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KP Hart
  • Member for 14 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
6 votes

Embeddability into $\beta\omega$ and $\omega^*$

6 votes

Does every open set contain a dense $F_{\sigma}$ subset?

6 votes

Is each Parovichenko compact space homeomorphic to the remainder of a soft compactification of $\mathbb N$?

6 votes

The Stone-Čech compactification of the fixed point set

6 votes

Two definitions of Lebesgue covering dimension

6 votes

Who was the first to propose a formal definition of infinity?

6 votes

$|\mathsf{RO}(X)|$ vs. $|\tau_X|$ for Tychonoff spaces

5 votes

Points in the Stone Cech compactification are intersection of open sets

5 votes

Is there a metric separable space with the following properties...?

5 votes

Stone-Čech compactification of a Boolean subalgebra of $\{0,1\}^S$

5 votes

Tychonoff-ization and Urysohn (functionally Hausdorff) topological spaces

5 votes

One-dimensional compacta as projective limits

5 votes

A problem of non-emptiness of intersections of certain chains of regular open sets

5 votes

The closure of the set of injective continuous functions

5 votes

Spaces whose interiors of retracts is a base of the topology

5 votes

A question about locally compact spaces

5 votes

Self-homeomorphism of Stone-Čech boundary with an isolated fixed point

5 votes

O. Frink's characterization of completely regular spaces

5 votes

Characterization of Tychonoff spaces in terms of open sets

5 votes

Relatively countably compact subsets without countably compact closure.

5 votes

Nonmetrizable uniformities with metrizable topologies

5 votes

closed subset of weakly lindelof

5 votes

Difference between Laver's and Mathias's forcing

4 votes

Local convexity of C([a,b])

4 votes

Counterexample about Jones lemma with special weak condition.

4 votes

Is there such a thing as the sigma-completion of a Boolean algebra?

4 votes

A question about disconnecting a Euclidean space or a Hilbert space

4 votes

Could $I^X$ be seen as a subspace of $I^{\beta X}$ under the compact-open topology?

4 votes

Connectedness and the real line

4 votes

Why is the Hahn-Banach theorem so important?

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