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Finn Lawler's user avatar
Finn Lawler's user avatar
Finn Lawler
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Trinity College, Dublin
4 votes

Computing colimits in a Lawvere theory

4 votes

Positive & Negative Arity

4 votes

Adjunctions form a stack

4 votes

a “self-dual” adjunction

3 votes

Strong colimits of categories.

3 votes

When does the 2-category V-Cat have pseudo-pullbacks?

3 votes

Need a reference for cones and limits that does this...

3 votes

Terminology: lax vs. oplax colimits

3 votes

Lattice of subcategories: subobject classifier in Cat

3 votes

Reference Request(Enriched Categories): Metric on Lipschitz Continuous Functions

3 votes

Codomain fibration.

3 votes

Fiction books about mathematicians?

2 votes

Basic category theory: Universality of adjunction unit is justified by Yoneda Proposition in Mac Lane's text

2 votes

Functor generalisation

2 votes

Categorical Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogorov interpretation

2 votes

Is there a notion of congruence relation for essentially algebraic structures?

2 votes

Lax universality for lax limits

2 votes

Monomorphisms in functor categories

2 votes

Possible semantics for categorical co-constness

2 votes

Condition of possibility = Co-Implication

2 votes

compact elements and continuous functors

2 votes

Name of "slice" category with 2-cells as morphisms ?

2 votes

Reference Request: Lax Ends

1 vote

Double Direct Systems and Switching of Direct Limits

1 vote

Are fibrations coreflective in a 2-category?

1 vote

Controlling Reflective Subcategories and Localizations

0 votes

Is there a sensible way to enrich over SymMonCat such that id_X is not the monoidal unit?

0 votes

A better way to compute the mapping spaces of the category of spans in an enriched tensored category?