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Remke Kloosterman's user avatar
Remke Kloosterman's user avatar
Remke Kloosterman
  • Member for 14 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
4 votes

Is there a description of the moduli space of elliptic surfaces?

4 votes

Mordell-Weil Group of Elliptic Surface

4 votes

Smooth in codimension-k and the weight filtration

4 votes

Non-coprime solutions to x^n+y^n = z^2

4 votes

Question on K3 Surface

4 votes

weight 4 eigenforms with rational coefficients---is it reasonable to expect they all come from Calabi-Yaus?

3 votes

Sufficient conditions to tell whether a surface contains a line

3 votes

Polarizations of K3 surfaces over finite fields

3 votes

Neron-Severi Lattice of Elliptic K3

3 votes

Cohomology of Hypersurface complement

3 votes

no lines/conics on a degree 4/5 surface?

3 votes

Complements to duals of smooth curves

3 votes

Automorphisms of generic complete intersections

2 votes

Constructing affine hypersurfaces with one singularity

2 votes

Number of Elliptic fiberation

2 votes

$b_2$ of the blow up of a complex $3$-fold in a curve

1 vote

Infinitely many rational nt multisection in elliptic K3 surfaces by deformation theory

1 vote

zeros of a homogeneous polynomial

1 vote

What is $h^0(\mathcal O_F)$ where $F$ is a fiber of a normal surface over a smooth curve?

1 vote

The locus of rational/elliptic curves on a special surface in $\mathbb{P}^3$

1 vote

A condition on isolated singularity

0 votes

Higher cohomology of sheaves on a projective space