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What do nearby/vanishing cycles have to do with Fourier transforms?

Let $E$ be a vector bundle on some smooth algebraic variety and $E^*$ its dual. Suppose $A$ is a sheaf (constructible or a $D$-module) on $E$. Given a linear function $f$ on $E$, we may compute the ...
Exit path's user avatar
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Under what generality are the compactly supported singular and sheaf cohomologies equal?

Edit: I have since resolved my question. If X is locally compact Hausdorff in addition to being cohomologically locally contractible with coefficients in $A$ - eg it is a manifold or an open subset of ...
FShrike's user avatar
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On a weak notion of sheaves on topological spaces

First of all, I give my definition of weak sheaves: By a weak sheaf on a topological space $ X $, we mean a presheaf $F$ such that for all open covering $\{ U_i\}_{i\in I} $ of $X$ sheaf ...
ARA's user avatar
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Derived Equivalence of Sheaves and Homotopy

This question loosely elaborates on an earlier question. It is pretty silly, but I'd like to hear some authoritative answers. Recall that if $f:S^{\bullet}\to T^{\bullet}$ is a quasi-isomorphism of ...
Justin Curry's user avatar
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Finding the right map between cohomology with local coefficients and Čech cohomology

Let $X$ be a space which is paracompact, Hausdorff, and sufficiently nice that it has a universal covering space (and map) $p:\tilde{X}\to X$. Also, let $\pi:=\pi_1(X)$ and $A$ some $\mathbb{Z}[\pi]$-...
Xindaris's user avatar
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Sheaf cohomology on non paracompact topological spaces

I have some confusion on the subject of sheaf cohomology on non-paracompact topological spaces, i hope you can help me. My reference is Godement's book "Topologie algebrique et theorie dex faisceaux"....
User28341's user avatar
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The equivalence of category of equivariant sheaves on principal bundle and category of sheaves on base space

Let $\pi:P\to B$ is a $G$-principal bundle, which means $G$ acts on $P$ freely and $\pi$ is a locally trivial fibration. Here is a well-known theorem: THeorem: The inverse image functor $\pi^{*}$ ...
JJH's user avatar
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About the left adjoint of $f^*$

In lots of different cases (Verdier duality, Grothendieck duality, étale cohomology, ...) the very existence of a (right) adjoint to the sheaf functor $f_!$ gives useful information. (I'm going to ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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How "commutative" are Cech cochains of a sheaf of commutative (dg) algebras?

Let $X$ be a topological space and $\mathcal{F}$ be a sheaf of commutative dg-algebras over $X$. Let $\mathfrak{U}$ be a fixed open covering of $X$ and $C^\bullet(\mathfrak{U},\mathcal{F})$ be the ...
algebrachallenged's user avatar
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Constructible sheaves on general stratified spaces

I am not an expert in the field, so my question might be rather standard. Let $X$ be a compact metric space. Assume that $X=\cup_{i=1}^NS_i$ is a finite disjoint union of locally closed topological ...
asv's user avatar
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Push forward of the constant sheaf for a Serre's fibration

Let $f\colon X\to Y$ be a proper continuous map of topological spaces which is a Serre's fibration. $X$ and $Y$ may be assumed to be locally compact, $Y$ is connected topological manifold of finite ...
asv's user avatar
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Explicit examples presheaves associated to higher direct images which fail to be sheaves

So I would like to have a few simple examples where the presheaf associated to higher direct image of sheaf fails to be sheaf. So I'm looking for two (natural and simple) topological spaces $X$ and $Y$...
Hugo Chapdelaine's user avatar
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Bott & Tu differential forms Example 10.1

In Bott & Tu's "Differential forms", Example 10.1 states: $\textbf{Example 10.1}$ Let $\pi: E \to M$ be a fiber bundle with fiber $F$. Define a presheaf on $M$ by $\mathcal F(U) = H^q(\...
Jaehwan Kim's user avatar
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Is there a Čech-like way of computing $H^\bullet(X,M^\bullet)$ or even $\mathsf{R}f_* M^\bullet$?

Let $X$ be a topological space (or a site) and let $M$ be a sheaf on $X$. If $X$ is paracompact, or if $X$ is a noetherian separated scheme and $M$ is quasi-coherent, or if $X$ is quasi-projective ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Equivalence of different cohomology groups

Let $X$ be a topological space (may be assumed to be locally compact). Let $A$ be either a field or $\mathbb{Z}$. One can consider various cohomology groups: (1) singular cohomology $H_{sing}^*(X,A)$;...
asv's user avatar
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Euler Characteristic of Coverings via Sheaf Theory

Let $X$ be a nice space (compact $CW$-complex or triangulated space, compact manifold, whatever works), $f:Y\to X$ be a finite covering of degree $n$, and $\chi(X)$ be the euler characteristic. By the ...
Oliver Straser's user avatar
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Sheaves and gratings

A grating is a notion in algebraic topology from the 1940 introduced by Alexander. Cartan extended it as follows. A grating (carapace in french) is defined by a topological space $X$, a module (or a ...
coudy's user avatar
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On push-forward of the constant sheaf for fibrations

Let $f\colon E\to B$ be a fiber bundle with a connected fiber $F$, $f$ is proper. Let $\underline{\mathbb{C}}_E$ be the constant sheaf on $E$. Let $f_*(\underline{\mathbb{C}}_E)$ denote its direct ...
asv's user avatar
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$G$-torsor for topological space compared to that for sheaf of groups

I just read about the definitions about torsor of sheaf of groups and get a bit confused. How does the notion of $G$-torsor for a topological space compared to that of a sheaf of groups? Is there a ...
Nicky's user avatar
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Holomorphic logarithmic De Rham complex

Let $X$ be a complex variety of dimension $n$ and $D$ a smooth hypersurface. Let $\Omega_X(logD)^*$ be the holomorphic logarithmic De Rham complex: $\omega\in \Omega_X(logD)^k$ is a form of degree $k$...
Neil Fellmann's user avatar
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Homotopy-theoretic measure of operations on sheaves failing to be sheaves

Here's something I've been wondering about for a few weeks: Consider a topological space $X$ and a sheaf of rings $\mathscr O_X$ on $X$. Suppose $\mathscr{F}$ and $\mathscr{G}$ are $\mathscr O_X$ ...
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Exercise concerning locally constant presheaves [closed]

Let $\mathscr{F}$ be a presheaf of abelian groups on some topological space $X$. We say that $\mathscr{F}$ is locally constant if there exists an open cover $\mathcal{U}$ of $X$ (i.e. $X=\bigcup_{U\in\...
Jesko Hüttenhain's user avatar
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system of local coefficients on X, locally constant sheaves and orientation sheaves

Hi, I try to understand the orientation sheaves. When searching it in the google, i meet new areas such as local coefficient system and locally constant sheaves. I realize that any system of local ...
zatilokum's user avatar
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Subspace inclusion with non-vanishing higher direct images

I'm looking for concrete topological intuition for the derived pushforward. Let $f:X\to Y$ be a continuous map. The derived pushforward $\mathbf Rf_\ast$ takes a sheaf $F$ to the sheafification of ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Relation between sheaf and group cohomology

Let $E=\mathbb{C}/L$ be an elliptic curve. Then $\mathbb{C}$ is contractible, and $L$ is the fundamental group of $E$. What's interesting is that we can find the cohomology of $E$, which is the same ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Cohomology of the complement of a subvariety

Let $X$ be a complex manifold, $Y\subset X$ a subvariety, and $U:=X\setminus Y$ of codimension $d$. It is well known that the restriction map $$ H^i(X,\mathbb Q)\to H^i(U,\mathbb Q) $$ is an ...
fgh's user avatar
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(Derived category of) sheaves over an infinite union

The short version of my question is: Suppose $X$ is a (reasonably nice) topological space such that $X = \bigcup_{n \ge 1} X_n$ for an increasing sequence of (closed) subspaces $X_1 \subset X_2 \...
jessetvogel's user avatar
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On the notion of conelike stratified (cs-) space

The notion of cs-stratification of a topological space is apparently due to Siebenmann, see also the paper by N. Habegger and L. Saper in the paper "Intersection cohomology of cs-spaces and Zeeman's ...
asv's user avatar
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The site and the space

There is a (seemingly simple) statement in the literature on sheaf theory, namely, If $E$ is the site of opens of a topological space $X$, the notion of sheaf over $X$ coincides with that of sheaf of ...
user234212323's user avatar
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Does isomorphism on local rings imply the global isomorphism for the sheaf of spectra?

Let's assume we have a sheaf of spectra on some scheme. As an example I will assume that we are working with the $K$-theory sheaf. There are certain local to global spectral sequences, like descent ...
user127776's user avatar
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Characterization of degeneracy of spectral sequence of a fiber bundle at the second term

Let $f\colon E\to B$ be a fiber bundle of compact manifolds with fiber $F$. Assume that the push-forward $Rf_*(\underline{\mathbb{F}})$ in the derived category of the constant sheaf with coefficients ...
asv's user avatar
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Question about the precise statement of Leray spectral sequences and a simple example

On Bott's paper "Homogeneous vector bundles" there is the following statement of Leray spectral sequence: Let $X$ and $Y$ be paracompact and locally compact spaces and $f : Y \to X$ be a proper map....
Max Reinhold Jahnke's user avatar
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Descent of singular cohomology

When proving that singular cohomology of an appropriate space $X$ equals sheaf cohomology of $X$ with "values" (does one say that?) in the sheaf $\mathbb{Z}_X$ of locally constant functions, the ...
user7316's user avatar
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Derived category of local systems of finite type on a $K(\pi,1)$ space: an explicit counterexample

Let $X$ be a nice enough topological space. I am mostly interested in smooth complex algebraic varieties. One may ask whether the bounded derived category of the category $\mathrm{Loc}(X)$ of local ...
Sergey Guminov's user avatar
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Continuous map with homeomorphic fibers whose associated $H^{k}_c$ sheaf is not a local system?

Let $ f: X \to Y$ be a continuous map between connected manifolds s.t. for all $y \in Y$ the fiber $f^{-1}(y)$ is homeomorphic to some fixed connected manifold $Z$. Let $k$ be a ring and for every $...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Dualizing complex of the cone over a manifold

Let $M$ be a smooth (or just topological) closed manifold. Let $C(M)$ denote the cone over $M$, i.e. $C(M)$ equals to $M\times [0,\infty)$ with $M\times \{0\}$ contracted to a point. The image of $M\...
asv's user avatar
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Leray Spectral Sequence

Let $f:X\to Y$ be a smooth map between paracompact differential manifolds $X$ and $Y$. Let $U$ be an open and dense subset of $Y$. For any $y\in U$, let $f^{-1}(y)=F$ be a generic fiber that is a ...
user13559's user avatar
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Pushforward in Compactly Supported Cohomology

Suppose $X,Y$ are locally compact Hausdorff spaces and $f:X\to Y$ is a topological submersion of relative dimension $n$. By this we mean that for all points $x\in X$, there exists an open neighborhood ...
Mohan Swaminathan's user avatar
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Spectral sequences in Hypercohomology of sheaves

Alright, here I go again, don't know if I'm missing something here but let $X$ be a topological space and let $F^{\bullet}$ be a cochain complex of sheaves, I want to compute the cohomology of this ...
Louis A's user avatar
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Orientation Sheaf and Double Cover

The orientation sheaf of an $n$-manifold $M$ is $\mathcal{O}_n=Sheaf(U\mapsto H_n(M,M-U;\mathbb{Z}))$, with stalks given by $(\mathcal{O}_n)_x = lim H_n(M,M-U)=H_n(M,M-x)=\mathbb{Z}$ (the limit is ...
Chris Gerig's user avatar
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Higher direct image with compact support of a constant sheaf

Let $f: X \to Y$ be a locally trivial fibration between locally compact spaces with fiber $F$. It is well known that for a constant sheaf $A_X$ on $X$, the higher direct images $R^n f_* A_X$ are ...
Eduardo de Lorenzo's user avatar
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details of a dévissage argument for constructible sheaves

I am working on the following Künneth-type isomorphism from [SGA5, exposé III, 2,3]: $\mathrm{Settings}.$ Let $X_1, X_2$ be separated finite type schemes over the spectrum of a field $S=\mathrm{Spec}...
Wilhelm's user avatar
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Equivalence of cohomology with compact support

Let $𝑋$ be a connected CW complex, $𝜌:\pi_1(𝑋)→\mathrm{Aut}(G)$ a representation, and $G_\rho$ the associated sheaf. It follows from here, that the following two cohomologies are isomorphic. (1)The ...
Mathstudent's user avatar
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Push-forward of a locally constant sheaf using two homotopic maps

Let $X,Y$ be compact smooth manifolds. Let $f,g\colon X\to Y$ be smooth submersions (in particular, locally trivial bundles) which are homotopic to each other (in the class of smooth maps, not ...
asv's user avatar
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How to deduce Künneth from its relative version (in cohomology of sheaves)

Let $p:X\to S$ and $q:Y\to S$ be morphisms of "spaces" over $S$. We have an isomorphism $$f_!(M\boxtimes N)=p_! M\otimes q_!N$$ in the derived category of "sheaves" over $S$, where ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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How to "intersect" or "refine" a pair of abstract simplicial complexes

Let $S,T$ be abstract simplicial complexes. Is there a (unique) abstract simplicial complex that gives me the most of what is in common with $S$ and $T$? I'm thinking of this as an "intersection," ...
Jānis Lazovskis's user avatar
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Terminology for "global sections" when sheaf is valued in general category

Let $\mathcal F$ be a sheaf (say on a topological space $X$) valued in some category $\mathcal C$. What do we call $\mathcal F(X)$? When $\mathcal C$ is some vaguely linear category (e.g. the ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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Hypercohomology of a complex of sheaves that might be acyclic (or might not)

Back again, check this out, let $X$ be a topological space and let $F^{\bullet}$ be a cochain complex of sheaves, I'm trying to compute the cohomology of the complex of global sections of the sheaves ...
Louis A's user avatar
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Relative version of the cohomology product

Let $f\colon X\to Y$ be a continuous map of 'nice' topological spaces (e.g. $f$ is a smooth map of smooth manifolds; $f$ might be assumed to be proper although I am not sure it is relevant). Let $\...
asv's user avatar
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Examples of nontrivial local systems in Decomposition Theorem

There is a proper map $f: X \rightarrow Y$ of projective varieties. The Decomposition Theorem of Beilinson–Bernstein–Deligne-Gabber states that $$Rf∗IC_X \cong \oplus_a IC_{\bar{Y_a}}(L_a)[shifts]$...
Qiao's user avatar
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