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On an optimization question

Suppose we have a square matrix $M=(1-z)A+zB$ where $A,B$ have integer entries from $\{0,1\}$ with $\det(A)+\det(B)=1$ and $\det(A),\det(B),per(A),per(B)\in\{0,1\}$ and we want to find $z\in[0,1]$ ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Maximum independent set in dense graphs

Let $0 < A < 1$ and $G$ be connected d-regular graph with degree $d=[A n]$. The density of $G$ is about $A$. Q1 Are there constraints on $A$ such that finding maximum independent set of $G$ is ...
joro's user avatar
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Subgraph isomorphism problem with linear map

I am working on proving the NP-hardness of a problem by reducing it from the subgraph isomorphism problem. Currently, I can reduce it from the following problem: Problem 1: Given two graphs $G=(V, E)$ ...
lisi's user avatar
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Solution to system of linear equations

Input: System of linear equations $$A[x_1,\dots,x_{t}]=b$$ where number of equations is at least number of variables but independence is not guaranteed. However there is atmost one non-negative ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Reduction graph isomorphism to maximum independent set in very dense graph

We got a reduction graph isomorphism to MIS in a very dense graph, or alternatively negative monotone 2-CNF to MAX-ONEs with a formula with many clauses. Let $G,H$ be graphs of order $n$ and adjacency ...
joro's user avatar
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The chromatic polynomial of a line graph

Is there a way to obtain the chromatic polynomial of the line graph of a regular simple graph, having known the chromatic polynomial of the graph? There already exist characterizations of line graph ...
vidyarthi's user avatar
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Existence of Costas array with specified displacment vectors?

Costas array is a set of $n$ points lying on the square of a $n×n$ checkerboard, such that each row or column contains only one point, and that all of the $n(n − 1)/2$ displacement vectors between ...
Mohammad Al-Turkistany's user avatar
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Bipartite clustering is NP-hard?

Let $G = (A\cup B, E)$ be a bipartite graph with edge weights $w: E\to \mathbb{R}$. Find a partition $B_1, B_2$ of $B$ and a nonempty disjoint subsets $A_1, A_2$ of $A$ such that $w(A_1,B_1) + w(A_2, ...
Thomas Edison's user avatar
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bounded degree graph colouring.

I was wondering if anyone could provide references on the following: Is determining the chromatic number of a bounded degree graph APX-complete? 2.I've seen the result that states it is NP-hard to ...
Pavan Sangha's user avatar
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The complexity of Max-K interval selection

I came up with the following problem, but do not know how to analyze it. Let $S$ be an ordered set of integers with size $n$ (i.e., $S=\{1,2,...,n\}$). An interval $INV(a,b)$ covers the elements in $...
fanqi's user avatar
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Some confusion regarding the definition of NPO reduction

I've seen the following definition in a paper on approximation preserving reductions. Definition:Let $\pi_{1}$ and $\pi_{2}$ be two NPO maximization problems. Then we say that $\pi_{1} \leq_{R} \pi_{...
Iltl's user avatar
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Reducing enumeration of reduced words in general Coxeter groups to another #P-complete problem

There is a polynomial time algorithm that takes as inputs a Coxeter system $(W,S)$ with $S$ finite (but with $W$ not necessarily finite), say encoded as a Coxeter matrix, as well as two reduced words ...
Matt Samuel's user avatar
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Polynomial problems in graph classes defined by forbidden induced cyclic subgraphs

Let $C$ be a graph class defined by a finite number of forbidden induced subgraphs, all of which are cyclic (contain at least one cycle). Are there graph problems that can be solved in polynomial ...
joro's user avatar
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TSP: Approximation Ratio of the Double Tree Heuristic after Diagonals have been Removed

In their article "Double-Tree Approximations for the Metric TSP: Is the Best One Good Enough?", Vladimir Deineko and Alexander Tiskin derive a lower bound for the approximation ratio of the double-...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Indecomposability of image transformations (pure algebra). Open questions

W-transformations -- definitions We will consider a class called finite window transformations $\ T:C^\mathbb Z\rightarrow C^\mathbb Z\ $ defined a paragraph below; $\ \mathbb Z\ $ is the ring of ...
Włodzimierz Holsztyński's user avatar
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Did anybody come across a computational problem which is related to the notion of cartesian product and is at least NP-hard?

Did anybody come across a computational problem which is related to the notion of cartesian product and is at least NP-hard? Equally interesting would be to learn about such problems with a non-...
Martin's user avatar
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Multiobjective semidefinite programming

Let $C$ be size $n \times n^{2}$. Let $B$ be size $2^{g(n)} \times n^{2}$ where $g(n) > n$. There is only one $\mathcal{1}$ per row of $C$ and remaining entries of $C$ are $\mathcal{0}$. $B$ is ...
user16007's user avatar
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Minimizing quadratic form over permutations

Let $Q$ be an $n \times n$ real symmetric matrix and $x$ an $n \times 1$ real vector. Consider the following minimization problem: $\min_{\pi \in S_n} ~(\pi x)^{\rm T} Q (\pi x)$, where $S_n$ ...
gondolier's user avatar
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Algorithm that can solve or approximate the solution to a combination problem

I have a computational problem on my hands and I would like your help. Here is my problem (simplified) Let $X = \{x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n\}$ represent a set of $n$ values. Each value $x_i$ has a ...
econ's user avatar
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NC0 randomness vs. non-uniformity

In Ajtai and Ben-Or. A theorem on probabilistic constant depth Computations. STOC '84, 1984 Ajtai and Ben-Or show a non-uniform derandomization of BPAC0. Is there a similar relation known for ...
user499408's user avatar
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Shattering of a set of binary classifiers

Let $S$ be a set, and let $\mathcal{F}_{S}=\{f:S\to\{-1,+1\}\}$ be a set of different label assignments. Show that $\mathcal{F}_{S}$ shatters at least $|\mathcal{F}_{S}|$ subsets of $S$. Here is what ...
cbyh's user avatar
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Proving Vizing's and Brooks' theorem using the polynomial approach

It is known that the graph polynomial defined by $\prod_{i<j}(x_i-x_j)$ where the vertices $x_k\ \ , \ \ k=\{1,2\ldots,n\}$ are ordered with respect to some order; can be used to verify the proper ...
vidyarthi's user avatar
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Is 3-coloring bounded degree graphs subexponential: $O(\exp{(\sqrt{n}\log^2{n})})$?

We got an argument that 3-coloring bounded degree graphs is subexponential with complexity $O(\exp{(\sqrt{n}\log^2{n})})$. The treewidth of a planar graphs on $n$ vertices is $O(\sqrt{n})$ and 3-...
joro's user avatar
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Resources about integral maximization problem

I am looking at the following problem. Given an interval I, and a function f over that interval, find sub-intervals for which: The sum of the length of the sub-intervals is < k; The sub-intervals ...
Hani's user avatar
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maximum weight k-edge problem

Given positive integer $k$ and an undirected graph $(V,E)$, with nonnegative (non-uniform) weights on the nodes. Find $k$ edges whose spanning nodes have the maximum weight. Is this in P or NP? I ...
yaoliang's user avatar
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VC dimension and boolean hypercube subgraphs

Are there any well studied graph theoretic properties that are common to all subgraphs of the boolean hypercubes that have a given VC dimension d.
Arun's user avatar
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What is the computationally simplest way to universally index the set of simple graphs?

If given a simple, integer-labeled, but not necessarily connected, graph $G := (V,E)$ consisting of at least one vertex, i.e. $\lvert \rvert V \lvert \rvert \geq 1$, then is there a function to ...
Stuart LaForge's user avatar