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Analytic continuation of the Dirichlet generating series of the multiplicative partition function

Apologies for the lengthy question, but it seems it's the only way i can convey my thoughts. Consider the Dirichlet series: $$\kappa(s)=\prod_{m=2}^{\infty}\frac{1}{1-m^{-s}}=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{\...
mohammad-83's user avatar
11 votes
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Cesaro summation of a particular Dirichlet series associated with $\zeta(s)$

If you've investigated the error in Perron's formula in general, you've probably noticed that Cesaro summation $$\lim_{x\rightarrow\infty}\sum_{n\leq x} \left(1-\frac{\log n}{\log x}\right)\frac{a_n}{...
Kevin Smith's user avatar
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What is known about the following series?

For $k\in{\mathbb Z}^2$ write $|k|=\sqrt{k_1^2+k_2^2}$ for the euclidean norm. Then let $g(k)=gcd(k_1,k_2)$. For $s\in\mathbb C$ let $$ D(s)=\sum_{\substack{k\in{\mathbb Z}^2}\\ k\ne 0}\frac{|k|}{g(k)}...
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Converse theorem for zeta universality

Voronin's Universality Theorem for $\zeta(s)$ is that the zeta function can uniformly approximate any non-vanishing holomorphic function to any degree of accuracy in the right-half of the critical ...
modperspec's user avatar
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Computing Bohr Radii

The Bohr radius $R$ for $\mathcal{H}(\mathbb{D})$ is defined as the radius $$R = \sup\limits_{0<r<1} \Bigl\{ r\ \Big|\sum\limits_{k=0}^{\infty}|a_k|r^k \leq |f|_\mathbb{D}, \text{ for all }f(z)=\...
Josiah Park's user avatar
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Gap Between Abscissae of Conditional Convergence and Holomorphicity for Dirichlet Series

For a Dirichlet series, $D = \sum_n a_n n^{-s}$ we may define the abscissae, in (non-strictly) increasing order $\sigma_c(D) = \inf\{\sigma : D \text{ converges in } \mathrm{Re} s > \sigma \}$, ...
Eric Towers's user avatar
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An analytic function, asymptotically expandable in a Dirichlet series, is the sum of this series

Let there be a function $F(s)$ that is analytic in some half-plane $\sigma>\sigma_0$ (where $s=\sigma + it $). Let the function $F(s)$ have an asymptotic expansion of the form $F(s)\sim\sum\limits_{...
Anton Devyatkov's user avatar
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Analytic continuation of Euler product $\phi(s)=\prod_p(1+p^{-s})^{-1}$

I am actually interested in the analytic continuation of $\phi_w(s)=\prod_p(1+w\cdot p^{-s})^{-1}$. Here $w$ is rational, or the imaginary unit multiplied by a rational. Consider for now that $w=1$. ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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Characterization of turning points for the Ramanujan's zeta function in the spirit of a definition by Arias de Reyna and van de Lune

In [1] the authors provided a definition and characterization of turning points for the Riemann's zeta function. In this post I denote the Ramanujan's zeta function as $$\varphi(s)=\sum_{n=1}^\infty\...
user142929's user avatar
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Dirichlet series with an abscissa of absolute convergence $\sigma_{0}$, analytic in $\sigma > \sigma_{0} - \delta$

Suppose that a Dirichlet series $f(s)$ has the abscissa of absolute convergence $\sigma_{0}$ and is analytic in $\sigma > \sigma_{0} - \delta$ for some $\delta > 0$. For $\sigma > \sigma_{0}$,...
Mr. SnowRemover's user avatar
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Which complex maps with branch cuts have a representation by Dirichlet series?

Which complex maps with branch cuts have a representation by Dirichlet series? I am aware of the work of A.F. Leont'ev on general Dirichlet series, and the theorems of representation of analytic ...
user39115's user avatar
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Is there a general connection between value distribution and zero distribution for functions representable by Dirichlet series?

Some time ago I read part of a book in which the author made some conjectures outlining what kind of zero distribution is expected for functions representable by Dirichlet series with completely ...
Kevin Smith's user avatar
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Abscissa of convergence of transformed Dirichlet series

Let $$F(s)=\sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{f(k)}{k^s} \mbox{ and }F^*(s)=\sum_{k=2}^\infty \frac{f(k)g(k)}{k^s},$$ where the infinite sum $\sum f(k)$ diverges, $f(k)$ and $g(k)$ are real numbers, $s$ a ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is the real and imaginary part of the Dirichlet eta function closest to its partial sums when trigonometric function changes signs?

To grasp the question we are concerned with three Theorems 1,2, and 3 in bold font below. First let us consider the Dirichlet eta function $\eta: \mathbb{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ $$ \eta(s) = \sum_{n=...
Roy Burson's user avatar