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4 votes
1 answer

Inverse relationship between Stirling numbers of the first and second kind via generating functions

In combinatorics, a well-known result is that the matrix formed by the Stirling numbers of the second kind $\left(S(n,k)\right)_{n,k\geq 0}$ and the matrix of the signed Stirling numbers of the first ...
4 votes
0 answers

Sum $f(n_1,n_2,\ldots,n_k) 1^{n_1} 2^{n_2} \ldots k^{n_k}$ over partitions

Use the notation $(n_1,n_2,\ldots,n_k) \vdash n$ to denote that $(n_1,n_2,\ldots,n_k)$ is a partition of the positive integer $n$, that is, $n_1+n_2+\ldots+n_k = n$ and $n_1 \ge n_2 \ge \ldots \ge n_k ...
9 votes
2 answers

Counting $m\times n$ $\bigl({1\atop1}{1\atop0}\bigr)$-free $(0,1)$-matrices

Let $G_{m,n}$ denote the number of $m\times n$ $(0,1)$-matrices that avoid the submatrix $\bigl({1\atop1}{1\atop0}\bigr)$. (Submatrices need not be contiguous.) Here are some small values (not yet on ...
7 votes
1 answer

Combinatorial consequences of de Branges's Theorem?

I'm usually not a proponent of the mentality “here is a tool, what results can we prove with it?” (as I prefer to start at the other end with a well-motivated problem), but this famously entertaining ...
3 votes
0 answers

Number of partitions of set restricted by sum of square of part size

Let $p_1^{a_1}p_2^{a_2}\cdots$ denotes the integer partition of $n$, i.e. $a_1p_1+a_2p_2+\cdots=n$. Or equivalently $m_1+m_2+\cdots=n$. It is known that the number of partitions of set $\{x_1,x_2,\...
6 votes
1 answer

Tanglegrams and functional equations of M. Somos

Recent references on the matter at hand include, a lecture slide The Konvalinka-Amdeberhan conjecture and plethystic inverses and a preprint on Counting tanglegrams with species by I. Gessel; the ...
3 votes
2 answers

Ask for a reference or a proof of a combinatorial identity $\sum_{k=0}^n\binom{2n+1}{2k}\binom {k}{m} =2^{2(n-m)}\frac{2n+1}{2(n-m)+1}\binom{2n-m}{m}$

Could you please recommend a reference to or supply a proof of the following identity \eqref{combin-ID-Maclaurin}, or \eqref{first-equiv-form}, or \eqref{combin-ID-Mac-Equiv}, or \eqref{combin-ID-Mac-...
10 votes
1 answer

Induction step in Bóna and Ehrenborg's proof that the generating function of the alternating runs has -1 as a root of a certain multiplicity

This is a crosspost of a question I asked on Mathematics SE four months ago. Periodically bumping it and placing a bounty on it to attract more attention were to no avail. There are some comments ...
2 votes
0 answers

Compact expression for triples of subsets with total sum zero

I am looking whether there is any compact way to write the following: Suppose we have an abelian group $G$. For a subset $A\subset G$ let $S_A$ be the sum of its elements. I want to find the number of ...
20 votes
4 answers

Non-enumerative proof that, in average, less than 50% of tiles in domino tiling of 2-by-n rectangle are vertical?

Is there a non-enumerative proof that, in average, less than 50% of tiles in domino tiling of 2-by-n rectangle are vertical? It is a nice exercise with rational generating functions (or equivalently, ...
10 votes
1 answer

Number of bounded Dyck paths with "negative length"

Let $c(n,k)$ denote the number of Dyck paths of semilength $n$ which are contained in the strip $0 \leq y \leq 2k + 1.$ They satisfy the recursion $\sum_{j=0}^{k+1}(-1)^j \binom{2k+2-j}{j}c(n-j,k)=0$ ...
1 vote
0 answers

Counting unions of unlabelled connected graphs

My question can be stated as follows: let $X$ be a hereditary family of unlabelled graphs closed under disjoint unions. Suppose we know, for each $n$, the number $c_n$ of connected graphs in X on $n$ ...
0 votes
1 answer

Ordered $m$-tuples with fixed number of changes

Given $1\leq k\leq m$, $2\leq d\leq c i\ln i$ and $2\leq i\leq c'\ln(mi\ln i)$ at some $c,c'>0$ how many sequences (lower and upper bounds) are of form $$z_1,\dots,z_m$$ on the condition that $$0\...
7 votes
1 answer

Sufficient conditions for the coefficients of a generating function to dominate those of its square

Let $f(z)$ be a generating function (so in particular, its power series coefficients are nonnegative). I am interested in conditions which would ensure that for every $n$, the coefficient of $z^n$ in $...
8 votes
1 answer

Bijective proof of formula for rooted binary forests

For $n\ge 1$, let $f(n)$ be the number of rooted complete (unordered) binary trees with $n$ leaves labeled from $1$ to $n$ ("complete binary" means that every vertex has either $0$ or $2$ children and ...
5 votes
1 answer

an algebra generated by some known series

Denote the e.g.f. for the number of (unordered) rooted labeled trees on $n$ nodes by $$\Phi(x)=\sum_{n\geq1}\frac{n^{n-1}}{n!}x^n.$$ And, the related series $\Psi(x)=\sum_{n\geq1}\frac{n^n}{n!}x^n$. ...
6 votes
2 answers

Convergence issues with infinite product of formal series

Question first: Show that if $s_1 < s_2 < \dots$ is an increasing sequence of positive integers and $P(x)$ is a nonzero polynomial then we cannot have $$ P(x) \equiv \prod_{j=1}^\infty (1 - ...
15 votes
2 answers

Generating functions for objects with irrational sizes

A problem I'm investigating concerns a combinatorial class in which the 'atoms' have irrational sizes. It seems likely that this is something that has been considered before, but I haven't been able ...
7 votes
2 answers

What is the number of noncrossing acyclic digraphs?

A noncrossing graph on $n$ vertices is a graph drawn on $n$ points numbered from $1$ to $n$ in counter-clockwise order on a circle such that the edges lie entirely within the circle and do not cross ...