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Finite flat maps

Let $f : A \to B$ be a finite, finitely presented, flat map of (commutative) rings. It is a known consequence of Chevalley's theorem (on constructible sets) that the induced map $Spec B \to Spec A$ is ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Flatness over regular local rings of dimension 3

Let $R$ be a regular local ring of dimension $n$. Let $i:\text{Flat}\to\text{Fin}$ be the fully faithful inclusion of the category of flat finitely generated type $R$-modules into all finitely ...
Matthieu Romagny's user avatar
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On $\text{depth}_S\left(\dfrac {S}{JS+xS}\right)$, when $\text{depth}_R(R/J)=0$, and $R\to S$ is a certain flat map of local rings

Let $(R, \mathfrak m) \xrightarrow{\phi} (S,\mathfrak n) $ be a flat homomorphism of local rings such that $\mathfrak n=\mathfrak m S +xS$ for some $x\in \mathfrak n \setminus \mathfrak n^2$. Let $J$ ...
feder's user avatar
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Finitely generated modules over Noetherian local ring that become isomorphic after faithfully flat base change

Let $(R,\mathfrak m)$ be a Noetherian local ring. Let $S$ be a Noetherian ring which is a faithfully flat $R$-algebra. If $M,N$ are finitely generated $R$-modules such that $M\otimes_R S \cong N \...
user337580's user avatar
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Flatness criterion for $I$-adic ring: $I$-torsion free

Let $R$ be an $I$-adically separated and complete valuation ring, with $I$ finitely generated. It is used a few times in Bosch, Lectures on Formal and Rigid Geometry e.g. first lines of pg. 164, Cor. ...
Bryan Shih's user avatar
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Flatness over a local noetherian ring

Let $(R,\mathfrak m)$ be a local noetherian ring, and $M$ an arbitrary $R$-module. Suppose that $\mathrm{Tor}_1(M,R/\mathfrak m)=0$. Does it follow that $M$ is flat? The answer is positive when $M$ ...
user26857's user avatar
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Flat and algebraic (non-integral) local rings extension $R \subseteq S$ with $m_RS=m_S$

Let $R \subseteq S$ be two Noetherian local rings, not necessarily regular, which are integral domains, with $m_RS=m_S$, namely, the ideal in $S$ generated by $m_R$ (= the maximal ideal of $R$) is $...
user237522's user avatar
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Flatness of certain $R \subseteq \mathbb{C}[x,y]$

The two-dimensional Jacobian Conjecture over $\mathbb{C}$ says the following: Let $p,q \in \mathbb{C}[x,y]$ satisfy $\operatorname{Jac}(p,q):=p_xq_y-p_yq_x \in \mathbb{C}-\{0\}$. Then $\mathbb{C}[p,q]=...
user237522's user avatar
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Flatness of certain subrings

The following question appears, more or less, here: Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero and let $S$ be a commutative $k$-algebra (I do not mind to further assume that $S$ ...
user237522's user avatar
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flatness and reduction

Let $\mathcal J$ be an ideal sheaf on a (Noetherian) $Y$-scheme $X$, and let $\mathcal I$ be the unique primary ideal in a primary decomposition $\mathcal J$ corresponding to a minimal associated ...
Dima Sustretov's user avatar
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Separable non-flat simple ring extension

Let $R \subseteq S$ be two commutative $\mathbb{C}$-algebras such that: (1) $R$ and $S$ are integral domains. (2) $Q(R)=Q(S)$, namely, their fields of fractions are equal. (3) $S=R[w]$, for some $w \...
user237522's user avatar
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Separability of $\mathbb{C}[x]$ over its $\mathbb{C}$-subalgebras

For commutative rings $R \subseteq S$, recall that $S$ is separable over $R$, if $S$ is a projective $S \otimes_R S$-module, via $f: S \otimes_R S \to S$ given by: $f(s_1 \otimes_R s_2)=s_1s_2$. ...
user237522's user avatar
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The local flatness criterion

I am self studying the book "Commutative Ring Theory" by H. Matsumura. The main theorem of section 22 is the theorem 22.3, which characterizes flatness of a module $M$ over any ring $A$. The (part of ...
KkD's user avatar
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Faithful flatness of left adjoint to almostification of algebras

I have been reading Bhatt's notes on perfectoid spaces and I have stumbled upon a fact whose proof I am unable to understand. Specifically, in Remark 4.2.8 Bhatt describes the functor $A\mapsto A_{!!}$...
Wojowu's user avatar
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When $K[X_1,X_2,...,X_n] \to K[Y_1,Y_2,...,Y_m]$ is a flat morphism

Let $K$ be a field and $\varphi: K[X_1,X_2,...,X_n] \to K[Y_1,Y_2,...,Y_m]$ a polynomial $K$-algebra morphism. Assume $n, m \ge 2$. By definition $\varphi$ endows $K[Y_1,Y_2,...,Y_m]$ with a $K[X_1,...
user267839's user avatar
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How general are Gröbner degenerations?

While working with flat degenerations of flag varieties and Schubert varieties I've noticed that among the numerous known constructions there doesn't seem to be a single one that doesn't turn out to ...
Igor Makhlin's user avatar
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When flatness of $S$ over $R_i$ implies flatness of $S$ over the ring generated by $R_1,R_2$

The following question I have asked in MSE, but have not received an answer, so I ask it here; I really apologize if it is not suitable for MO. Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero and let $R_1,...
user237522's user avatar
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Flatness of certain quotient rings

Let $p,q \in \mathbb{C}[x,y]$ be two polynomials such that $p_xp_yq_xq_y \neq 0$ (namely, each partial derivative is non-zero). Assume that the following four conditions are satisfied: (1) $\frac{\...
user237522's user avatar
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Regular rings and finite flat modules

Let $A$ be a Noetherian domain. Assume $f:A\rightarrow B$ is an injective homomorphism making $B$ into a finite flat module over $A$. If $B$ is regular is $A$ regular as well? I played with some ...
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Non-minimal Krull associated primes of a PF-ring

A commutative ring $R$ is said to be a PF-ring if every principal ideal of $R$ is a flat $R$-module. Also, a prime ideal $P$ of $R$ to be a Krull associated prime of $R$ if for every element $x\in P$ ,...
user140640's user avatar
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Flatness of modules over dual numbers

Let $X$ be a smooth, affine complex surface, and $M$ be a coherent $\mathcal{O}_X$-module. Denote by $D:=\mbox{Spec}(\mathbb{C}[t]/(t^2))$ and $X_D:=X \times_{\mathbb{C}} D$, the trivial deformation ...
Chen's user avatar
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Is the support of a flat module generically flat?

Let $X$ be an affine, complex variety, $A$ be a $\mathbb{C}$-algebra (not necessarily noetherian) and $F_A$ is a coherent sheaf over $X \times \mbox{Spec}(A)$, flat over $\mbox{Spec}(A)$. Denote by $Y ...
Chen's user avatar
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Self-flat modules

(This is inspired by this question and asked out of pure curiosity.) Let $R$ be a commutative ring. Let $M$ and $N$ be $R$-modules. Then, $N$ is called $M$-flat if whenever $M'\rightarrow M$ is a ...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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Iteration of a morphism and flatness

Let $A$ be a Noetherian local ring, $f:A \rightarrow A$ be a local ring morphism. Assume some power of $f$ is a flat morphism, must $f$ be flat as well? Motivation: Kunz's theorem shows the result is ...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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Lifting flat modules over ring quotients

Let $R$ be a commutative ring, $I$ its ideal, and $\bar{R}=R/I$. For which flat $\bar{R}$-modules $\bar{F}$ is there a flat $R$-module $F$ such that $F \otimes_R R/I \simeq \bar{F}$? By Lazard's ...
Fred.Fred's user avatar
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Idea behind Grothendieck's proof that formally smooth implies flat?

From this answer I learned that Grothendieck proved the following result. Theorem. Every formally smooth morphism between locally noetherian schemes is flat. The book Smoothness, Regularity, and ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Flatness of $Hom_R(M,M)$

The question is simple and clear: Let $M$ be an $R$-module, where $R$ is a commutative ring with an identity. When the $R$-module $Hom_R(M,M)$ is flat?
Peyman Nasehpour's user avatar
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Descent of flatness from algebras to monoids II

This is a follow-up question to this one. There, Benjamin Steinberg showed that a morphism of commutative monoids $u$ need not be flat if the induced morphism of $R$-algebras $R[u]$ is flat for some ...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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Descent of flatness from algebras to monoids

Consider a morphism of commutative monoids $u\colon M\rightarrow N$. We say that $u$ is flat, if the tensor product functor $\bullet\otimes_MN$ from the category of $M$-modules to the category of $N$-...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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Being Cohen-Macaulay open in Hilbert scheme?

Let $H$ be the Hilbert scheme of closed subschemes of $\mathbb{P}^n$ with a given Hilbert polynomial. I would like to have a reference (preferably from a published paper or book, not stacks project) ...
Hans's user avatar
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Exterior power of a torsion-free sheaf on a DVR

Let $R$ be a discrete valuation ring and $X$ be a regular, integral. projective $R$-scheme, flat over $R$. Let $F$ be a torsion-free coherent sheaf on $X$ of rank $n$, flat over $\mathrm{Spec}(R)$. Is ...
Ron's user avatar
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Is flatness preserved under exterior power

Let $\phi:A \to B$ be a flat ring homomorphism, $M$ be a $B$-module which is flat when considered as an $A$-module. Is the tensor product $M \otimes_B M \otimes_B ... \otimes_B M$ flat over $A$? If ...
Ron's user avatar
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Every finitely generated flat module over a ring with finitely many minimal primes is projective

Over a commutative ring $R$, a finite type locally free (weak sense) module for which the rank function is locally constant is projective. If we notice that for each minimal prime $p$ of the ring, ...
brunoh's user avatar
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Projective dimension of a quotient ring

Assume $A$ and $B$ are commutative algebras with $1$, $B = A[z] = A[Z]/(h(Z))$, $Z$ an indeterminate. The first comment in this question says that, if $A$ is noetherian, then $pd_{B\otimes_A B}(B) \...
user237522's user avatar
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Deciding whether a non-f.g. non-divisible flat module is projective or not

Assume $S= R[T]/(f)= R[w]$ is a flat non-divisible $R$-module, where $R$ is a noetherian UFD, $T$ is an indeterminate over $R$, and $f\in R[T]$ is a non-monic polynomial of positive degree. Can we ...
user237522's user avatar
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When $mB \neq B$? $m$ is a maximal ideal of $A$, $A \subseteq B$

The following is a question I have asked here without receiving any comments, therefore I post it here: Let $A \subseteq B$ be commutative rings, $m$ a maximal ideal of $A$. When $mB \neq B$? This ...
user237522's user avatar
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Flatness of a simple ring extension

Assume $A \subseteq B=A[b]$ are integral domains, $b \in B$ is algebraic over $A$ (but not necessarily integral over $A$), and $A$ and $B$ have the same field of fractions. (Notice that $b=u/v$ for ...
user237522's user avatar
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R[[X]] flat as a R[X]-module?

I assume $R[X]\rightarrow R[[X]]$ is not flat in general, but I was wondering if any conditions on a commutative ring $R$ are known such that $R[[X]]$ is flat as a $R[X]$-module. Would $R$ noetherian ...
Garland's user avatar
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Injective flat module

Let $R$ be a (right noetherian) ring. Is there always a right $R$-module which is both flat and injective? If $R$ is an integral domain, then the answer is indeed yes, as the quotient field is such. ...
Fred.Fred's user avatar
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Does the going-up theorem hold between flat algebras?

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian ring with unit and $S$ a flat $R$-algebra. Does the going-up theorem hold between $R$ and $S$?
user 1's user avatar
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Faithful-flatness for maps of formal power series rings

Let $R$ be a ring (commutative with unit).Let $f_1,...,f_n\in R$ elements that generate the unit ideal. The map $R\to R_{f_1}\times ...\times R_{f_n}$ is faithfully flat, since this is just a Zariski ...
user41340's user avatar
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on smoothness of morphisms on an artinian base

Let $A$, $B$ two smooth $R$-algebras of finite type for a artinian local ring $R$. Let $I$ an ideal such that $I^{2}=0$ and $\bar{R}=R/I$. We assume that the map $Spec B/IB\rightarrow Spec A/IA$ is ...
prochet's user avatar
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flatness of power series rings

It is known that $A[[X]]$ is flat if $A$ is noetherian (see for example Bourbaki, Algèbre commutative, Ch. III, §3, Cor. 3 p. 146). What happens if A is not noetherian? Is there an easy counter-...
Baptiste Calmès's user avatar
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Formal criterion of flatness

Let $k$ be a field, $S$ and $R$ be local $k$-algebras with residue field $k$ and $\phi:S\to R$ be a local homomorphism. Then $\phi$ induces (obviously) a natural transformation of "functors of points" ...
Piotr Achinger's user avatar
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Are irreducible components of a flat family flat?

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a flat morphism of schemes of finite type over a field $k$, and assume $Y$ is irreducible. Let $X_1, \dots, X_n$ be the scheme-theoretic irreducible components of $X$ (i.e., ...
quim's user avatar
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Can flatness be specified by a natural coherent sheaf?

More precisely: Given a finite-type morphism $f \colon X \to Y$ of nice schemes (say, both of finite type over a field), is there a "natural" coherent sheaf $\mathcal F_f$ on $X$ such that the ...
Charles Staats's user avatar
13 votes
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Does smoothness descend along flat morphisms?

Suppose $f:X\to Y$ is a flat morphism of schemes. If $X$ is smooth at $x$, must $Y$ be smooth at $f(x)$? If $f$ is locally finitely presented, then it is open (using EGA IV 1.10.4), so after ...
Anton Geraschenko's user avatar
16 votes
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Is the support of a flat sheaf flat?

Note: in the following, all scheme/algebra morphisms should be assumed essentially of finite type. Geometric version: Let $X$ be a scheme flat over $S$ (both noetherian), and let $\mathscr{F}$ be a ...
Charles Staats's user avatar
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Subtle examples of morphisms that are finite but not flat

Let $R$ be a ring (commutative noetherian with unit), and let $K(R)$ be its total ring of fractions (obtained by inverting all nonzerodivisors). Thus, $R \hookrightarrow K(R)$. Let $a \in K(R)$ be ...
Charles Staats's user avatar
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Alternative module-theoretic characterization of flatness

Let $A \to B$ be a homomorphism of commutative rings. I would like to find a criterion for the flatness of $A \to B$ which does not involve the notion of kernels; it should rather involve cokernels. ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar