Linked Questions

9 votes
4 answers

How may I find all continuous and bounded functions g with the following property?

Find all continuous and bounded functions $g$ with : $$\forall x \in \mathbb R, 4g(x)=g(x+1)+g(x-1)+g(x+\pi)+g(x-\pi).$$ I have posted this question here, but received no answer.
Dattier's user avatar
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6 votes
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Solve $f(x)=\int_{x-1}^{x+1} f(t) \mathrm{d}t$

Solve $f(x)=\int_{x-1}^{x+1} f(t) \mathrm{d}t$. When $f$ is a function, it looks like the only solution is $f(x)=0$. But what if we allow distributions, such as the Dirac delta?
Ricbit's user avatar
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3 answers

Fourier Transform, for entire function

On THIS site, Alexandre used Fourier transform to solve the problem. If we use Fourier transform, how to define it to ensure any entire function has a FT? Classical FT is defined by $$ \mathcal{F}[f]...
Lwins's user avatar
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2 answers

One question about a specific first-order differential equation

Find the function-constant pairs $\langle f(x),c\rangle$ that satisfy the differential equation below: $$f'(x)=f(x+c),$$ where $c \in \mathbb{C}$ and $f(x) \in \mathbb{C}$. I found two families of ...
user369335's user avatar
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2 answers

Solving the functional equation $2f(x)=f(x+a_n)+f(x-a_n)$

Let $a_n$ be a sequence of strictly positive real numbers such that $\lim_{n \to \infty}a_n=0$. Find all functions $f: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ that admit primitives (i.e. there exists a function $F:...
Shthephathord23's user avatar
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Unusual Differential Equation for CDF

Consider the following differential equation $$F(cx) = F(x) + x F'(x)$$ for $c>1$. Does this differential equation belong to a some well known class? Is there a way to find all the solutions $F(...
pzryumov's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Eigenfunctions of an infinite summation operator

I would like to find ALL eigenfunctions to the operator, for $f$ a real function on R+*: $f \rightarrow \sum_{1}^{\infty} f(nx)$ So to find $f$ such that: $\sum_{1}^{\infty} f(nx) = \lambda f(x)$ ...
Bertrand's user avatar
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How to solve a linear algebraic complex equation in one function evaluated at different arguments?

Hello, I am trying to solve an equation of the form $C_1 f(k_1 z) + C_2 f(k_2 z) + C_3 f(k_3 z) + C_4 f(k_4 z) = C_5 z^2$ for $f(z)$. Everything is complex. The $C_i$'s and $k_i$'s depend on some ...
Eric's user avatar
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0 votes
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Differential equation problem

I am stuck on a problem for a while. How do I solve $f'(x)=-kf(x-1)$? Unlike normal questions which has $f(x)$ on the RHS, this has $f(x-1)$ which has me stumped.
user146511's user avatar
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Reference for numerical solutions for differential equations like $f'(x)=f(x+1)+f(x-1)$

One can solve a delay differential equation (like for example $f'(x)=f(x-1)$) if we have a function as a bounded condition (in my example we need to know $f$ on $[0,1)$) and then use a simple forward ...
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