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Peter Scholze's user avatar
Peter Scholze
  • Member for 14 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
17 votes

Is there a "universal" cohomology theory for varieties over p-adic fields?

17 votes

Yoga of six functors for group representations?

17 votes

What does the topos of (light) condensed sets classify?

16 votes

6-functor formalism for topological stacks

16 votes

How many untilts?

15 votes

Conjectures of Peter Scholze about q-de Rham complex: examples

14 votes

Condensed / pyknotic approach to orbifolds?

13 votes

On the definition of the etale site of an adic space

13 votes

Deformations of the punctured affine plane

13 votes

Homology of the étale homotopy type

13 votes

Intrinsic topology on the Zariski spectrum

13 votes

Can we use Mann's six-functor formalism with D-modules?

13 votes

Are condensed sets (locally) cartesian closed?

12 votes

Does $0\to I\to\mathrm{Gal}_K\to\mathrm{Gal}_k\to 0$ always split?

12 votes

Infinity-categorical analogue of compact Hausdorff

12 votes

Cohesion relative to a pyknotic/condensed base

12 votes

Ways to prove the fundamental theorem of algebra

12 votes

Mixing solids and liquids

12 votes

Is there a good theory of solid vector spaces?

11 votes

Perfectoid approach to resolution of singularities in char $p$

11 votes

Accumulation of algebraic subvarieties: Near one subvariety there are many others (?), 3

10 votes

Example of a $p$-divisible group that is not representable by a formal scheme

10 votes

Solidification of free abelian group on compact Hausdorff space

10 votes

Condensed / pyknotic sets in terms of forcing over Boolean-valued models of set theory / multiverse concepts?

10 votes

Reflection principle vs universes

10 votes

Are absolute Galois groups condensed?

10 votes

How does the cohomology of the Lubin-Tate/Drinfeld tower fit into categorical p-adic local Langlands?

9 votes

Topology on $p$-adic period ring in an article by Fontaine

9 votes

A hypercover of profinite sets as a limit of hypercovers of finite sets

9 votes

Some questions from the paper by Scholze-Weinstein