u^\epsilon(0,\cdot) = u_0, \end{cases} $$ How can one prove an ...
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Relationship between three different definitions of solutions for ODE with irregular coefficient

What is the difference between the notions of Regular Lagrangian flow Filippov solution Caratheodory solution of an ODE $\dot \Phi(t,x) = b(t,\Phi(t,x))$, with initial condition $\Phi(0,x) = x$, ...
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Conservated quantity and hyperbolic equation

Given the hyperbolic Vlasov equation $$ \frac{\partial f }{\partial t} +v\nabla_x f + F(t,x)\nabla_vf =0$$ where $f=f(t,x,v)$ and $(t,x,v)\in \mathbb{ R}\times\mathbb{R}^{n}\times \mathbb{R}^{n} $. ...
R. N. Marley's user avatar
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Entropy solution for linear transport equation

Consider the transport equations $$ (1) \qquad \partial_t u + \operatorname{div}(bu) = 0$$ and $$ (2) \qquad \partial_t u + b \cdot \nabla u= 0$$ Can we define a notion of entropy solutions for (1) ...
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Crandall & Rabinowitz Theorem, bifurcation curves

Crandall & Rabinowitz Theorem states what follows. We have got a Banach Space $(X,||\cdot||)$ and an equation of the following type: $$ F(\lambda,u) = \lambda u - G(u) = 0, $$ where $G \in C^1(X,X)...
Alessio Di Lorenzo's user avatar
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Hyperbolic PDEs - Proof that the restriction of a locally $H^s$ solution to a spacelike hypersurface is locally in $H^s$

I have found the following claim made very clearly at least once in the published literature (see below): Let $P$ be a linear partial differential operator defined on an open set $\Omega \subset \...
Umberto Lupo's user avatar
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Solution of hyperbolic equations with $V^*$ data

Let $V\subset H\subset V^*$ a Hilbert triple and consider a 2nd order evolution equation of the form $$u''(t)+Au(t) = f(t)\quad \text{ in }\ L^2(0,T;V^*),$$ where $f\in\ L^2(0,T;H)$. Can we let $f\in ...'s user avatar
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Wellposedness of semilinear wave equation with discontinuous source

Where can I find existence and uniqueness results for semilinear wave equations with discontinuous, i.e. $$\partial^2_{tt} u - \Delta u = f(u), \quad t >0, \ x \in \Omega$$ where $f$ is ...
Kei's user avatar
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Evolution equation invariance of sets

Let $A: D(A) \subset X \rightarrow X$ be a generator of a $C_0-$semigroup and $Z$ be a bounded operator on $X$, then the evolution equation for $u \in C([0,T], \mathbb{R})$ $$\varphi'(t) = A \varphi(t)...
gipom's user avatar
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Shifting Sobolev norms in a hyperbolic estimate

Suppose $\Omega$ is a bounded domain and $\omega \subset \Omega$. Suppose we have the following estimate: $$ \|u\|_{H^1((0,T) \times\Omega)} \leq C (\|u\|_{H^1((0,T) \times \omega)} + \|\Box u\|_{L^2((...
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First order pde with characteristics [closed]

Consider a first order pde of the type $$u_y+b(x)u_x=0$$ and suppose that the coefficient $b$ is not necessairly continuous (for instance with a jump in some point). Is it still possible to apply in ...
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boundedness of a sequence $ \in L^{\infty}(I,H^1(M))\cap Lip(I,L^2(M))$ implies that its temporal derivative is bounded as well [closed]

Hi I have the next claim which I would like to find a proof of it. I have a sequence of functions $u_\epsilon(t,x) \in H^1(M)$ where $M$ is a compact manifold, and $u_\epsilon \in L^\infty(I,H^1(M))\...
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